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8 Books That Will Change How You Think

4 min read ⌚ 

books that make you thinkIn general, we all live in a small little world, designed to support our goals and vision. Truthfully, this little thing that we call “mind” – is actually the end product of our thinking patterns.

On numerous occasions, the world has shown that these thoughts and emotions come only as a result of our belief system. As you can see, their trustworthiness is at stake, and one must take a strong defensive stance to protect its shallow limitations.

At what cost? – Perhaps, the society ought to awake from a deep sleep and see the big picture. The cultural, religious, national and traditional background have an essential role in developing a person’s mindset.

Experts and self-aware gurus tackle ignorance with tips that are easily applicable and acceptable to most people. However, few don’t want to follow this example and stick to their foolish ideas and superficial beliefs.

In this article, we would like to list a dozen books that will ultimately trigger a new behavior, and hopefully transform you into a happy and self-confident person.


Books That Will Change How You Think#1. Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

We unconsciously underestimate the influence of random events that shape our lives and determine our future. “Fooled by Randomness” explains why you shouldn’t so quickly disregard the impact of luck and embrace the uncertainty.

In this book, you will be introduced to the idea of changeableness and hopefully open your eyes to the possibility that you can’t govern everything. Nassim Taleb also goes into detail about decision-making and how sometimes randomly selected groups can outsmart intelligent individuals.

books that changed the way you think#2. Thoughts Without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective – Mark Epstein

Mark uncovers the basics of Buddhist teaching and targets Westerners. Monks throughout centuries have been considered as the ultimate force against depression and anxiety. Find your inner reality; stop running around absent purpose, just adapting to different environments.

Thoughts Without a Thinker” gives a new logic to the world and clears up some misleading concepts that contribute to unhappiness. With such force ragging towards you, it’s best to be on the lookout for proven techniques and options.

books that changed the way you think#3. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink

First, “Drive” focuses on maintaining total control of human behavior, especially at work. To evoke such mindset, Daniel recommends the usability of the well-known risk/reward system to stimulate productiveness and confront laziness.

With this model in mind, many companies drive their employees forward by adjusting the system to their practices and policies. A well-written plan can be decisive in the battle against competitiveness among workers and crucial when it comes to fulfilling the company’s vision.

books will change way you think#4. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking – Susan Cain

Both introverts and extroverts play a significant role in helping the society to create value for its members. In every environment, you can find various personalities that have proven their worth to the world with their ideas and potential.

When reading “Quiet” by Susan Cain, you will receive in-depth knowledge about the differences between these two groups, and how we can turn this into our advantage. Instead of opposing varieties, we must embrace and convert them into an acceptable form of life.

best books on thinking#5. Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness – Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein

Who knows what is hiding in the future? – Sometimes we act as though we have all the information. In truth, this notion gives you only a sense of false security that ultimately fails to prove its point. The most challenging part is for us to resist the manipulation emerging from external factors that try to control your movement.

Nudge” emphasizes the value of these tendencies and promotes a healthy way of opposing them. With a bit of practice and sincerity, you can really get the better of them and hopefully achieve happiness without having to adjust to anyone or anything.

books that changed your perception#6. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – Carol S. Dweck

Mindset” is a book that is written to describe how our limitations and beliefs define our way of life. If you can’t cope with your self-imposed ideas that you have about yourself, you’ll end up stuck, without room for progress.

Some persons nurture an inflexible attitude that brings them all sorts of sadness. Without openness to various scenarios, you will always be on the verge of emotional breakdown. Developing a “growth” mindset takes time and patience, but it sure is worth it.

books change the way you think#7. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

In the past, becoming rich was a privilege only for a small circle of people, who had access to various information and top education. Nowadays, when wealth is no longer a hereditary matter, we all share pretty much the same opportunity of finding it.

As money seekers, we must adjust to the digital age, and exploit our full potential. Seize the day – they say, but what’s the real meaning? – It indicates that you should not waste your time doing things that produce little worth and start operating with precision and dedication.

best books about thinking#8. The Power of Positive Thinking – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Peale, again and again, places emphasis on the power of faith when conducting any activity. He implies that you must believe in victory, before reaching it. In a race against time, Norman presents practical tips that are underlined in “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

Your ambitions must be matched with the right dose of hope and realistic incentives. By reading it, you’ll understand how to:

    • Believe in yourself, regardless of the circumstances
    • Ignite that inner power from within
    • Develop a new plan for reaching your goals
    • Improve your relationships with other people
    • Disregard the worry habit and strive for peacefulness and relaxation
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself

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Final Notes

Our thoughts are the greatest weaponry we got to defend ourselves against harmful influences.

If you feel a yearning for reaching the desired destination, perhaps you should change your mindset entirely, before you proceed.

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