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Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach Summary

3 min read ⌚ 

Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach SummaryUse Your Knowledge, Experience and Intuition to Help Leaders Excel

Everyone, even people in the high-level corporate jobs sometimes need support and guidance.

In such moments there is one person to call: an executive coach.

Read this book and find out what you can do on the way to “Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach”.

About Michael Frisch, Robert Lee, Karen L. Metzger, Jeremy Robinson and Judy Rosemarin

Michael H. Frisch, Robert J. Lee, Karen L. Metzger, Jeremy Robinson and Judy Rosemarin are all executive coaches in possession of substantial academic and consulting.

“Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach Summary”

What does it take to be a successful executive coach? Is it talent or is it a result of hard work best professional experience?

Of course, just like with everything in life success in the field of executive coaching depends on a series of essential steps which a coach should take to become truly exceptional.

Now, before we dig deeper into the process of becoming an excellent executive coach, let’s define what good coaching is.

Good coaching means inspiring and engaging other people and executives in the process of self-discovery and self-creation.

To do this, there is no concrete formula.

Each coach practices his own coaching style.

Hence, for every coach, the shaping of their personal model of coaching is vital.

Creating a unique personal model distinguishes normal couches to exceptional ones.

Okay, but how can you create a personal model of coaching?

The process begins with self-reflection. You have to understand the kind of person you are, your talents, and your skills.

Ask yourself a few questions like what kind of techniques would you prefer if you were a client or how can you use your skills and talents in the organisational context?

Even after you begin the coaching process, note the experiences you have regarding your weaknesses your boundaries and your strengths. Make sure you keep track what works and what does not.

Reflection will help you see opportunities for improvement and ultimately stand out among other coaches.

Developing your own personal model takes a considerable amount of time.

However, once you acquire it, you will have a foundation in which you can transform and grow as you become more confident in your approach and gain more experiences.

Key Lessons from “Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach”

1.      Engagement Management
2.      Research Your Client
3.      Turn Your Goals Into Action

Engagement Management

To be able to provide exceptional executive coaching, all parties need to be invested in the process and share the same vision.

In other words, all parties should be aligned.

You can achieve this by managing engagement during the whole time by considering different questions.

Create a coaching contract that includes the confidentiality agreements, the time frame, the steps involved in the process, find the frequency off to planned meetings.

Having a clear contract we will make sure you steer away from misunderstandings and problems later on.

Research Your Client

You cannot help your client if you do not understand who they are and what they want.

And, in order to know your clients need to gather qualitative and quantitative data.

you can collect quantitative data through various forms such as self-assessment or questionnaires completed by the client or the client’s immediate colleagues.

Qualitative data, on the other hand, is a result of your own personal observations as well as the impressions about him.

The most frequently used method for gathering qualitative data in executive coaching is interviewing a client’s colleagues.

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Turn Your Goals Into Action

After collecting the data site about your client, you can pinpoint the location where changes needed to happen, as well as the reason why.

The next step is putting your goals into action by creating a development plan, which is actually a translation of the need for change into tangible goals.

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