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Category: Innovation

Hooked Summary

Hooked Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Build Habit-Forming Products You live a life that is formed by your habits. In the following summary of “Hooked,” we will show you how you can create and advertise products in a way that gets your customers hooked on it. Read on to find out all aspects of the Hook […]

The Jazz Process Summary

The Jazz Process Summary

5 min read ⌚ Collaboration, Innovation, and Agility Business is like music. Teamwork is like playing in a band. Read our summary of “The Jazz Process” and learn how to create a perfect balance between your creativity, and teamwork. Doing this will lead you to understand the business better, and succeeding in the market. Who Should […]

The Supply-Based Advantage Summary

The Supply-Based Advantage Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Link Suppliers to Your Organization’s Corporate Strategy We bet that you don’t even pay so much attention to suppliers – a mistake that fortunately can be corrected. Building relationships with them is the key element to prosperous future. We summarize the main discoveries found in “The Supply-Based Advantage” for […]

The Momentum Effect Summary

The Momentum Effect Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Ignite Exceptional Growth See how momentum generates superiority, competitive edge and consequently leads to profits. Who Should Read “The Momentum Effect”? And Why? “The Momentum Effect” is proven to be a valuable asset for managers, leaders, mentors, executives, seniors, financial advisors, consultants and other individuals whose opinion means something. Frequently, […]

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto