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Category: Life Advice

Buddha’s Brain Summary

Buddha’s Brain Summary Buddha's Brain Summary

6 min read ⌚  The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom OK, we’ve encountered upon some kind of a pattern: When we aren’t writing summaries of scientists writing on scientific matters (the cosmos, the future of the mind, evolution, etc.) we are writing summaries of scientists writing about popular non-scientific subjects (like, self-help and […]

Seth Godin Quotes

Seth Godin Quotes

7 min read ⌚ Before we unveil our number one Quote of the day, we’ll briefly explain why we chose Seth Godin. Over the years, he has proven to be one of America’s finest “manufacturer” of quotes. All joking aside, he truly is a “Linchpin” when it comes to love quotes. The author of “Tribes” deservedly […]

And the Good News Is Summary

And the Good News Is Summary And the Good News Is... Summary

6 min read ⌚  Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about getting a job on Capitol Hill? Who hasn’t, right? But, you’re just a regular kid living in some rural area and it must all be a pipe dream, mustn’t it? And the good news is… Well, that […]

The Four Agreements BEST Quotes – Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements BEST Quotes – Don Miguel Ruiz

5 min read ⌚  The Four Agreements Summary reveals the mastery and courage of full transformation. We must eradicate the habit of making endless mistakes unless we perceive them as life-lessons – one of the masteries of the Toltec. Facilitate the connection between the outer and inner world! You don’t have to burn in an […]

GREATEST The Fifth Agreement Summary

GREATEST The Fifth Agreement Summary

5 min read ⌚ A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery Growing up doesn’t mean stop exploring, and taking a defensive stance. It’s needless to say that often things flow in a predictable direction. What prevents you from tackling these self-imposed restrictions? In this book summary, we reveal all the critical elements for avoiding capture! Who Should Read […]

Less Doing, More Living Summary

Less Doing, More Living Summary

5 min read ⌚ Make Everything in Life Easier Everyone in this world suffers from stress. However, there are ways to relieve it. In our summary of “Less Doing, More Living” we will teach you this simple philosophy that will reduce the stress in your life. Who Should Read “Less Doing, More Living”? and Why? Most […]

Grit Summary

Grit Summary

17 min read ⌚ The Power of Passion and Perseverance Remember that time you started doing that something you loved and you gave up after only a few days? Then the disappointment came, and after a while, depression settled in. Why should it have been any different? You had the talent, you had the time, and […]

The Art of Influencing Anyone Summary

The Art of Influencing Anyone Summary

4 min read ⌚ If you are ready for next step in making an impact on anyone, “The Art of Influencing” would do the job. We briefly summarize the key assets for you to become the next decision-maker! Who Should Read “The Art of Influencing Anyone”? And Why? This book opposes one very common view, and […]

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto