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Category: Management

Competitive Strategy Summary

Competitive Strategy Summary

10 min read ⌚ MicroSummary: Michael Porter is one of the gurus of contemporary management. In his book Competitive Advantage, he transformed theory and practice of business strategy teachings around the world. The book is brilliant and incredibly simple, so reading is a must. In it, Porter analyzes the complexity of the new competitive landscape in […]

Mastermind Dinners Summary

Mastermind Dinners Summary

5 min read ⌚ Build Lifelong Relationships by Connecting Experts, Influencers, and Linchpins If you’re the smartest person in the room you’re in the wrong room. Mastermind Dinners is a no-nonsense, no BS, tried-and-tested, experience-based book. And I loved it. Jayson Gaignard wrote it in an honest, friendly tone and gave away the blueprint for how […]

The Success Principles Summary

The Success Principles Summary

8 min read ⌚ MicroSummary: In “The Success Principles,” Jack Canfield leads his readers from the place they are to the place they want to be in 60+ few-pages-long lessons, categorized in six larger chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of success, ranging from the fundamentals of success, to money and success in the […]

How Google Works Summary

How Google Works Summary

14 min read ⌚ MicroSummary: How Google works. How many times did you search this phrase on the internet?  Now, you have to stop doing this. And that’s because Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg are completely answering your question through their book… How Google works.  LEADERSHIP PATTERN / HOW GOOGLE WORKS Combining passion and contribution: the path to […]

Powerful Summary – Patty McCord

Powerful Summary – Patty McCord

9 min read ⌚ Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility At Netflix, Patty revolutionized the concept of efficiency by challenging the conventional methods of doing business. She should undoubtedly be accorded the status of policy-changer, due to her efforts. In this summary, we try to share the most critical findings. Stay with us! Who Should […]

The Ideal Team Player Summary

The Ideal Team Player Summary

6 min read ⌚  How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues: A Leadership Fable If you know anything about Patrick Lencioni, you probably didn’t need that subtitle: of course, it’s a leadership fable, possibly one of your favorites! This one’s about “The Ideal Team Player.” Who Should Read “The Ideal Team Player”? And […]

United Breaks Guitars Summary

United Breaks Guitars Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Power of One Voice in the Age of Social Media By now, you are surely aware that “United Breaks Guitars.” And that’s all because of one man, songwriter Dave Carroll. The full story ahead. Who Should Read “United Breaks Guitars”? And Why? In case you don’t know, “United Breaks Guitars” is […]

Flat Army Summary

Flat Army Summary

5 min read ⌚ Creating a Connected and Engaged Organization Are you ready to take your management knowledge on to the next level? Over the course of thousands of years, the hierarchal form of leadership has remained etched into the hearts of those seeking and having power. The day has finally come to put a stop […]

Lean UX Summary – Jeff Gothelf

Lean UX Summary – Jeff Gothelf Lean UX PDF

6 min read ⌚ Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience You know what lean methodology is, but not sure how to apply its principles in your design & development firm? Enter Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden to give you a lesson or two in “Lean UX.” Who Should Read “Lean UX”? And Why? O’Reilly’s “Lean […]

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto