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Category: Mind & Soul

The Book of Joy Summary | FREE |

The Book of Joy Summary | FREE |

9 min read ⌚  “The Book of Joy Summary” will give you a taste of reality, and what a person needs to do in order to encounter a peaceful solution to all problems. Lasting Happiness in a Changing World We are constantly feeling stressed. Spiritual awakening has never been more crucial than now. And who […]

The 5 Love Languages Summary

The 5 Love Languages Summary The 5 Love Languages Summary

4 min read ⌚ The Secret to Love That Lasts Love is one, universal and universally intelligible language, right? Wrong – says Gary Chapman! Love is expressed in five different languages – and you need to learn to translate them well if you want eternal love! But, before that, learn “The 5 Love Languages”! About Gary […]

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Summary

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Summary Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Summary

4 min read ⌚ The World’s Most Popular Emotional Intelligence Test By now, you’re more than aware that there are many types of intelligence. And that the standard intelligence quotient (IQ) is not enough to measure most of your capacities. In other words, you don’t Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves to tell you that one of […]

The History of Nike – Just Do It

The History of Nike – Just Do It

3 min read ⌚ It all started in 1988 when Nike launched a brand-new marketing campaign to try and persuade the audience about joining the “Big Brand” family. The bottom line is that the only thing standing in your way is “laziness.” To further illustrate such massive marketing boom, Nike carefully analyzed the market to see […]

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? Summary

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? Summary

2 min read ⌚  Is there life after smartphones? How do the little black screens affect our reality? About Jean M. Twenge Jean Twenge teaches psychology at San Diego State University. Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? Typically, people change through a slow evolution, and so do their behavioral patterns. However, in the modern era, drastic […]

The Road Less Traveled Summary

The Road Less Traveled Summary The Road Less Traveled Summary

5 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: “The Road Less Traveled” is an ultra-popular 1978 psychological book by M. Scott Peck, aiming to redefine concepts as ubiquitous as love and religion, and striving to demonstrate how understanding discipline and grace is essential to both leading a healthier life and truly grasping the meaning of your existence. A […]

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto