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Category: Philosophy

Amusing Ourselves to Death Summary

Amusing Ourselves to Death Summary amusing ourselves to death summary

13 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: “Amusing Ourselves to Death” explores whether Aldous Huxley’s fictional and dystopian vision of the future described in “Brave New World” hasn’t already turned into the reality of our TV-dominated and image-centered present. Spoiler alert: it has, and reality shows and Netflix are our pleasure drugs, our very own soma. Who […]

The Wisdom of Life Summary

The Wisdom of Life Summary

13 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: The Wisdom of Life is a short philosophical essay by Arthur Schopenhauer in which the most famous philosophical pessimist in history explores the nature of human happiness and tries to understand how one should order his life so as to obtain the greatest possible amount of pleasure and success. Who […]

What the Dog Saw Summary

What the Dog Saw Summary What the Dog Saw PDF Summary

13 min read ⌚ And Other Adventures You’d think that we’ve summarized all of Gladwell’s books, right? Well, there’s still one left: What the Dog Saw. Who Should Read “What the Dog Saw”? And Why? If you read Gladwell’s New Yorker column regularly, then you shouldn’t read What the Dog Saw: the book is a collection […]

Tao Te Ching Quotes

Tao Te Ching Quotes Tao Te Ching Quotes

12 min read ⌚  The Tao Te Ching – also known as Daode Jing – is an ancient Chinese text purportedly written by Laozi, aka Lao Tzu, a mystical 6th century philosopher and sage. Even though rather brief – merely 81 chapters – and, at times, almost impenetrable – who knows how many books have […]

Jesus Is Risen Summary

Jesus Is Risen Summary Jesus Is Risen PDF Summary

11 min read ⌚ Paul and the Early Church Want to learn how the Christian Church was established? David Limbaugh tells it all, from Paul’s Conversion to the Gospel of Love. It’s his fourth Christian-themed book: Jesus Is Risen. Who Should Read “Jesus Is Risen”? And Why? In a nutshell, Jesus Is Risen is a chronological […]

The Varieties of Religious Experience Summary

The Varieties of Religious Experience Summary The Varieties of Religious Experience PDF Summary

10 min read ⌚ A Study in Human Nature Science and religion haven’t been exactly on speaking terms for most of history. America’s great philosopher and first psychology teacher William James attempted to mend that. And he did it best in one of the earliest books exploring the psychological nature of religion: The Varieties of Religious […]

Being and Nothingness Summary

Being and Nothingness Summary Being and Nothingness PDF Summary

9 min read ⌚ An Essay in Phenomenological Ontology You are condemned to be free. And yet, you’re living an unfree, inauthentic life. No matter who you are. How’s that? Let Jean-Paul Sartre explain that to you. In the principal text of modern existentialism: Being and Nothingness. Who Should Read “Being and Nothingness”? And Why? In […]

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto