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Category: Startups & Entrepreneurship

Awaken the Giant Within Summary

Awaken the Giant Within Summary

18 min read ⌚ How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! Tony Robbins is an American motivational speaker, personal finance instructor, and self-help author. He is well known for self-help books such as Unlimited Power, Unleash the Power Within, and Awaken the Giant Within.

The Innovator’s Dilemma Summary

The Innovator’s Dilemma Summary

10 min read ⌚ When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail  How can great companies fail when they get everything right? That’s the question Clayton Christensen attempts to answer in The Innovator’s Dilemma. Managers, usually those from big, serious companies, should read some Douglas Adams before answering, or put their reports and assessment results in […]

Capital Gaines Summary

Capital Gaines Summary

8 min read ⌚ Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff Unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance to cover everything Chip, and his amazing wife Joanna had been through. But, we tried to be lethal in the delivery of their life-story, which will undoubtedly spark something inside you. Let’s have a glimpse of the stupid stuff, […]

The Rich Employee Summary

The Rich Employee Summary

4 min read ⌚ Many people dream of becoming entrepreneurs and they fail because they are not well prepared for this step. In “The Rich Employee” you will find a new option. James Altucher is a well-known writer, speaker, and entrepreneur. He is also a podcaster and has been a hedge fund manager. He has started, […]

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto

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Melhore Seu Hábito de Leitura em 28 dias

Explore os principais aprendizados de +2500 títulos em áudio e texto