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Conversations with God Summary

Conversations with God

1 min read ⌚ 

Conversations with God

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

A collection of wise words. A book that will definitely change the way you look at things.

We are used to talking to ourselves. To ask questions. To debate. To find the answers to the hardest questions.


'Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence.' @_NealeDWalsch Click To Tweet

We call that introspection. In fact, the real conversation is with God.

Neale Donald Walsch wrote this book especially based on this type of thinking.

Walsch begins the first book in his trilogy with a metaphorical scene: he, as a kid, writes an angry letter to Santa explaining that Christmas wasn’t what he expected it to be. The real story behind this scene is this: Santa is God, Christmas is life. So, in reality, the letter is for… God.

Start your reading journey by checking out some of our nuggets below. You’ll be surprised by how many you’ll want to “take with you” for later.

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