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Embrace the Shake Summary

2 min read ⌚ 

Embrace the Shake Summary“Embrace the Shake” is a book of tomorrow. A real life-altering story of a person whose dreams were slightly endangered by unpleasant circumstances.

About Phil Hansen

Phil Hansen is lauded as an exceptional artist and the author of Tattoo a Banana.

“Embrace the Shake Summary”

With a status of a student in an art school, Phil Hansen started plotting against his shallow limitations. As he continued to look for answers, a sudden shake in his drawing hand, made it clear that something is cooking.

From the moment he began studying, Phil advocated for pointillism. Such style wasn’t typical in the institution he had joined in. Drawing tinny and mathematically accurate dots led to nerve damage that turned out to be permanent.

Such turn of events forced him to abandon the studies, for an undisclosed period of time. He spent the next three years in recovery, disabled to follow his heart as an artist.

After graduation, Hansen got employed, and for the first time, he had all the resources to replenish his art supplies. Nevertheless, not even such circumstances and the availability of art kit broke the ice. Phil failed to find inspiration. Such overwhelming feeling and the accessibility of choices left him “paralyzed.”

So, it wasn’t much of a choice, and he set on a new adventure with an intention to destroy all self-imposed boundaries and restrictions. Embracing and accepting the shake, as his current state, was job number one.

With dynamism in his heart, Phil Hansen hunted monsters hidden in the mind of every human being. For instance, accepting the dollars’ worth of supplies illustrates one of those shallow limitations. Following such vision made him an unpredicted man, who enforced methods and laws that had little common grounds with the traditional methods.

At one occasion, he started painting with karate chops, instead of using brushes and other conventional toolkits that are applicable in the industry.

Such incentive and ideas, convert Hansen into a creative force, with no barriers anywhere near him. After all, possessing the resourcefulness is vital for growth.

As the project drew to a close, Hansen had lost all the wish and passion for showing off his real masterpiece. Many felt the unshakeable nature of his work, despite all the factors that “conspired” against him.

Tangible results no longer provided the eagerness to pursue glory and financial stability. Hansen continued experimenting, in spite of all the signs that pointed at material inefficiency. The impulse stood up against everything that posed a threat to his methods, which was later confirmed with the replica of Michelangelo’s famous creation – on a banana.

Your horizon and viewpoints can perceive constraints uniquely. The creativeness and its sources vary from person to person. The ability to dig down and find these possibilities can grant you the edge. Mind blockades must be surpassed with caution and stability that is further stimulated by openness.

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“Embrace the Shake” Quotes

Learning to be creative within the confines of our limitations is the best hope we have to transform ourselves and, collectively, transform our world. Click To Tweet Limitations may be the most unlikely of places to harness creativity, but perhaps one of the best ways to get ourselves out of ruts, rethink categories and challenge accepted norms. Click To Tweet Instead of telling one another to seize the day, maybe we can remind ourselves to seize the limitation. Click To Tweet

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