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Emotional Value Summary

5 min read ⌚ 

Emotional Value PDFCreating Strong Bonds with Your Customers

Well, every company will face imminent disaster if the managers cannot devise a strategy that can keep expanding the loyal base of clients!

In this technically advanced and competitive market, that’s harder than you can imagine.

This book examines some fundamental principles that you should keep in mind, to overshadow your competitors.

Who Should Read “Emotional Value”? And Why?

Every person prefers being in charge of a business that appeals to its nature. Quite often we found ourselves in the midst of confusion, where the company stagnates and is unable to flourish – financially speaking.

Emotional Value” is particularly useful for managers and leaders whose incentives and intentions motivate others to take action.

About Janelle Barlow

Janelle BarlowJanelle Barlow is a celebrated writer, and the author of a best-selling book named A Complaint is a Gift.

She is a partner in a consultancy company whose clients are Hewlett-Packard, Avon, and many others brands.

“Emotional Value PDF Summary”

The digital era is filled with revolutionized ideas and CRM systems that try to bring the company’s service closer to consumers’ hearts. That’s right – HEARTS, not needs. Emotions represent the most critical asset in running a business that generates a change in leaders’ behavior.  

An honest review or feedback can put your company on the map. Then again, the feelings your products or offerings arouse is the difference between success and failure. One negative reaction can hamper the production or delivery of goods.

By now you are starting to get the big picture and absorb the pivotal role emotions have in determining the quality of service an organization has to offer.

Pursuing product satisfaction is not enough for gaining momentum, and you need a little bit more than just a friendly response.

As soon as you begin to put emotions up front, your business will show signs of improvement and motivation. Customers need to be emotionally fulfilled by your goods, and that’s the only way you are ever going to build a loyal base of consumers, in an overly competitive marketplace.

How about paying more attention to customer preferences? Are your products build for specific users or masses? Big brands realize that it’s hard for making the customers accommodate to the new realities, and they accelerate their profits by doing the hard work for them.

In other words, an emotional reaction is the poster boy for a successful launch of a product. To drive this point home further, the author gets us introduced to some stimulus or incentives that inflame the call-to-action mentality:

    • I wanted it
    • I wish I could have this
    • I felt like needing this
    • I must have this
  • I deserved a little reward

From a business standpoint, how to interpret emotions and what do emotions tell us about the needs of the customers?

    • Emotions signify how essential some feature is to the customer.
    • Emotions tell us whether the business provides excellent or mediocre customer service.
  • Emotions help us understand how customers react to changes and how they behave in a given situation.

Renowned psychologists agree that greater awareness both on and off the field is vital for being one-step ahead of any response.

Such mindset reduced hostility and promotes good will. If you cannot learn the ropes of the problem, you’ll drain your mental and physical supplies of energy, and plunge into psychological tiredness that leads to antagonism.

In business-related terms, that actually signifies that the effectiveness of the process is dependent on your ability to anticipate the environmental response. To be in tune with the needs of your target group, one must fixate its attention on keeping the customers in high spirits.

Here’s how:

    • Getting to the bottom of what went wrong.
    • Creating a mental barrier between yourself and the idea of making snap judgments.
    • Running brainstorming sessions to understand the customer problems and design schemes to prevent similar issues.
    • Monitor all the other processes performed by the staff, especially those that involve direct interaction with the users.
  • Adjust your mindset and change your habits.

In a recently commissioned survey, the researchers realized that analyzing the customer emotions is an excellent way to define the company’s mission, vision, and long-term plans. It’s impossible to please all of them, but you can make some strides in delighting the larger percentage of people.

If service transactions had no value to customers, customers wouldn’t have emotions about them.

For instance, the department which handles customer complaints is more than just a service-providing level of control. It actually is a data-collection center, that views, interprets and measures the responses coming in different shapes and forms.

We are looking at a possible grand slam home run, if the company knows how to impress the customer with a dose of professionalism and technological sophistication.

Even though, we live in times where you can buy 150 different types of soda, 1000 unique faucets, and millions of incomparable vehicles; THE CUSTOMERS prefer loyalty.

Why? – For one simple reason; it’s easier and much more convenient than switching or jumping from one product to the next.

They’ll save time, save money, and rest assured that their needs are well met.

Loyal customers, unlike newcomers, are more tolerant of product errors, delays and shipment mistakes. The quality of items is their primary concern, and if they know that at the end of the road, they’ll receive superior service, they would have no problem to stick around for a while.

Key Lessons from “Emotional Value”

1.      Be open-minded and flexible
2.      Deliver the best service possible
3.      Take advantage of the circumstances

Be open-minded and flexible

To handle these emotional reactions, one must take into account all possible outcomes.

Being aware of what could happen as a result of something, can give you the upper hand in a potential clash between competitors.

Deliver the best service possible

Rudeness can be attributed to low-level of control and mismanagement that can ruin the organization.

In all honesty, your customers for every penny paid expect nothing less than a pure brilliance, because if your team is unable to deliver superior service, your competitors will catch hold of them!

Take advantage of the circumstances

It’s pretty evident that emotions trigger the decision-making attitude, and brands ought to use this particular situation to turn things in their favor.  

You must know the rules of the game, before becoming a master.

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“Emotional Value Quotes”

One powerful way to distract adults is through humor. Click To Tweet Positive moods tend to generate more creative thinking. Click To Tweet The emotional sting of poor customer service stays with customers much longer than most realize. Click To Tweet Emotional value, as much as quality or any other dimension of an organization’s worth, can make or break a business. Click To Tweet Customers want and expect to be positively, emotionally, and memorably impacted at every level of their commercial existence. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

In our opinion, a book that is not applicable and informative has no real value.

This one extends beyond the boundaries of “useful” and enters into the category of “priceless.”

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