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Fanatical Prospecting Summary

3 min read ⌚ 

Fanatical Prospecting SummaryThe Ultimate Guide for Starting Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by Leveraging Social Selling, Telephone, E-Mail, and Cold Calling

Are you a salesperson who wants to learn how to finally reach peak performance?

Then, this is the book for you.

About Jeb Blount

Jeb BlountJeb Blount is an author and a sales acceleration specialist who helps companies improve their sales results.

“Fanatical Prospecting Summary”

Many sales “experts” believe that the days of prospecting are over.

However, they are wrong.

Prospecting has not lost its importance in sales. Many salespeople do not reach the wanted results because they do not prospect.

And vice versa – the top sales performers are successful because they are prospectors who take every opportunity and opening to get involved in “Fanatical Prospecting.”

When it comes to prospecting, three core laws are at play:

  • “The Universal Law of Need”

The more you need a sale, the less are the chances of getting it.


Because of desperation.

To avoid desperation, fill up your pipeline and prospect whenever and wherever you can.

  • “The 30-Day Rule”

In the next 90 days, you will feel the benefits and results of the prospecting you did for the previous 30 days.

What this means is that if you miss a day of prospecting in the 30 days of prospecting, you will come up short accordingly in the next 90 days.

  • “The Law of Replacement”

The moment you succeed to make a sale, replace the prospect with a new one, in order to keep the pipeline full and healthy.

When you grasp these three laws, you will get that all of your accomplishments from the past mean nothing today.

What matters in prospecting is the present moment and the future.

The prospecting formula is as follows: What (quality) you put into the pipe and how much (quantity) determines what you get out of the pipe.”

Moreover, being and surviving in sales means that you have to be mentally tough.

Mental toughness is connected to four factors:

    • “Desire”: How bad do you want it?
    • “Out-learn equals out-earn”: to stay competitive you need to learn constantly.
  • “Physical resilience”: your mental energy depends on your physical strength. Since people in sales face many rejections, they need intense psychological energy.  

Key Lessons from “Fanatical Prospecting”

1.      Seven Mind-Sets of Fanatical Prospectors
2.      Five-Step Simple Telephone Prospecting Framework
3.      The Three Cardinal Rules of Email Prospecting

Seven Mind-Sets of Fanatical Prospectors

    • “Optimistic and enthusiastic.”
    • “Competitive”
    • “Confident”
    • “Relentless”
    • “Thirsty for knowledge.”
    • “Systematic and efficient.”
  • “Adaptive and flexible.”

Five-Step Simple Telephone Prospecting Framework

    • “Get their attention.”
    • “Identify yourself.”
    • “Tell them why you are calling.”
    • “Bridge – give them a ‘because’”
  • “Ask for what you want, and shut up.”

The Three Cardinal Rules of Email Prospecting

    • “Your email must get delivered.”
    • “Your email must get opened.”
  • “Your email must convert.”

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“Fanatical Prospecting” Quotes

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