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Finding Peace Summary

4 min read ⌚ 

Finding Peace SummaryLetting Go and Liking It

There are no other options, then finding inner satisfaction.

We hope of being a pivotal asset in your fight to regain your peace and achieve mental stability.

Who Should Read “Finding Peace”? And Why

Pain is a great asset in the battle for happiness. Instead of avoiding emotional feelings, try to make use of them. There is no greater lesson than the one carrying the burden of yesterday.

Everything you experience even pain provides you with mentorship that will help you grow. A peaceful mind is so difficult to reach, due to our involvement in various activities that suffocate the inner blissfulness. A vast portion of the population has that complaining attitude, without the willingness to change something.

Finding Peace”  is a perfect fit for any person feeling tired of all the noisiness existing in the world.

The lack of peace is a big problem, but also one of those that can be solved with the right approach. All things considered, “Finding Peace” acts without any ground rules, and yet offers a series of helpful tips. If you are trapped in the feeling of tomorrow and yesterday – this book comes as a blessing.

About Paula Pesner Coxe

Paula Peisner Coxe was born on January 30th, 1956 in Los Angeles, California.

She is an American-born writer, management consultant, and a spiritualist.

Paula wrote several books including Finding Time: Breathing Space for Women Who Do Too Much; Finding Love, etc. She has received her master’s degree from the University of South California.

“Finding Peace Summary”

Although 9/10 people will say that peace is a familiar (as a concept) to everyone, the stats don’t support that theory. The humanity has never reclaimed the notion of serenity and blissfulness due to various reasons.

According to the generally accepted definition, peace is only a feeling of calmness, joy, bliss, and playfulness. It’s also perceived as a phenomenon that emerges as a result of other actions. Numerous terms can be brought in the same bubble as peace such as love, unity, reconciliation, friendship, commitment, etc.

In the end, it all comes down to whether we see the real effect of it or not. 99% of the times, we are too busy with getting in touch with our inner being, it’s a paradox and yet a very familiar one. Perhaps the best side effects of joy, emerge when a person succeeds that crazy little voice inside the head.

As we make our way through life, thousands of unique challenges capture our attention, trying to destroy the feeling of serenity and confidence. However, one must remember – not even, the best salesman in the world cannot sell you anything if you have no intention of buying.

With this approach, you’ll be able to oppose those influential, hidden habits and other external forces. This process never ends, it’s underway even now, so “quieting the noise in your mind” must become number one priority. Love and peace, derive from the same place, carrying the fragrance of blissfulness and satisfaction.

It’s not easy to achieve this state, but marking it as some unrealistic thing is not relevant either. Sooner or later, our drive and determination force us to pursue happiness. Generally speaking, the problems occur when we don’t know where to look at when our mistakes don’t serve a higher purpose when stubbornness overshadows flexibility.

When happiness is a sensation of temporal influence, the concepts of peace and joy lose their power. In fact, none of these things matter, if the life you live showcases only the attachments you cannot move without.

As much as, we try to get along with each other, without the feeling of “serenity” – all is useless. Paula Peisner Coxe offers a piece of advice leading to inner tranquility and ultimately peace. The eastern wisdom intertwines with this theory, and even supports it with a dose of intelligence.

Each chapter resolves a particular problem, which defies the concept of happiness. All the sections of the book, are worthy of your time by all standards, covering a wide range of topics related to the goal that we’ve been talking about for so long.

The beauty of this guide comes in various forms, all conveying the smell of hope and the act of acceptance. Take Buddhists for examples, why are they the happiest people out there? The answer lies in recognition of life as it is and in their appreciation of everything. While you try to escape “the present state” they try to live – here and now.

Even if, you are not a religious person, there is no evil in applying a dose of spirituality, in your daily motion.

Key Lessons from “Finding Peace”

1.      A new attitude of acceptance
2.      Don’t be bothered by similarities
3.      The power of external reality

A new attitude of acceptance

Beware of all bad things and adopt an approach of universal acceptance and gratitude.

Gradually, the inner-self begins melting down in its own juice of joy.

As a result of this blissful state, one must continue walking the same road, absorbing the good stuff, and neglecting the harmful elements.

Don’t be bothered by similarities

In reality, not many people share the same burden as somebody else – we all have our mysterious ways.

That uniqueness enables us, to deal with the issues of our environment and ultimately achieving a peace of mind.

The power of external reality

Our suffering is prolonged due to the inability to deal with the past. However, that’s not the only reason.

Instead of getting in touch with the surroundings, we battle with the “obvious” – trying to make things function our way.

By accepting the outer world, simultaneously an inner acceptance will come to light.

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Our Critical Review

In fact, Coxe has a practical side of her story, because the advice is shared not only through stories but also as stress-relieving exercises – that you can try in the comfort of your home.

We prescribe this magnificent book to all readers whose intentions are pure and straightforward.

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