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Finding Time Summary

5 min read ⌚ 

Finding Time SummaryBreathing Space for Women Who Do Too Much

Today’s society is “urgent.” We all live fast-paced lives and focus on different things at the same time. Cars, phones, fast food, ATMs – everything around us is in some “urgent” form.

Who Should Read “Finding Time”? And Why?

Finding Time” is a book for future supermoms and all other women who feel stretched between their jobs and their homes.  Coxe focuses more on inspiring women than strictly instructing them. She has written 36 short chapters, which even women with tight schedules can squeeze in in their little leisure time.

Inside these sections, women can find comfort while realizing that they are not alone. On the other hand, they will not see any fresh and unheard of ways to deal with their problems and time shortages.

Coxe offers tips such as: turn off your cell phone or use an answering machine, which is hardly new or useful. Nevertheless, we recommend this book to women that need to know that there are others that share their troubles, as well as those who like spending their little spare time in reading.

About Paula Peisner Coxe

Paula Peisner Coxe has authored  Finding Peace: Letting Go and Liking It. She holds an MA in business administration from the University of South California and currently works as a management consultant.

“Finding Time Summary”

People around you try to do everything faster and expect you to do the same. In fact, it is the only thing you can do, since you cannot fight society and you cannot fight change.

Many people want to stop the hurry and, at least for a moment – breathe and feel that there is nothing to do. You are probably just one of the many. You cannot stop time.

However, you can to adopt a new way of time management, which will make you feel more in control of your time and how you spend it. Indeed, time is limited, but you can manage it, just as you can handle all other limited assets in your life.

Take a second and just think about your daily schedule. Don’t you feel that there are some days when you have not done anything much, and yet, you felt like there is not enough time?

However, you cannot quite point the finger at the things that took your time. Those elements that rob you of your time, most often without you noticing it, are called time bandits. These “bandits” are not only situated in your environment, but they also exist within you.

They live and feed on all the internal parts that do not understand the value of your time, and therefore don’t respect it. We all have such parts inside ourselves.

We all procrastinate and waste precious moments on trivial things. The good news is that once you are aware of it, you can quickly change your attitude, your mindset, set new (right) priorities, and consequently – master your time.

The process of time-mastery starts the same way as do all other self-improvement processes: by assessing where you are now, where you want to be, and deciding the best way you get there. To start with, determine how you use your time by logging your activities for a few days.

Realizing where you spend your time can immediately help you by giving you ideas on what actions you should cut. If you feel dissatisfied with your overall log, then move on to creating a whole new schedule for the days to come.

Put down all the things you must do, all the things you wish to do, and take out all the unnecessary time – stealers. Pay attention to the obligations you have, and try to put them first on your schedule. Then, move on to the things you enjoy but are not essential. If there is time left – put them in. If not, move them to another day.

These tips are nothing new or groundbreaking, but making a small change in your daily schedule can completely change your life. In the end, time is the best gift you can give to yourself.

Key Lessons from “Finding Time”

1.      Do Not Make Promises
2.      Stop Procrastinating
3.      Create a System You are Comfortable With

Don’t Make Promises

Do not promise your input until you understand the details of what people expect of you. Manage the expectations of others, and promise only those things you are sure you can achieve.

If you decide to take up a responsibility, always overestimate how much time you will need, and underestimate the outcome you will provide. Also, start saying “no.” You are not supposed to do everything and to be everywhere. You are not supposed to please people.

You should only take care of yourself. If it starts getting overwhelming, check if there are arrangements you can cancel. Set boundaries and state them to people.

You do not have to be harsh when you do so – you can sugarcoat them by saying you will do what is asked of you sometime in the future. People will get it.

Stop Procrastinating

Procrastinators are everywhere. Most probably, you are one too. Procrastination comes from wasting time on unimportant interruptions and daydreams. There are three interruptions: yourself, the phone and other people.

Turn off your phone, or use an answering machine. If you have to stay reachable, schedule calls for some time of the day. Stop talking and discussing matters over the phone. Phone conversations usually turn too long.

Also, set a time when you are available to speak to people or find someone to take messages. If your schedule is somewhat flexible, it does not mean that you are free to “waste” your time.

Create a System You are Comfortable With

Do not let advice and recommendations from self-help books and articles influence your life too much. Everyone is comfortable with different lifestyles – some people are good with schedules, other people want to “plan-as-they-go.”

It does not matter what kind of person you are – there are ways to adapt to your own needs, habits, and life. Whatever you try and whatever you read, remember: you are the only one that knows what works best for you.

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“Finding Time” Quotes

Pad all your time estimates and you’ll avoid being late, rushing unnecessarily, and disappointing someone. Click To Tweet Learn to manage others’ expectations, their perceptions of how things should be, of how things will turn out. Click To Tweet Most people are looking for a shortcut - faster and quicker, now and not later. Click To Tweet Don’t make promises until you thoroughly understand what you have to do, what impact the promise will have on your other commitments and the importance of the promise to your own goals. Click To Tweet Overestimate the time the task will take, and underestimate the results. Click To Tweet

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