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How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary

5 min read ⌚ 

How To Say It for First-Time Managers SummaryWinning Words and Strategies for Earning Your Team’s Confidence

The managerial part is practical; every situation relies on separate judgment, giving the novice managers a headache.

Our “How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary” contains all the elements to reduce this pain, and give you insights on the managerial issues and challenges.

Who Should Read “How To Say It for First-Time Managers”? And Why?

Jack Griffin’s insightful, and fact-filled material on advanced communication is perfect for “rookies” who intend to try their luck in the manager’s business.

It’s needless to say that from an engaging book everyone expects that the info gathered should flourish into a lucrative career, but who knows?

It all depends on how you apply these methods!!

About Jack Griffin

Jack Griffin is an author of numerous non-fiction books such as How to Say It at Work, How to Say it Best, How to Say It: Be Indispensable at Work and others.

He is often described as a management expert and a consultant who helped many businesses to flourish.  

“How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary”

Apparently, managers should be smooth talkers, but let’s face facts!!! Is it always so? – Even though we prefer to believe that every leader has interpersonal skills, many examples reject this claim and guide us into the real world.

Communication doesn’t always refer to chit-chat because it also includes open discussions, arguments, debates, all linked to matters of utmost importance. In this case, we stay side by side with Jack Griffin and give our impartial thoughts on his expertise.

What does my company expect from me as a manager?

That’s an excellent question, at first your superiors, or sometimes supervisors are interested in whether you possess the quality to chat with the employees and get the best out of them. Have in mind, that we live in a digital age, where every opinion counts!

With the surpassing of industrialization and workers exploitation, managers face two fires, between “low-profile” associates, and individuals of “international stature.

The point is that you must be skilled to cover both flanks and adapt to various types of discussion and body language.

Here’s the trick:

While the world awaits your goods, the organizations evaluate your sense of liability, which can be interpreted as judging – Can we trust you? Do you possess the abilities, or are you just another overestimated, self-centered individual?

The capitalism enforces new “unwritten” laws, where the margin of error reduces. If you wonder where that comes from, try and remember this. 9/10 companies would hire a person as their manager if that individual excels at communication skills, and lacks the technical know-how – rather than vice versa.  

Get the picture?

For instance, the executives often “leak” misleading information, that their salespeople or bookkeepers are extraordinary talkers and excellent listeners.
Don’t guide yourself by logic; it’s utterly senseless to discredit or praise someone’s skills based on profession.

A classic stereotype! If you insist on judging, then apply certain metrics, and supervise their behavior – don’t rash into conclusions!

According to our humble opinion, “How To Say It for First-Time Managers” is an educational, inspiring, and all-encompassing solution to managerial problems.
If you are too shallow to make a move, or if you feel uncomfortable while having a discussion, perhaps you should give these useful tips a chance.

The top 10 essential communication takeaways:

    • “Responsibility” – It is vital, that every member of the organization, doesn’t do on its own – someone must supervise the project, activity or task.
    • “Collaboration” – It’s laughable to remind you, that team cohesion outmatches every individual effort. Build that trust among them!
    • “Conclusions ” – Proficient managers are aware of the challenges which lie ahead on a day to day basis. Their job is to come to an agreement.
    • “Morality” – Short-term winners or unethical businesspeople are destined to fail, don’t adopt their shallow perspective.
    • “Assess the situation” – Use your instinct, and knowledge combined to draw a conclusion.
    • “Efficiency” – Educate your employees on how to finish their daily activities, with minimal effort. Undoubtedly, a tough task for every novice manager.
    • “Learn” – The studying days are never over, especially with technology, due to the technological advancement that takes place each day. It’s also advisable that the concept “learn” is much more beneficial and acceptable than using: discover, uncover, etc.
    • “Objective” – A sharp vision or a long-term goal can lift the spirits of your employees.
  • “End-Result” – Every company relies on the outcome, so make sure your business is customer-centric, and their demands are the firm’s priority.

Key Lessons from “How To Say It for First-Time Managers”

1.      The concept of conversing
2.      The other side
3.      All aspects are important

The concept of conversing

Managing other people, requires a set of expertise on your part, as defined earlier. Verbal communication is only one aspect of the entire mastery, so don’t get your attention pointed only at one element.

An effective conversation starts and ends with your “expertise of leadership,” a skill that can be developed!

Use verbal and nonverbal combined to influence the interlocutor, and establish yourself as a person with authority.

The other side

In general, each interaction has two crucial elements besides talking – body language and active listening.

You don’t have the final word as a manager because you are not a ruler of a country, but a leader under whose guidance each vote counts! Offer your cooperation, and leadership, not your dominance and authority.

All aspects are important

Facial expression, body language, openness, style, clothing, all things matter. Don’t be deceived that your status would do the job – alone. Convey your message using all elements, make them believe in your judgment and merge these separate entities into a single unit.

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“How To Say It for First-Time Managers” Quotes

Speak the language of business whenever you can. Click To Tweet If you want to deliver inspiration in a medium more powerful than an email, make a speech Click To Tweet Set...unambiguous benchmarks – goals clearly defined, along with objectives required to reach them. Click To Tweet Move each of your work-related conversations from a monologue of I and you to a dialogue of we, us and our. Click To Tweet Every manager needs a useful, effective and productive vocabulary. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

Although this book lacks a bit of ingenuity, and it is slightly repetitive, it offers a set of tips that are useful for inexperienced managers. In either case, “How To Say It for First-Time Managers” is good for you and your business!

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