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How to Talk to Anyone Summary

3 min read ⌚ 

How to Talk to Anyone Summary

92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships

Rarely anyone is born charismatic.

But charisma is a trait that can be developed. And “How to Talk to Anyone” can show you how you can develop it to create a lasting impression and build great relationships.

About Leil Lowndes

Leil Lowndes

Leil Lowndes is a writer and a personal communications coach.

“How to Talk to Anyone Summary”

Contrary to what you may believe, not even the most successful and accomplished public people were born charismatic.

What you perceive as an inborn trait is a result of years of hard work to be appealing, charming, persuading and to be a good speaker.

But, how did they become so good at it?

By practicing a handful of rules of personal communication, which shaped their personalities.

You read right – there are rules that you can follow and apply and become as charismatic as your idol. The even better news is that these rules are simple to learn and even simpler to employ.

So, let’s begin.

You have to understand that, first impressions are most important. Moreover, people will have their opinion of you before they even talk to you.

So, how do you impress others without even saying a word?

Well, first, do not smile immediately, so others will not think you do it with everyone you meet. Do it slowly and gradually.

Next, when you progress to talking maintain eye contact at all times and turn your whole body toward your contact, so they are aware that you are giving them undivided attention.

Now, when you start the conversation, you will have to first go through the very-dreaded small talk.

Do not worry, finding topics for small talk is not as hard as you imagine.

All you need to do is first to become aware of the mood of the person you are about to talk to, so your words match it.

You can also consider wearing something distinctive, that the person will inevitably comment upon.

And of course, do not forget that people love talking about themselves, so make sure you keep the spotlight on your contact, instead of yourself.

Before you attend a happening, ask yourself what kind of people will be there, and make sure you gather knowledge in the fields of their interests.

Learning a few things about different fields will make you feel like an insider in just about any crowd, and will make the small talk phase much easier.

Furthermore, body language is a crucial part of communication.

Studies show that mirroring the body movements of your partner and echoing the phrases he or she uses in his talking can help to create a bond faster.

Do not forget to throw in “we” phrases from time to time as well, since they can establish a subconscious bond.

Key Lessons from “How to Talk to Anyone”

1.      “How to Be an Insider in Any Crowd”
2.      “How to Differentiate the Power of Praise from the Folly of Flattery”
3.      “How to Work a Party Like a Politician Works a Room”

“How to Be an Insider in Any Crowd”

    • “Learn a little ‘gobbledygook'”
    • Hit their “hot buttons.”
  • “Read their rags.”

“How to Differentiate the Power of Praise from the Folly of Flattery”

    • “Grapevine glory.”
    • “Accidental adulation.”
  • “Killer compliments.”

“How to Work a Party Like a Politician Works a Room”

    • “Who will be there?”
    • “When should I arrive?”
    • “What should I take with me?”
    • “Why is the party being given?”
    • “Where is the collective mind?”
  • “How am I going to follow up?”

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“How to Talk to Anyone” Quotes

When delivering any bad news share the sentiment of the receiver. Click To Tweet

Compliments are the most widely used and thoroughly endorsed of all getting-what-you want techniques. Click To Tweet

If your compliment is insincere or unskilled, it can wreck your chances of ever being trusted by that person again. Click To Tweet

When you act as though you like someone, you really start to like them. Click To Tweet

No man would listen to you talk if he didn't know it was his turn next. Click To Tweet

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