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How to Think Like a CEO Summary

4 min read ⌚ 

How to Think Like a CEO SummaryThe 22 Vital Traits You Need to Be the Person at the Top

Being a CEO is not the same as “Being” a CEO.

The Difference is in your action and behavior that can be learned if your approach the job sincerely.

Who Should Read “How to Think Like a CEO”? And Why?

The bottom line is – by learning the ropes of how CEOs behave is the only way that leads upstream. Take the lead of your organization and implement the concept of leadership while thinking like a CEO.

This book comes as a blessing for newcomers, and leadership experts who wish to expand their knowledge and become a CEO any organization crave to have.

About Debra A. Benton

Debra BentonDebra A. Benton is an internationally recognized speaker, motivator, author, and consultant. She used the outside help of Benton Management Resources, to aid other organizations and leaders worldwide.

Her expertise stretches from ordinary managerial activities to advising global brands – associated with management.

CEOs and managers despite their stressful environment are more prone to endure in difficult times than any other.

As an author, she wrote Lions Don’t Need to Roar, Fit In and Move Ahead, a book about how productive people interpret various situations.

“How to Think Like a CEO Summary”

Learn how to act, speak, walk, think, and solve problems as a Leader, not as a boss. Back in the old days, when the companies relied only on one man, being a boss was a straightforward thing.

The authority was unquestioned, and the employees had little freedom to express their point of view. Progress is not possible without a struggle, so if you think that your hereditary title is enough to make your presence felt among the associates – you are wrong!

Nowadays, interpersonal skills are far more significant than the know-how.

Climbing the corporate ladder has been an impossible goal for most people, but the CEO’s path takes a little more than that. Don’t motivate yourself with a bigger salary, strive to improve your skills, and receive a mountain of knowledge.

Such a mentality is a rarity in today’s environment, but you should never underestimate the power of a well-educated person. The wheel of life doesn’t follow any rules, so for an individual to reach the top, it must overcome all the obstacles that occur on the road.

A” must have” for any CEO would be certain qualities that define you as a devoted person.

These attributes serve a higher purpose if you wish to find yourself at the top. To become a creative CEO, you must have a knowledge linked to multiple fields. However, neither one expertise will help you if you lack an essential tool – critical thinking skills.

Another vital quality other than interpersonal attributes is being able to solve problems on an organizational level. During the process of making your business function efficiently, good CEO must know how to overpower those tricky and nasty situations and come as a winner on the other side.

Above all, comes the ambition that drives people forward to endure in these difficult times. As continue your journey, climbing higher and higher, you’ll realize that nothing other than yourself has been pushing you down all the time.

Don’t conduct any activities unprepared; planning is the key to success. Excellent leaders walk around, thinking about their next move. This mentality separates the successful from average CEOs.

Neglecting organizational issues that endanger the production is characteristic for decision-makers who don’t strive to get to the top. Do the best you can, to never become one of these!! If you are new in the company, try and see why you have been hired.

If your work is of unparalleled quality, nothing stops you from reaching a stage when you can actually perform as a CEO.

Debra conducted interviews with major corporations’ CEOs who explained all the vital expectations that every executive must fulfill on behalf of the company. Nothing comes better than reading a book enriched with first-hand experiences from first-class CEOs.

The growth always comes with a price; your job is to make sure that these “costs” will not outweigh the benefits. Dealing with all sorts of challenges is something that every manager, executive or CEO must handle.

Despite the bad influence deriving from some of the environmental factors, you must be prepared to analyze and manage the situation. It’s best to start with a summary of the organizational activities that create value. After that, the establishment of a “firm footing” should come naturally.

From a reader’s perspective, receiving insights from the successful CEOs is a must-seize kind-of-opportunity. We recommend this excellent book, especially to those eager to climb their way up in management, and those persistent enough to become the next great CEOs.

Key Lessons from “How to Think Like a CEO”

1.      Team cohesion overthrows individual capacity
2.      Operate with professionalism
3.      People love straightforward and honest communication

Team cohesion overthrows individual capacity

Even though it seems strange, employers emphasize the value of being a contributor to the organization cohesion and are not so concerned with the technical abilities.

Nothing differentiates a regular employee from a CEO – referring to the necessary attributes.

Operate with professionalism

Company’s success depends on your ingenuity, and expertise that you apply to your daily work, regardless of your present position.

A more motivated CEO is more likely to manage the organization better.

The professionals adhere to perfection and operate with utmost efficiency guided by an open mindset.

People love straightforward and honest communication

Leaders or managers who don’t have show respect towards others are killing the productivity within the organization.

Maintaining a positive atmosphere consists of making sure that everyone follows your directions “not orders”.

Clear instructions and transparent discussion inspire trust and avoid any misunderstanding.

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“How to Think Like a CEO” Quotes

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Our Critical Review

The author of “How to Think like a CEO” – Debra A. Benton presents several examples that explain how chief executive officers learned the value of open thinking-patterns.

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