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Hug Your Customers Summary

3 min read ⌚ 

Hug Your Customers SummaryThe Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results

Managing a company is a 24/7 work. Personalizing your products is critical for displaying immense capability of satisfying even the pickiest demands.

Hug Your Customers” put to the test all common strategies for increasing profits and serves many new methods on a silver plate that are seldom used.

About Jack Mitchell

Jack MitchellJack Mitchell is a motivator, consultant, a motivational speaker, and the author of several books.

“Hug Your Customers Summary”

Improving the relationship with your customers is not rocket science, but you should also not take anything for granted.

Mitchell states, “Only delighted customers are genuinely loyal.” Such statement emboldens the organizations and stores to prioritize the customers’ needs and put secondary the quality of the goods. Increasing sales is proportional to satisfaction and loyalty.

In reality, the employees constitute the main leading force in all endeavors, and their impact is far more important than any other factor. All marketing strategies will generate little value if the company lacks the expertise and vision to proceed.

If a firm is not fueled by a loyal base of customers, the potential long-term users would be on the fence – whether to use or skip the product your company is offering. Putting your customer as an entity at the top of the hierarchy forms a route paved with principles leading to enforcement of success-rules.

Hugging can be understood and used in various contexts. It can literally illustrate hugging or maintaining a positive vibe with the interlocutor. Get out of the box, and realize that activities such as sending a Christmas Card, or a small gift to your loyal group of customers can generate revenues.

Showing love and appreciation for being loyal to you is regarded as hugging. Caring about their preferences and requirements is the only ticket to prosperity. Rudeness from your employees mustn’t be tolerated, lack of manners can result in bad word-of-mouth marketing, regardless of the quality your products or services possess.

Business owners who adopt a stubborn and single-minded attitude quickly face a collapse. Not many potential customers will make the same mistake twice; especially if you fail to leave a great first impression. On the contrary, conducting with utmost propriety conveys a new message that will set in motion new lucrative laws.

    • Anticipate their reaction and define the “Wow! moment”
    • Be passionate about improving and enhancing the relationships with the customers.
    • Give “free” hugs and eclipse their expectations.  
    • Advocating for customer satisfaction is step one, go for full-loyalty.
    • Allow the customer to voice complaints and make their demands.
    • If you want to be the best, you must work with the best.
  • There are no mistakes, only lessons. There are hundreds of opportunities just waiting for the perfect moment.

Key Lessons from “Hug Your Customers

1.      Hire Positive and Goal-Oriented Individuals
2.      Technology must support hugs
3.      Increase your influence in the market

Hire Positive and Goal-Oriented Individuals

A bad working atmosphere can trigger lesser productivity and endanger the efficiency. The one responsible for human resources must take into account the attitude of the newcomers.

Don’t hire anyone, without thinking and testing their capacities.

Technology must support hugs

Unlike other unrelated sectors, if the cutting-edge equipment and machinery do not back your strategy that is concerned about creating a stable and satisfied base of end-users, you cannot expect to yield favorable results.

Increase your influence in the market

With the help of plenty hugging methods, you can begin thinking about taking control of the market.

In truth, such endeavors often end up in failure due to inadequate preparations. Don’t shy away from challenges and embark on a full-scale adventure.

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“Hug Your Customers” Quotes

Our vision is that anyone that becomes a customer of our stores enters an enduring relationship with us. He or she instantly becomes a friend. That's our motto, Once a customer, always a friend. Click To Tweet In some instances, we physically hug the customers - but we mainly metaphorically hug them by showering them with attention in a way that every business ought to but doesn't. Click To Tweet We know every item a customer has ever purchased and when they purchased it, going back years. We know their sizes, their brand preferences and their color preferences. Click To Tweet If a customer comes in and mentions she's in a bit of a rush because she had to fetch her dog at the vet, we'll say, 'Oh, sorry to hear that. Is Lucia okay?' We know the dog's name too. Click To Tweet It's not location, location, location - it's service, service, service. Click To Tweet

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