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Leading in Times of Crisis Summary

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Leading in Times of Crisis Summary

Navigating Through Complexity, Diversity and Uncertainty to Save Your Business

Nothing stops us from seeing that the world is set on new forms of leadership, the one that can cope with massive issues.

Although not many individuals consider themselves worthy of being a part of this transformation, now you have the chance.

Why? – Stay here to find out:

Our book summary will give insights on leadership, and how it’s best used in times of crisis.

Who Should Read “Leading in Times of Crisis”? And Why

This book surely comes at a great moment, a moment of financial disasters and economic catastrophe to teach us about the basics of leadership in such circumstances. In the digital era, companies are more likely to collapse due to lesser involvement and interest in new technologies, than production issues.

All things considered, “Leading in Times of Crisis” shares some crucial information for staying on top even if, the structure is built on a weak foundation. We warmly recommend it to all people involved in business and students that are marching to reach the same destination.

About David L. Dotlich, Peter C. Cairo, and Stephen H. Rhinesmith

David L. DotlichDavid L. Dotlich, despite being an internationally recognized keynote speaker on leadership and business strategy, he is also the founder and CEO of Pivot. It’s worth mentioning that David was the former president of the Oliver Wyman Executive Learning Center.

Petar CairoPeter C. Cairo is a consultant, an expert in leadership and a senior partner in the Oliver Wyman Executive Learning Center.

Stephen H. RhinesmithStephen H. Rhinesmith was born December 13th, 1942, an expert in global leadership and a senior partner. He wrote several books like Head, Heart, and Guts; A Manager’s Guide to Globalization; etc.

“Leading in Times of Crisis Summary”

Changes in the business world are frequent, especially when they collide with events of massive influence. Generally speaking, an average human mind would construe the New Age as prosperous and all-embracing. On the other side, managers, executives, and officials are forced to forge relationships with uncertain outcomes, leaving the company at the mercy of technology.

Not so sure about the concept? – Stay tuned to learn why:

Although the rapid technological improvement has shaped new ways linked to managing the business, the emphasis falls on whether companies have the capacity to handle all these obstacles at the same time. Just a short while ago, when digitalization wasn’t in full steam ahead, firms appreciate the local domination that they mostly had.

Catch your breath and let’s move on:

What does globalization even mean? – You’ve heard it probably millions of times, and you’re still not sure of its arrival, and point of leaving. By all means, nobody believes that globalized markets will ever return to the basic form of trade. These market transformations produce huge upside potential for those individuals competent enough to explore it. However, it’s equally important to mention the risk emerging from the “New Market Order”. Thereby, you should join forces with caution and learn several things, that may help you soar up on a professional level. For now, we will stick to the three most dangerous issues, that trouble the minds of the corporate leaders:

Complexity is spread throughout the world – The harsh environment requires a sophisticated structure of not just data, but also referring to the markets. Having access to all sorts of information is easier than ever, but maintaining stability due to the influence of multiple jurisdictions is what makes things so complicated.

Diversity as a battle plan against mediocrity – Leaders these days have no control over the entire organization. Their job demands understanding and openness towards the staff, employees, associates, stakeholders and most importantly customers. Your ability to implement “Diversity” as a tool for increasing company’s value, is now becoming a “strategic priority” not an option.

Uncertainty is now part of the game – First and foremost, actions and reactions are not predictable as they once were. Information derives from numerous sources, often leading to a response in the form of “outburst” or gentle and tender feedback.

David L. Dotlich, Peter C. Cairo, and Stephen H. Rhinesmith share their excitement and passion for the New Age but only when approached with alertness and vigilance.

Here’s the deal:

David L. Dotlich, Peter C. Cairo, and Stephen H. Rhinesmith unselfishly share their leadership and management expertise to simplify and eliminate any misleading about the diverse and uncertain Age.

“Leading in Times of Crisis” invokes questions, and provides answers. Occasionally, we fail to identify the obstacles that keep us down. This informational classic, guided by the authors’ knowledge presents helpful end-to-end tools, for getting the best out of you. We firmly believe that this book is good enough, to challenge any mindset, and provoke some personal shift, which ultimately can result in climbing the corporate ladder.

Key Lessons from “Leading in Times of Crisis”

1.      Protecting the company’s interest
2.      Divide the responsibilities
3.      Modern-day maneuvers

Protecting the company’s interest

Executives of the highest order, have more tasks that require their attention, than any other leader half a century ago. They’re like “Piñata” because the firm relies on them to take good care of firm’s interests. Is that possible all by themselves? – Actually no, but customers, associates, investors, suppliers, all expect to witness the desirable outcome at the end of the day.

Divide the responsibilities

Most leaders are aware of the pressure raising and expectations growing! For the same reason, some executives refuse to take the burden on their shoulders and insist that the coordinating part should be handled equally by all members.  

Modern-day maneuvers

Records show us that the massive technological advances, has lead managers and leaders to maneuver through financial crises, and external forces in order to deal with stress on an organizational level.

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“Leading in Times of Crisis” Quotes

Complexity emerges as a result of too much information coming from too many sources. Click To Tweet Good leader doesn't rely just on its instinct. Click To Tweet Whole leaders handle complexity well because they use a framework or filter to sort through existing data and are not paralyzed by having less information than they need or want. Click To Tweet It is absolutely impossible to overestimate the turbulence and chaos that leaders now confront every day. Click To Tweet Everywhere leaders are saying the same thing: The complexity, diversity and the uncertainty of their world has increased, and their leadership ability is not keeping pace. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

We are happy to be a part of “Leading in Times of Crisis” journey because we believe that this book is a modern-guide for leaders and companies. On the bright side, there is no shortage of information whatsoever. Perhaps, the authors are far more critical about the Digital Era then they should, but overall, this is a pleasant change.

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