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Make Your Own Luck Summary

5 min read ⌚ 

Make Your Own Luck SummarySuccess Tactics You’ll Never Learn in Business School

If you want to seize an opportunity, you cannot avoid the risk. Gain and risk are two parallel concepts that work inseparably.

In this short book summary, we’ll introduce you to the basics of “Luckiness”.

Who Should Read “Make Your Own Luck”? And Why?

Make your own Luck” masterpiece is capable of encouraging each individual to take matters into its own hands. In today’s world, we are always complaining, whining and blaming others for our present situation.

This book is intended for all people- to spark that inner fire; this spark can make you feel more self-satisfied and happy. Stop the complaining habit, because these sensations can become your everyday reality, soon you’ll think that you don’t deserve something better.

Live fully, walk with passion, exploit the opportunities that life presents because one day you’ll feel regret because you didn’t dare to take what was rightfully yours.

About Peter Morgan Kash & Tom Monte

Peter Morgan CashPeter Morgan Kash is an American born entrepreneur, writer and a motivator who currently lives in Rockland County, New York U.S.

He is also the Co-Founder of Paramount Capital, Inc. where Peter had co-raised approximately 500 million U.S. Dollars (capital) that helped him to start new 12 successful companies in U.S.A alone.

Despite being an author, he works as a professor as well. He has taught at the Wharton School of Business and several other institutions.

Tom MonteTom Monte is currently a freelance author and a co-writer who has co-authored several best-selling books.

“Make Your Own Luck Summary”

Just imagine this situation, your business is going well, and now you are facing a challenge to close the biggest business deal of your entire career. What would you do and how would you react?

The first you thing you must do is to invest sufficient amount of capital or to finance a group of scientists whose work already has shown tremendous signs of efficiency.

Now there is a storm ahead of you:

You see a smart investor who works in New York and that investor can make the best out of any deal.

What is your reaction?

According to Peter Kash and Tom Monte, you should try over and over again to contact that person if you want to see your business grow.

Are you a stubborn person and hungry for success? If so, you can start by calling his secretary and even his secretary’s secretary. If this method doesn’t produce the expected results, sending flowers with a subtle message in it may give the right ones.

Don’t become too pushy – leave messages and write letters once a week. If it seems like, the world is crashing on your shoulders and no method works, then it is time for a visit. One sunny day, you receive a phone call from the investor you’ve been looking for.

As you enter this new world, you would probably think – finally, luck is on my side. You introduce yourself and invite your new partner for a cup of coffee, where you can discuss matters further.

The deal begins to take a new course as soon as the investor sees future in your project and now he is ready to proceed. No one can give you dedication, which is a personal matter! Never blame anyone, your luck is your own choice.

Peter Morgan Kash is one of those persons which good fortune and luck follow him through life. In one situation when Peter was about to lose a huge amount of money, his business luck instantly took a quick turn and helped him all the way through.

His crazy luck continued when he was about to give up on a key potential investor for his project, however, the very next day he ended up meeting the guy in an elevator and having a pleasant conversation.

No one understands from where does Mash’s crazy fortune emerges!

You should practice kindness, and freedom just like anything else – he says. By pointing out these particular attributes, Peter declares that the world will benefit from a pleasant individual. If you think that the universe is working for your sake, you’ll find this book thrilling and engaging.

Key Lessons from “Make Your Own Luck”

  1.      True values in life matter the most
  2.      The power of a good deed
  3.      Don’t judge yourself too quickly

True values in life matter the most

What is the greatest component of success? The answer is your values, what is valuable to you? Do you have dignity? Are you a man/woman of integrity? If you understand the importance of having proper values, the results will come spontaneously.

A good company must rely on mutual trust and an atmosphere of support.

The power of a good deed

The universe always finds a way to answer your wants and prayers. Every good deed is rewarded, you can call it karma or God it doesn’t matter, what matters is that the world functions like that.

For instance, we can recall a genuinely intriguing story of a certain Scottish farmer known by the name of Fleming who somehow saved young Winston Churchill from drowning. His effort gave him inner satisfaction and bliss because happiness comes in different forms.

Don’t judge yourself too quickly

You have no clue what to do with your life? If you often fall into depression, well, you are not alone. The truth is you are on the right track, although it may seem quite weird. However, every successful person in the world overcame periods of melancholia and depression. Remember, it doesn’t matter whether you’re up or down, that is only a temporary stage in life.

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“Make Your Own Luck” Quotes

Our value system helps us to make the most of our opportunities. Click To Tweet Solutions are waiting to be found. However, there is no substitute for searching earnestly, sincerely, with the clear intention of finding your answer. Click To Tweet Most people enter the workforce with a single priority in mind: financial reward. Click To Tweet The web of life seems to have a long memory and an even longer reach, returning to each of us good fortune or bad, depending on the seeds we have sown. Click To Tweet Choose the things that are most important to you and give yourself - that is, give your time, energy, concentration, and commitment - to them. Chances are very good that you will get the things you want from life. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

Even if you find yourself in unpleasant surroundings, you should always look at the bright side. Kash and Monte are not taking life too personal; they are trying to provoke an inner transformation for person’s sake.

The mindset must be transformed if you want to count yourself among the luckiest people out there.There is an old saying: Luck follows only the bravest among all.

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