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The Element Summary

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The Element SummaryHow Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

Ready for another insightful, thrilling and engaging book?

We summarize the critical features of “The Element” and present to you in an easily-absorbable manner.

Who Should Read “The Element”? And Why?

Both Robinson and Lou Aronica, passionately clarify the route to self-fulfillment in a process called “the Element.” This book is enriched with plenty of common ground rules that can really put you on the map. Stories from renowned athletes, scientists and artists endorse the methods explained in this guidebook.

At least, out of curiosity, you should check this book because it opposes traditional paths to success, and brings new dynamics to the idea of enforcing intelligence and creativity.

About Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica

Sir Ken RobinsonSir Ken Robinson is a British speaker, author, consultant and a motivator born on March 4th, 1950 in Liverpool. He wrote many intriguing books such as Finding Your Element, The Arts in Schools, The Arts in Further Education, Out of Our Minds, etc.  

Lou Aronica

Lou Aronica was born in 1958, and he is an editor, publisher, and a part-time writer.

“The Element Summary”

Our education system entirely neglects the element of surprise. However, in this short book summary, we’ll try to convey Sir Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica’s message and hopefully provoke a change that can fix that!!

Let’s start:

Although the global society is somehow promoting education – as a significant part in every person’s daily endeavors, yet these processes are so one-sided, referring to the limited number of ways we can gain access to these concepts.

In fact, many people complain that instead of testing our memory, the educational systems should provide guidance and exploit our potential.

In other words, “The Element” pushes you over the edge – if that’s your case. Do you believe that every profession can be replaced a machine or technology? – Of course not, let’s take one step back and recall those memorable moments.

Here’s the thing:

Not all people are familiar with the concept of happiness because their job is not linked to their hearth. Meaning that they are engaged in other things, instead of being focused on their talent.

You’ve probably heard the phrase – I am in my element today, or not. Let’s investigate this topic for a bit. Being in there indicates, that you are fully connected with the center of your existence, more often referred as soul.

Your entire body craves to be reunited with the creative side. However, don’t take our words for granted, use your intuition and learn more on your own. In reality, “The Element” affects each individual differently, there are no rules, nor rehearsals – everything unfolds according to the universal timetable.   

To get the big picture and explore your God-given talent, make sure you possess all the right qualities, including mentality. You can ask any person out there, what do they mean when they say – lucky? Under what circumstances, can we count ourselves being among the luckiest persons out there?

A lot of misleading information can give you a headache, so let’s stick to the stuff, we already know. According to Robinson and Aronica’s expertise, the only lucky people in the world, are those who have a dream job, and momentarily they are in that place they want to be.

If you wish to find yourself on that list, get in that Element!! Before we go into details, it’s best if you can get success with reach, by looking for a life-altering opportunity, something that can give you the upper hand. Once you find it, there is no turning back.

Here’ what you should consider:

Fun fact, luck is not a privilege for some people. Do you have anything that pushes you forward, even if you are not in the mood? As you can see, we all are responsible for our wellbeing, the people we refer to as blissful are the ones you have very little knowledge of what they’ve been through.

You are looking at the end result, and not the processes or routes in order to get there. You need to start cherishing the moments with yourself, ignite that fire and let your creativity flourish. Nothing occurs absent cause because happiness is not an accident.

When you are in the zone, of doing something you feel good at, you can sense creativity, and talent emerging spontaneously.

Key Lessons from “The Element”

1.      There are no shortages of creativity
2.      Reshape your life by changing your mindset
3.      Conduct a proper inner investigation

There are no shortages of creativity

Just as the society interprets intelligence regarding academic ability, we’ve also managed to define creativity and happiness.

Nevertheless, we’ve been taught that only the “selected” ones such as artists, sportsmen, can develop creativity and use it on a daily basis.

In reality, nobody can deprive you of this asset if you have the guts to follow it.

Reshape your life by changing your mindset

Your behavior plays a pivotal role in this process, and we advise that you should pay more attention to details, and analyze why you behave in a certain way.

Generally speaking, optimistic, self-confident, hardworking, patient, and to some extent, stubborn individuals have more chances to come out victorious.

Conduct a proper inner investigation

The idea is to view intelligence not as a trait, or characteristic but as an asset. The concept or notion of intelligence originates from ancient Greece. Greek philosophers considered that people differ in terms of logical thinking and reasoning.

As society progressed, their assumption became facts, as intelligence became omnipresent among us.

In order to prove its trustworthiness, many renowned scholars invented models and methods to calculate IQ using various types of metrics.

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“The Element” Quotes

If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original. Click To Tweet For most of us the problem isn’t that we aim too high and fail - it’s just the opposite - we aim too low and succeed. Click To Tweet Our task is to educate their (our students) whole being so they can face the future. We may not see the future, but they will and our job is to help them make something of it. Click To Tweet The Element is about discovering your self, and you can't do this if you're trapped in a compulsion to conform. You can't be yourself in a swarm. Click To Tweet e are all born with extraordinary powers of imagination, intelligence, feeling, intuition, spirituality, and of physical and sensory awareness. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

Although this book has a lot to offer, you’ve probably familiar with the idea of being positive so that good things can happen to you. Despite that, you can still learn a lot from “The Element” if you wish to get out of the “average” circle.

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