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The Man Who Fed the World Summary

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The Man Who Fed the World SummaryNobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug and His Battle to End World Hunger

Are you looking for an inspiring story? – Something that can get you started?

Although we hate to admit, the world has become one self-centered place, and we must do something about it before it’s too late.

In this review, we discuss the main factors that are a part of the War – declared on hunger and starvation.

Who Should Read “The Man Who Fed the World”? And Why?

Is there anything nobler than standing up for those, who are too weak and neglected by their governments? – We sincerely doubt it.

The Man Who Fed the World” is an amazing story about a person, who unlike any other was driven by honesty and integrity to save the planet. We recommended to everyone willing to explore the reasons behind Borlaug’s ideology.  

About Leon Hesser

Leon Hesser is an expert regarding agricultural science and economy.

He is also a former farmer, who heads the U.S. program that targets the increase of food-production globally.

“The Man Who Fed the World Summary”

The Stalin’s purges and famine imposed mostly on the KuIaks marked only the beginning of worldly starvation, which continued after WW2.

In colonized Africa, and some Communist countries, the situation was escalating, but the international community felt no urge to react.

One highly skilled, and prominent “artisan” known by the name of Norman Borlaug had humble beginnings. Born in 1914, he soon faced the “1930 Great Depression”, spiced up with the devastating effects of WW2.

He literally revolutionized the ideas about agriculture, with plans in mind to install a mentality, which would become the fundamental ground for fighting hunger, and exploitation to unknown scales.

His optimism and passion were ignited during his school days, where the wrestling coach taught him a valuable lesson – Don’t bother starting a new campaign, if you are not prepared to give all you got!!

On numerous occasion, he encountered the same question: – What is your strategy for eradicating hunger from the face of the Earth? – He promptly replied: Focusing more on the yield of wheat crops, and in return, we can extract more food per farmland.

Many questioned his ideas, but somehow success and endurance revolved around him – building a shield against those who tried to obstruct the progress.

His commitment inspired many, and his endeavors to integrate all parties were not so well-received.

Every society has its own way of utilizing agriculture, and changing tradition come at a price.

Norman was aware that success is only possible if the government agrees to provide support through an aggressive campaign to upgrade the production systems.

He never felt hesitation to argue with government officials, whose policies were not only harmful to their community, but to the world.

In later years, he managed to convince the Indians, Pakistani, and Mexicans that the government must assist the production of crop fertilizers, and to avoid trade interference.

The work and his ideas had a considerable impact on Mexican agriculture, altering the core of the system.

During those days, the green revolution was preparing for take-off, and people throughout the world labeled it as a wheat and corn revolution.

Borlaug as a head of the program, and campaign to wipe out starvation on a global scale, had intentions to imply the value of wheat productions, even in countries dependent on harvesting.

These practices were later put to the test in both India and Pakistan, starting a boundless green revolution.

So, what was the trigger for turning a simple wheat revolution into a full-scale global green uprising?

His work extended beyond agricultural borders, and by using various links and networks located in research centers, Borlaug managed to spread the mania on a worldly basis.

For instance, he didn’t allow scientist to extract info from other projects, but instead to conduct their own set of analyzes.

One might wonder – How did Borlaug win the Nobel Peace Prize? – He was merely focusing on famine, not the war! Think of it this way: Many people are driven to war due to lack of resources available, which can be a dangerous incentive for activating a conflict.

In truth, there was only one class that truly supported Borlaug’s intentions to the full extent. The poor and hungry; those who felt the burden of an empty belly, and lack of human rights.

They didn’t criticize his endeavors and even praised his ideas – as the green revolution founder.

According to Borlaug’s beliefs, a farmer cannot trust a scientist who sits in a lab, without experiencing the hardship of harvesting.

Getting your hands dirty, and absorbing the burden of wheat production, is the only way you be allowed to suggest other forms for altering the food-production system.

What has left of the green revolution?

No one can say that we (as a global community) have managed to overcome the seriousness of the situation.

However, Borlaug laid down strong foundations for next generations with hopes that one day hunger will no longer pose a threat to the world.

The end goal is to offer employment opportunities to young and motivated people, to replace those, who can no longer provide valuable service to their community.

Key Lessons from “The Man Who Fed the World

1.      The shortages of high-quality staff must be replenished
2.      Dedicate yourself fully, to your cause
3.      Control the birth-rate, especially in rural communities

The shortages of high-quality staff must be replenished

Unfortunately, the scarcity of knowledgeable personnel with sincere motives affects the expansion of agricultural science.

Addressing this problem required expertise, something that Borlaug had and wanted to use in order to inflict change upon the world.

Dedicate yourself fully, to your cause

In today’s numbers and professional analyzes, Borlaug’s organization deserves all the credit for saving more than a billion of lives.

Although he is known as a man who immersed in his work, he expected the same from his associates.

Control the birth-rate, especially in rural communities

In his famous and enlightening speech, Borlaug warned about another danger that threatens to destabilize the world.

The population growth is one problem covering all spheres of human influence, and it can largely contribute to world hunger if we don’t combine our efforts.

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Our Critical Review

Not much can be said expect that Borlaug was a great man that will be remembered for his efforts and practices.

One cannot simply dislike such book and story.

According to us, “The Man Who Fed the World” deserves the highest praises for its message, and practical side.

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