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The Power of an Hour Book by Dave Lakhani – Book Summary

<1 min read ⌚ 

The Power of an Hour Summary

Business and Life Mastery in One Hour A Week

The revolutionary approach consists of maintaining healthy habits on a daily basis.

Your life routine is routed to the hour-at-a-time program – explore its benefits.

Who Should Read “The Power of an Hour”? And Why?

Dave Lakhani’s efforts target all the industries, cultures, and nations. “The Power of an Hour” takes the pedestal due to the prodigious amount of research conducted on producing a fact-filled book, a truly comprehensive guide that deservedly takes all the credit. Nevertheless, what intrigues readers the most, is the author’s broad view of the situation.

On the other hand, the book shares specific instructions and directions that the readers should follow. Some of these concepts overthrow many of the conventional and misleading ideas.

Not sure which one deserves the right amount of focus? Should you implement “lottery” tactics or are there any other methods? – As mentioned earlier, this book is beneficial for any person because it covers numerous subjects related to daily needs and cares.

About Dave Lakhani

Dave LakhaniDave Lakhani is a speaker and the president of consultancy company – Bold Approach that concentrates on enhancing businesses in all aspects. He is a renowned speaker, who spread his marketing influence by sharing various thoughts on sales and promotion.

Dave, despite his other activities, also wrote “Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want” and “The Power of an Hour”.

“The Power of an Hour Summary”

If time and space are bothering you, well you are the new member of the “I don’t have time” club. Every day more people join, mostly those persons who cannot burst that bubble of laziness. Even though life has its mysterious ways, we all share the 24h notion.

Across modern times, scientists and experts struggled to identify the differences existing among a productive and lethargic group of people. Neither one of them could be so easily separated from the other because, at the end of the day, time is available to everyone.

From an inactive point of view, efficiency and energy is something that comes naturally. From an energetic perspective, the fighting spirit and intensity are features that are sparked by the right attitude.

The author decides –people should judge which one is more correct. Nowadays, many theories grab our attention, one of them illustrate that it’s not about the time you have, but how you use it. The complexity of the subject reveals a concept that separates limited time span from not having “Power of an Hour”.

The majority of busy people realize throughout life that complaining is not advisable nor beneficial. As a result of such an understanding, a person will immediately experience a variety of benefits by focusing only on the most vital projects.

The first “Critical Power Hour,” motivates readers to answer several intriguing questions that will sure reorganize every inner layer and produce the desired outcome.

  • What is the first thing that comes up in your mind when someone mentions the word – change? Be clear, straightforward and detailed.
  • Critical thinking alludes to all aspects of success. How to realize the structure of change and make use of it?
  • Without creative thinking, are there any other possible solutions?
  • Is it necessary to know all the steps? If so, a person should document them and set reasonable deadlines.
  • What motivates you, to start the process? Make sure that all of the actions are written down.  
  • How will the system measure the quality of your progress? Sometimes, the comparison is the only valid indicator.
  • Do you plan on rewarding yourself, after the process is finished?  

Nothing special is required for conducting a change. One solid interruption-free hour and Lakhani’s instruction guide-book is all it takes (which btw won’t take too much of your time). Such attitude will lead you to the birth of a Zen-like state of mind also known by the name – Fearsome Focus.

This methodology will not only improve productivity but also eradicate all your troubles.

Not many books share the versatility like “Power of an Hour,” because every information energizes the inner storm that according to Dave, every person possesses. His sometimes controversial instructions can lift up any person’s spirit and energy to a point where enthusiasm takes control of one’s life.

All optimism can do, is share that call for change. We recognize the trustworthy materials and wish to share them with the public. This book comes highly recommended for any person who strives for doing something big or those who struggle to overcome the daily “to-do-list”.

Key Lessons from “The Power of an Hour”

1.      Business versus productivity
2.      Understand the power of focus
3.      The value of a real plan

Business versus productivity

If you already feel trapped in the circle of preoccupation, you should start weeding out some of the activities that aren’t producing any results.

Then again, it’s not a piece of cake to just reshape the entire schedule or daily routine, but everyone can start with something simple like, concentrating only on those activities that generate something valuable.

Understand the power of focus

Each person is entitled to have beliefs and views which by some standards speak about that individual. The focus is an entirely different attribute, which can be learned.

The ability to point your attention to a specific task represents the difference between success and failure. Arm yourself with self-knowledge and explore the world.

The value of a real plan

Start fiercely by creating an “achievement action plan” that will provide cover for all the other powerful hours.

Afterwards, you can narrow down the broader scope and become more specific about what do you or your business want to achieve.

Set reasonable goals and evaluate your success.

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“The Power of an Hour” Quotes

Your very next hour is waiting for you to power it up. What are you going to do? Click To Tweet The only thing stopping you from having everything you've ever dreamed of or desired is your willingness to take the first step. Click To Tweet Focus, consistency and action. These are the keys to growing your business and yourself. Click To Tweet Fear is the most significant barrier that faces anyone who sets out to create something new. Click To Tweet While time may seem like the thing you need the most of, it turns out that isn't true. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

Among other things, “Power of an Hour” defends the theory, that time is not the culprit for unproductivity, and yet leaves enough room for discussion. Every opinion counts, and surely that’s the case here as well. Too many obstructions are battling for your energy?

No worries, pay attention to details and spark that creativity.

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