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The Rebel Rules Summary

5 min read ⌚ 

The Rebel Rules SummaryDaring to be Yourself in Business

We are not here to tell you to hit the brakes.

If you are tired of being in the middle of nowhere, without any plan, it’s time for a radical shift.

Fasten your seatbelts; we’re taking off!

Who Should Read “The Rebel Rules”? And Why?

Remember how you refused to abide by your parents’ norms and principles? Have you forgotten about your dreams of being a superhero, or a pilot? – Many of us have done the same.

The Rebel Rules” questions the disappearance of our childhood dreams and hopes that ended up in the mud.

We challenge you to awake and prescribe this masterpiece to all individuals.

About Chip Conley

Chip ConleyChip Conley is lauded as one of the best American Entrepreneurs whose work was featured in renowned magazines such The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal.

For his incredible achievements, he was awarded the Northern California Real Estate Entrepreneur of the Year.

“The Rebel Rules Summary”

Don’t waste your talent! But, what does that mean? Unfortunately, the society has torn down many dreams that had a bright future ahead.

These hopes and incentives are destroyed at a very young age, never to be rebuilt again.

So, today’s topic is all about how to reawaken that inner potential or rebelliousness that was not so long ago taken from you!

One way to do it is to go way back and try to remember what you’ve enjoyed doing the most. Scan your childhood, and get the big picture, and perhaps this will be a new beginning of a prosperous journey.

Another way to do it is by asking yourself – What do I admire most in other persons?

What attributes, can be portrayed as mind-blowing? – But, let’s take it slowly!

Chip Conley conveys a strong message that appeals to all modern entrepreneurs and businesspeople.

In order to keep the discipline flowing on an organizational level, you need to a firm grip on all assignments, right? Well, No! Nervous and impatient leaders don’t last long.

Making trade-offs is not an imperative; the leaders ought to focus on establishing a perfect balance between 4 key elements vision, passion, instinct, and agility.

    • Having a sharp vision gives the go-ahead or stimulates the rebel to find a route for its organization to follow.
    • Fill up your heart with passion. Incite that burning desire and expect a big victory.
    • Next in line is instinct. Trusting it can get the success in all forms within reach. Don’t reject it!
  • Be agile if you want your business idea to work. Adapt to the situation to instigate a win-win situation.

Not many leaders can withstand pressure, but those who can are well-informed about the power generating through these elements.

In truth, who wants to be stuck in mediocrity? It’s unnatural, and yet many of us adhere to such meaningless concepts while depriving themselves of something valuable.

True rebels love their work, and they have no troubles in synchronizing their personal and professional life. Express yourself freely and hold no policy in your back pocket.

As we said, it’s critical to outline the people you admire the most. What’s next? If you are a down-to-earth person, you’ll have no troubles when it comes to comparison.

The next in line is to underline your habits, separate the good from the bad ones – be realistic while you are at it.

How to keep in touch with the greatest business rebels? – First things first, never start a business with a friend, or anyone closely related to you.

Go for competence, don’t settle for friendship and closeness because your money, energy and time are at stake.

It’s sheer logic that in the 21st century, every rebel leader should promote and advocate for an open society, where everyone will get access to unlimited learning resources.

Your employee’s growth adds to the overall progress, and you should enforce new rules to make that happen.

Qualified staff and ideas for expansion add fuel to the fire – regarding the never-ending innovation struggle.

Without flexibility, the companies cannot cope with the greatest adversary they have – time!

Motivate your employees to embrace failure, and never to stop the innovation efforts. Reducing the stigma attached to making a mistake can boost the company to an unmeasurable extent.

It’s pretty evident that “service” as a process is of the highest order. Even the best product, cannot experience a major breakthrough without a proper servicing.

One act of rudeness can cause a massive decline in sales and profits, mainly due to the fact that we live in a digital era.

Positive vibe can reach every corner of the world, (even though the Earth is round) and every negative feedback travels faster than light!

In such regards, legendary brands are not merely designing and developing products, but focus on the user experience.

They want to portray their products, as something the customer should become emotionally attached to.

Despite the company’s size and influence, you as a leader must always celebrate rebels and innovations.

Don’t make a big deal out of every small sign of failure. Embrace ingenuity and be honest with your co-workers and associates.

Key Lessons from “The Rebel Rules”

1.      Design a blueprint
2.      With great power comes great responsibility
3.      Focus on the entire process

Design a blueprint

Find the links and attributes that connect you to the individual you think highly of!

Afterward, you can design a formula that can bring your expertise on to the next level.

Go for something that fits your vision, and strategy – you don’t have to embrace an out-of-box attitude on this one.

With great power comes great responsibility

There comes a time, when your company does no longer fit into a start-up category.

Its influence stretches beyond those borders, and you need to handle the complexity of a bigger organization and divide the resources – proportionally.

Focus on the entire process

If you neglect each element of delivering high-quality service, you might face a quick downfall.

It has been noted that three stages of services can influence customer satisfaction at the end of the process: expected, desired and unexpected.

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“The Rebel Rules Quotes”

Think of your emotions as messages that give you the freedom, rather than the obligation, to respond. Fear protects. Regret teaches. Sadness releases. Joy uplifts. Empathy unites. Click To Tweet Anxiety = Uncertainty x Powerlessness Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

The Rebel Rules are not an act of disobedience, but a new path paved with pure intentions and integrity.

This book has taught us how to apply our ideas and work our way to the top.

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