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The Sales Bible Summary

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The Sales Bible SummaryThe Ultimate Sales Resource

Sometimes, all you need is a long list of tips that you can use immediately, to get better results.

In today’s post, we are offering you the actionable advice that Jeffrey Gitomer gives in “The Sales Bible.”

Who Should Read “The Sales Bible”? And Why?

“The Sales Bible” is a catalog of sales tips and rule of thumbs, which every salesperson should know. Jeffrey Gitomer gives useful advice to selling in an unfavorable economy, which is truly motivating and inspiring.

We heartily recommend this useful book, to all salespeople who need all the encouragement they can get.

About Jeffrey Gitomer

Jeffrey GitomerJeffrey Gitomer has grown to become a leading expert on sales and customer service. Several business journals in Europe and the United States publish his column “Sales Moves.”

“The Sales Bible Summary”

There is a vast pool of books on the topic of sales already available.

So, you may ask, why should you give a chance to this one?

Well, because “The Sales Bible” gives you all the old rules – with a twist.

Today’s markets require a different approach when using the fundamental rules of selling. Gitomer tries to show you what the new rules of selling are.

Next, we will summarize his thoughts for you:

  • Sell what the customer needs or wants, not what you happen to have.
  • Get to know your customer and use that knowledge to make a sale.
  • Become a friend to your customer, since they don’t trust salespeople, but they do trust friends.
  • Compete using strong relationships.
  • Find things that you and the customer have in common and create a bond.
  • Get your customers to trust you.
  • Have a sense of humor.
  • Don’t ever look like you’re trying to sell.

Just like anything else, perfecting these rules with take time and practice.

Remember this rules by heart, since they will be handy at all times, especially in bad market conditions.

In fact, when the conditions are unfavorable, the list expands even more.

Below, we are giving you 24.5 principles of success, which you may use when things are slow.

  • Protect your customers from your competitors
  • Stay competitive by strengthening the relationships with your clients, instead of competing on price.
  • Make sure you are the best at what you do and cut all unnecessary processes and products.
  • Network. Network. Network.
  • Get visible in your community: make a name for yourself.
  • Add value by giving your customers information they need, that they cannot get anywhere else.
  • Maintain your reputation.
  • Make your decision wisely.
  • Stop complaining about the decrease in interest from your clients. People always buy, so find a solution to your problem.
  • Pack yourself up with knowledge of attitude.
  • Invest in yourself and build your reputation.
  • Be unique and memorable.
  • Focus on building your Internet presence.
  • Cultivate and study creativity.
  • Learn how to handle a “no.” Soon you will figure out how to turn the “no”s into “yes”s.
  • Work hard.
  • Wake up early.
  • Focus on your goals.
  • Plan a series of steps to reach your big goal.
  • Back yourself with your time and money.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude.
  • You are responsible for your success.
  • Actually,
  • Be childish. When did a four-year-old asking for a candy bar ever take no for an answer?

Now that you have learned these rules, we will continue with the rules of successful selling.

  • Be self-confident and optimistic
  • Set goals and a series of steps to achieve them.
  • Learn the basics of selling, and practice what you learn.
  • Understand the needs of your customers.
  • Do not let earning be your primary goal. Sell to serve.
  • Build long-term relationships
  • Believe in your company and your product.
  • Prepare.
  • Build trust and speak truthfully.
  • Keep the promises you make.
  • Sell to the right person
  • Make people laugh.
  • Know your product thoroughly.
  • Sell how the product will make life easier and better for the customer, not the product itself.
  • Don’t speak negatively about your competitors
  • Get satisfied customers to endorse you.
  • Pay close attention to signals that the potential client is ready to buy.
  • Be ready for the objections.
  • Understand those objections and prepare to meet them.
  • Trust overcomes objections, so build it.
  • Ask, and you will most probably get the sale.
  • Know when it is time to keep quiet.
  • If you fail to make the sale by the time you need to leave, make another appointment on the spot.
  • Follow up and be persistent.
  • Remember that rejection is not personal.
  • Be flexible and accept change.
  • Follow the rules.
  • There is no such thing as luck, only hard work.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and stop pointing fingers.
  • Remember that selling is a numbers game.
  • Be passionate.
  • Make a lasting impression, so people talk about you with others.
  • Have a great time!

And remember: attitude + humor + action = success.

Key Lessons from “The Sales Bible”

1.      Write Your Goals Down
2.      Carefully Use Humor
3.      Introductions That Last

Write Your Goals Down

Writing your goals down and putting them somewhere visible will boost your motivation since you will get reminded every day of what you are planning to achieve.

The focus is the key to success.

Carefully Use Humor

Humor can be your greatest friend or your greatest enemy. When using humor remember the following rules:

  • Use humor to break the ice.
  • Mean stories about other people are not funny.
  • Remember that there will be some people who won’t get your jokes.
  • Laugh at your own account.
  • Notice details about your prospect and guess his character before you tell a joke.
  • Do not tell old jokes.
  • Tell personal stories.
  • Do not tell jokes about ethnic groups other than your own.
  • Timing is everything.

Introductions That Last

First impressions matter. So make sure you include all information you want your prospect to know about it: who you are, what you do, and what your company does. Include a few questions as well, to get to know your prospect.

It is important that you immediately know if your prospect is the one making the decisions or not.

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“The Sales Bible” Quotes

Don’t manage anyone except yourself - be a leader. Click To Tweet The sale begins when the customer says no. Click To Tweet Live it. Live it every day. Click To Tweet The cold call is fun if you think it is. Click To Tweet An objection may actually indicate buyer interest. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

The author repeats three core messages over the entire book. However, these messages need to be heard many times, to resonate with the readers.

Be warned that you may be put off by the author’s optimism and cheerleading, but if you are – then this is not the book for you. “The Sales Bible” is a book for people who need all the motivation and encouragement they can get.

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