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Tribe of Mentors Summary

5 min read ⌚ 

Tribe of Mentors PDFShort Life Advice from the Best in the World

Every now and then we feel cornered. The inner tension is escalating and finding that strength to endure amidst all the confusion can turn out to be a nightmare.

In this book summary, you’ll learn what it takes to break from the daily grind and tailor your strategy.

Who Should Read “Tribe of Mentors”? And Why?

Do you have your mentor – that person who has looked after you? – If not, you don’t need looking for one; just psych yourself up with the right attitude!

Tribe of Mentors is a comprehensive piece that puts an accent on the present moment, and all the benefits emerging from this state. As such, it’s suitable for everyone, because it provides an excellent cover for every person’s actions.

About Tim Ferriss

Tim FerrissTim Ferriss is one of America’s finest authors, entrepreneurs, and keynote speakers whose words spark decisiveness and eagerness.  

He is the author of The 4-Hour Workweek; Tools of Titans; The 4 Hour Body, and The 4-Hour Chef.

“Tribe of Mentors PDF Summary”

In the modern era, the term “success” has extended beyond the everyday ordinary meaning, which refers to the momentary satisfaction of job well-done. One word signifies and takes the shape of an evaluator, which displays the person/mentor’s level of achievement.

So, before we outline a few mentors whose careers speak for themselves, it’s crucial to ask – what is common for all these leaders and decision-makers?

Let’s find out!

Tim Ferris in his study or should we say research, discovered that books have a pivotal role in both inspiring and providing solutions for people. These leaders or mentors are highly dependent on new ideas, which can derive in various forms, and one of them is through reading.

You are not human if everything so far, went according to your plans and predictions. Experiencing defeats or stumbling right before the finish-line is an integral part of life.

Self-esteem is just the reputation that you have with yourself. You’ll always know.

Making the most out of it, involves getting up, and making gigantic strides towards the final goal.

Revolutionizing your mindset is highly essential in order to suffocate the negative influence coming from all sides. Life isn’t a fairy-tale story; if you go about portraying yourself as a victim, the others will become your predators.

Patton Oswalt clearly states that without failure, a person can’t reach a mind-stage where it can actually start accelerating its career.

Nevertheless, this development or progress can’t flourish if you underestimate your abilities. Questioning your second nature is a must for every individual who intends to make a radical internal shift.

There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant.

Trading bonds, stocks, and other securities is not the only type of investment. You can invest in your health, well-being, education, information, the availability of resources, and so forth.

Taking your career onto the next level is one of the few ventures you wouldn’t want to miss or sidestep. Top mentors argue that remaining calm under pressure is perhaps the greatest asset one can have. For the same purpose, they suggest meditation.

Tim compiles a list of meditation practitioners, who also express the benefits of having a quiet time with yourself, and defeating the endless chatter of thoughts.

Jimmy Fallon, Jim Carrey, Yuval Noah Harari, Oprah, David Lynch, are among them. Not knowing the world tells the meaning of not knowing yourself; being self-aware means being vigilant about the world.

Happiness is a choice you make and a skill you develop.

Even if you are at the top of the world, you can’t say – That’s it, I know it all. There’s always enough space for you to grow or enhance personally and professionally.

So, what about the methods, which ones maximize the effect, which ones should be held responsible for eventual failure? – You need to find the control button, and pave your own way; the only thing mentors can give you is attitude and basic schooling.

Bear Grylls has a lot of nicknames throughout the world for his “craziness” and passion pointed at nature and adrenaline adventures. As a former military man and Star of his own TV-Show Man vs Wild, he understands the exact meaning of the notion “cracking under pressure.”

He implies that there’s nothing wrong with being afraid, but not doing something because of it, is horrible.

Living in the moment is the only advice you’ll ever get, and fears shouldn’t stop you from being what you are!

Social Media sensation Gary Vaynerchuk argues that saying No while feeling Yes, is like signing your capitulation. Being open to life requires more than words, it depends on attitude, determination, and eagerness to build your future.

Imagine that you are in such position, where you can share your story with first-year students, or recent graduates. What would be your advice? – How would you advise them to start and nurture their careers?

These days, you’ll often hear comments about the digital age, and the importance of engaging your audience online.

Growing on social media and building your brand, must not become your primary concern. Wise people focus on delivering superior quality because they thrive on their work.

Before drawing the final conclusion, let’s underline the fundamental priorities! – It’s not about making more money, but about enjoying your work, and develop into a real master.

Reading more, can definitely help you soar above the clouds and give you another perspective!

Key Lessons from “Tribe of Mentors”

1.      Design the perfect formula that works for you
2.      Quality comes first
3.      Get in the right frame of mind and define your goals

Design the perfect formula that works for you

Not all mentors believe that practice absent strategic orientation can bring about success and happiness.

According to them, becoming a specialist revolves around two sets of things: craft, and healthy habits. Without exercising your mastery, you’ll never be really good at it!  

Quality comes first

In general, you don’t have to be overcommitted to anything, just be fully aware of the endless opportunities that are just behind the corner.

Beware of ideas that reduce the quality of your output, and emphasize the short-term money-making approach.

Get in the right frame of mind and define your goals

Mentors fully agree that there’s one hint in being successful.

If you don’t focus your energy on remaining productive, creative and innovative – your talent and craft will never rise to the surface.

Put more effort than you did yesterday, and strive to set new boundaries!

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“Tribe of Mentors Quotes”

Never let a good crisis go to waste. It’s the universe challenging you to learn something new and rise to the next level of your potential. Click To Tweet I’ve realized that instead of following the trends, you want to identify the trends but not follow them. It’s good to recognize trends, but if you follow them, you get sucked into them, and then you also fall with the trend. Click To Tweet Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask. After all, conscious thinking is largely asking and answering questions in your own head. Click To Tweet I believe that the key to self-sufficiency is breaking free of the mindset that someone, somewhere, owes you something or will come to your rescue. Click To Tweet Don’t do things that you know are morally wrong. Not because someone is watching, but because you are. Self-esteem is just the reputation that you have with yourself. You’ll always know. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

We all need that corner guy that will push us over the limit and help us to get through this difficult time.

Wise mentors understand your suffering and respect your agendas. They have a habit of encouraging you to get up, even if the whole world has turned its back on you.

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