The 33 Strategies of War Summary
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Wouldn’t be nice if Napoleon or Alexander the Great could have developed a strategic life plan? As a matter of fact, they did – through this book.
We got your attention, didn’t we? Well, stay with us to find out more!
Who Should Read “The 33 Strategies for War”? and Why?
Robert Greene as a highly skilled author is not among those writers that limit their possibilities and become only commercially orientated writers?
It would be a sin, to stick to your ignorance and separate the audience to whom this marvelous piece of work would be especially intended.
That would be like saying – Not all beings deserve to drink water.
Greene advises adults, students, businesspeople, working people from all races-nationalities-religions, and knowledge seekers to change their way of perceiving things or in other words to challenge their world.
It is a strategically orientated, thrilling and exciting classic and anyone who asks for help and inner change should give “The 33 Strategies of War” a go.
About Robert Greene
Robert Greene is an American-born and highly admired author of strategy, seduction, power and social status books. He was born on May 14, 1959, in Los Angeles, California.
After his adulthood in LA, where he grew up, Greene continued his education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he received his B.A. degree in classical studies.
Before taking his first steps as a writer, Robert worked on dozens of different jobs such as Translator, text editor and even as a Hollywood movie writer.
“The 33 Strategies of War Summary”
Army and corporate strategists agree upon one thing in particular.
If an individual or business cannot confront extreme behavior, they will always find themselves one step behind.
The whole society is facing one strange but unique vocabulary issue where the vast majority of the population thinks that the words tactically and strategically are synonyms and there is no significant difference between them- at all.
This theory is 100% false, for a person to understand the world’s most renowned conquerors; it must separate these two at once, and prefer the strategic thinking approach towards in-life situations.
Where does “The 33 Strategies of War” fit in all this?
Robert Greene’s exceptional book is not just helpful and supportive in developing a unique person’s perspective on how things used to be, but also intrigues you as a reader in a way that you’d be probably asking yourself – What would I do if I’ve faced the same circumstances as a Ruler?
If a person declares that he/she falls into a history expert category, that doesn’t qualify them as knowledgeable individuals that would readily understand the world’s most famous and renowned military strategist and conquerors.
It takes courage, in-depth and unbiased approach so that you can at least try and be able to look from: Napoleon Bonaparte, Sun-Tzu, Julius Caesar, Alexander III of Macedon, Genghis Khan, Carl von Clausewitz, Suleiman the Magnificent, Erwin Rommel, Hannibal’s perspective.
Do not be fooled by its title.
Many ignorant readers would say: In the 21st century you don’t need an old war book; we live in different times now!
First of all, this is not a war book.
The 33 Strategies of War as one remarkable writing is an all-around book, which challenges all aspects of life.
Greene explains the same issues that a person would experience in his daily job (perhaps without any swords), so a strategic way of thinking was helpful back then, it is helpful now, and it will be helpful in the future.
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Read on to find out exactly how it can help you.
Key Lessons from “The 33 Strategies of War”
1. The highly effective- Polarity Strategy
2. The Guerilla WarMachine and their Strategy
3. The Counterbalance and Total Mind Control Strategy
“The highly effective-Polarity Strategy”
We can recall a situation, back in the days former Britain’s Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher deliberately criticized her Labour party members. This unpleasant case led to a polarized electorate, that spontaneously created a cult for her.
Now we must analyze, why was this strategy so successful?- As a consequence of this approach, Thatcher created an image of a strong and independent leader that would lead Britain to prosperity.
So you should ask yourself are you ready for a battle? Are you prepared to step out of your comfort zone? If so, stand up for yourself and get what you’re worth.
“The Guerrilla-WarMachine-and-their- Strategy”
Greene clarifies that the people’s beliefs and assumptions are shaped by their parents, media, education and so many other aspects and cultural behaviors.
For a person to understand the foundation of any guerilla strategy, he/she must place itself “in front of a mirror” and see the world from an unbiased and impartial perspective.
If you’re too attached to the past, you’ll not be able to look at the possibilities that the future unfolds, live here and now and act strategically.
“The Counterbalance and Total Mind control Strategy”
Humans have one exceptional gift, the gift of mind, the gift of making rational decisions.
The real question is: How we as humans would have coped with the difficulties that life continually throws at us if we aren’t able to use the mind’s capabilities to counter all these treats and issues?
For instance: You surely remember the well-known and famous film director and producer Alfred Hitchcock.
Everyone who worked with him was amazed by Hitchcock’s calm nature, and they were wondering:
How in the hell after all these years and struggles, he yet remains perfectly composed and happy on every movie set? The answer is – total mind control and in advance strategic thinking.
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“The 33 Strategies of War” Quotes
Do not fight them. Instead, think of them the way you think of children, or pets, not important enough to affect your mental balance Click To Tweet Events in life mean nothing if you do not deeply reflect on them, and ideas from books are pointless if they have no application to life as you live it. Click To Tweet Actually, your past successes are your biggest obstacle: every battle, every war, is different, and you cannot assume that what worked before will work today. Click To Tweet It is your bad strategies, not the unfair opponent, that are to blame for your failures. You are responsible for the good and bad in your life. Click To Tweet You may think that what you’d like to recapture from your youth is your looks, your physical fitness, your simple pleasures, but what you really need is the fluidity of mind you once possessed. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
The 33 Strategies of War is a well-organized book that tries hard to simplify the complex, strategic and unique thinking mentality of these geniuses and war masterminds into 33 strategies, drawn especially from their military careers but also from their businesses, politic views, everyday life pleasures, and Mother Nature.
Greene translates words into action by providing concrete ideas and concepts on how these war chiefs should and used to behave.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.