Many Lives, Many Masters Summary
5 min read ⌚
The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives
What if you have lived many times before, you just don’t remember it?
What if you can access these memories through psychotherapy and you can cure yourself of all your existing sorrows and phobias?
Who Should Read “Many Lives, Many Masters”? And Why?
“Many Lives, Many Masters” is a book that documents psychiatrist Brian Weiss’s journey of being a complete non-believer in supernatural occurrences, to a total believer in reincarnation and traveling back in past lives.
We recommend this book to everyone interested in past lives, in psychology, or is just in need of fresh and exciting experience in their lives.
About Brian Weiss
Dr. Brian Weiss is a psychologist, bestselling author, and a speaker on many workshops and seminars. He currently holds his own practice in Miami.
“Many Lives Many Masters PDF Summary”
Be aware: what follows is a true story.
Doctor Weiss, the author and the narrator of the book is a classically trained doctor, following the traditional concepts of medicine.
Having a history of top university education, and has never in his life believed in reincarnation, channeling, and parapsychology.
I mean, what kind of a scientific doctor would believe such stuff?
Well, you are in for a surprise.
His story goes like this:
He is married, with children and teaches at the University of Pittsburgh, what else if not conservative psychotherapeutic techniques.
He becomes Chief of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Florida, and during his posting, he meets Catherine.
Catherine is a beautiful twenty-seven-year-old woman, with a really messed up psychological health.
She is well educated (in fact she worked at the same hospital as Weiss as a lab technician), but she is against conventual therapy, which Weiss suggests for healing her anxiety, depression and severe phobias.
Catherine has an exciting story.
During her visit to a particular art museum, along with a man she is dating, she has a somewhat weird experience.
She hears the guide lecturing the group on Egyptian history, but she intuitively knows that he is wrong about specific points, and she corrects him.
But, this is not only her imagination: it turns out that all of the corrections are correct.
Catherine has never been particularly knowledgeable about history: instead, this knowledge comes to her as a memory of her past life.
So, she decides to undergo hypnosis.
Weiss thinks that through hypnosis he can understand what is going on and as a result, he can help her cure her panic attacks.
During the sessions, he finds a few childhood traumas, but working on them does not help Catherine in any way.
On the contrary – her panic attacks are worse than ever.
The next session, Weiss tries to get her even further back to her early childhood.
However, instead of doing what she is asked to do, she starts talking about walking around in a marketplace during the middle of the 19th century.
In her memory, in her story, she is not Catherine, but an eighteen-year-old girl named Aronda, who lives in a village far from water and streams, which gathers melting snow and uses it as drinkable water.
Weiss is confused. During his practice, he has never encountered a similar case, and he has no diagnosis for what she has told him.
He knows that she is not acting, that she is not inspired by religious beliefs since she is a Catholic and Christians do not believe in reincarnation.
Most importantly of all, he knows that she is not under the influence of any drugs.
The rest of the book Weiss talks about Catherine’s various lives. They are filled up with so much detail, and rich cultural and geographical knowledge that it is impossible that they are wrong.
Catherine changes genders, age, nationality, but she always meets people from her current life who has also reincarnated and is always an ordinary person.
Understanding her past life stories makes Weiss recognize that some of the anxieties and phobias in her current experience are caused by the traumas and violence she has encountered in her previous life.
A particularly interesting part in all of his experience was the moment her past life seized to exist. In this space, Catherine became quote philosophical and knew things she could not have known as a person.
This is the speaker or speakers that Weiss calls “Master Spirits” and believes are higher consciousness. Exactly these “spirits” instructed him not to tell Catherine about his discoveries since it might undermine the success.
In any case, after a few sessions, she was cured and could function normally.
Weiss tried the same approach with several different people, and it always worked, although he believes it is not an approach that will surely work with any kind of person.
Key Lessons from “Many Lives, Many Masters”
1. There Is Not Much We Know About Our Existence
2. Sometimes You Have To Look Deeper to Understand
3. The Same Approach Does Not Work The Same For Everyone
There Is Not Much We Know About Our Existence
Although Dr. Weiss was a traditional psychiatrist and could not be further away from spirituality, he encountered a situation that questioned his believed and pushed him to think more about our existence.
In reality, there is not much we know about ourselves and the world we live in so we should be open to possibilities.
Sometimes You Have To Look Deeper to Understand
At times you have to look further at specific issues so you can understand its causes. The roots of some problems are not always visible, and you need to look carefully in order to find them.
The Same Approach Does Not Work The Same For Everyone
The same approach to a specific thing does not work the same for everyone that involves him or herself in it.
It is all individual, and it does not mean that if it were beneficial for one person, it would be beneficial for the other as well.
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“Many Lives, Many Masters Quotes”
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“Many Lives, Many Masters” is an interesting book that documents one man’s journey from nonbelief to becoming a total believer.
Reincarnation has always been such a big topic in this world, and now there is even a book that discusses it in depth.
So what are you waiting for?

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.