The Dream Manager Summary
4 min read ⌚
What if you work for a company, the goal of which is to make your dream – your personal dream, that is – come true? Wouldn’t you want to work for that company as long as you live?
Matthew Kelly is fairly certain that you would. So, he advises companies to hire “The Dream Manager” who’ll keep their employees happy. Not to mention loyal.
About Matthew Kelly
Matthew Kelly is a motivational speaker and the CEO of a business consulting firm. He is also the author of many bestselling books, which have jointly sold over 30 million copies worldwide. The most famous among them is “The Rhythm of Life.”
“The Dream Manager Summary”
Management is “one of the greatest social innovations of modern times.” Especially if you consider how many things managers manage nowadays.
Consequently, as we have already pointed out to you before, Peter Drucker has warned that “if the managers of our major institutions, and especially of business, do not take responsibility for the common good, no one else can or will.”
Well, Matthew Kelly believes this wholeheartedly. And in his slim, but distinctively original volume, “The Dream Manager,” he proposes a change-the-world plan for managers worldwide.
The main premise of his idea is twofold. Number one: there is a shortage of talent, which will only grow larger as time passes. Number two: happy people are happy employees as well.
And unhappy people are usually 5-to-12 dreamers who are forced to be 9-to-5 workers. Or, in other words, people who have less time to fulfill their dreams than to earn somebody else the money to fulfill his.
In a nutshell: don’t blame your workers for hating you. Blame yourself for not making them happy.
Enter Matthew Kelly’s unique idea of instituting a new position: “The Dream Manager.” The title is anything but an exaggeration: a dream manager is someone responsible for making other people’s dreams come true.
A combination of a financial consultant and a life coach, he is basically a person working for your employees. Moreover, working for each and every one of them in a fairly specific manner.
Because, most probably, every single one of your employees has a specific kind of dream. One may want to travel to Barcelona, another to get out of debt. And a third one to save enough money so he or she can get both of his/her children through college.
And that’s exactly what the Dream Manager should strive to accomplish.
By being a personal consultant/coach to everyone of your employees.
Being a CEO or an owner, you may wonder how something like this would benefit your company. Why should you hire a Manager for the personal dreams of your employees?
The answer is already in the introductory chapter. Because, happier people are more fulfilled and work better. And even more, if you change someone’s life, you become an even greater leader, everyone wants to follow and nobody ever forgets.
You know, an everyday-kind of leader.
Key Lessons from “The Dream Manager”
1. Your Employees Hate You for a Reason
2. Happier People Are Better Employees
3. The Dream Manager Makes Your Employees’ Personal Come True
Your Employees Hate You for a Reason
Now, why would your employees hate you? They work for you, you give them money, and they can do whatever they like with their money. The real question is – when? They don’t really have the time, because they spend the bulk of their days working.
And if you don’t do something about their personal lives, they will probably quit your company. Because people usually quit people.
Happier People Are Better Employees
This should be a no-brainer: happier people are better employees. Most importantly, they stop feeling their jobs as some sort of a burden – so are motivated to do them.
Why should it be any different?
The burden you feel from working is due to the fact that you believe it paralyzes your ability to achieve your dreams. But, what if they are made true by the exact same company you work for?
The Dream Manager Makes Your Employees’ Personal Come True
This is the main idea of “The Dream Manager.”
The Dream Manager is a new position proposed by Matthew Kelly. He or she should be a combination of a life coach and a financial consultant, capable of turning each of your employees’ dreams into reality.
By first getting acquainted with your employees and then learning their most sincere dreams. So as to be able to produce a step-by-step manual for achieving them. Because, once that happens – your employees will become indispensable members of your team.
Or, even, family.
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“The Dream Manager” Quotes
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Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.