The Power of Story Summary
4 min read ⌚
Rewrite Your Destiny in Business and in Life
Who wouldn’t want an opportunity to sit down, and rewrite his/her life story?
Even though it sounds like a fairy tale, now you can!
Who Should Read “The Power of Story”? And Why?
Victory and “you can do it” kind of motivational talks are marketing tricks. To avoid being an underdog once again, you must defy the odds and confront your self-imposed restrictions once and for all.
Any obstacle positioned on the path will remove itself, regardless of the burden it carries. Nothing can stop you, even if all of a sudden thousands of new issues emerge from nowhere. If a proper attitude is embedded in you, external and internal influences will have no impact on you.
“The Power of Story” is perfect for any person that is tired of not living its dream.
This is not some cliché talk; we all deserve being happy and full of belief. Stories can rekindle a new urge in every individual, and consequently bring a new meaning to the term – satisfaction.
About Jim Loehr
Jim Loehr is an author and a performance psychologist with a Ph.D. born in 1943. Despite being a bestselling author, he also is one of the founders of the Human Performance Institute located in Orlando, Florida. This institute serves as a benchmark for improving productivity.
Dr. Jim Loehr wrote or co-wrote The Power of Full Engagement; Mentally Though; Stress for Success; Toughness Training for Life, etc.
“The Power of Story Summary”
What about my life? How to measure my achievements? If any of these things bother you, perhaps you should turn a new page in life. After all, that’s why we are here. The real question is – Are you living your life, or are you the “life”?
Philosophical topics aside, a person must forthwith rediscover its ultimate life purpose, and change the course of history. Nevertheless, even if a comprehensive life plan is henceforth followed, it doesn’t serve as a guarantee for success.
Your job is way more complicated than that. The story of our existence treats us accordingly with our beliefs; everything flows in perfect order – without exception.
The human nature has the potential to alter the negative mindset and thinking patterns. Generally speaking, each individual is capable enough to conduct an inner change that can lift its spirit up. So, why do only a few succeed? Probably, the stats revealing this information are wrongly calculated.
Ups and downs occur frequently, and often the bad habits overwhelm the productive ones, but that’s not satisfactory. This book records some of the necessary concepts needed for embarking on a triumphal journey, filled with sorrow and joy. Don’t worry about your life, and consequently, life will start worrying about you.
The story you believe in, and the experience you share with yourself, sooner or later will become your reality. For instance, you walk down the sidewalk, and you start your reminiscing process, and in the meantime, you receive a call, from your office.
They need you immediately, and instantly your peace is broken, you are angry and desperate. This example shows that your thoughts are your present state change them and you’ll have a new story to tell. Sound fair enough? You can begin with, making up a list of all the unsolved matters.
Take a quick scan, and eventually, you’ll realize that each problem is still on hold due to your immaturity and anxiety.
Until the last breath, the mind interprets each sensation as an illustration of the present state. In either case, you are right, as a loser or as a winner because in the end – it all comes down to your attitude. As long as, you stick to your “negative story” not even a wizard can help you, the good thing is that life offers new opportunities all the time, don’t close your eyes when you see such.
What stories are you keen to tell? Forge a new relationship with your mind, a more inspirational and educational rather than depressive and self-destructive. If you are tired of complaining, perhaps you have to do something about it.
In the background of self-fulfillment lies a vision, followed by a series of practices for reaching that “impossible dream”. Opposite to this claim is that internal dialogues have no significant influence on the external reality. If this is your inner dialogue, then you should not be surprised if it is also your outer reality.
Anyone will benefit from Loehr’s inspirational perspective, that’s why you should give it a shot.
Key Lessons from “The Power of Story”
1. The cause-effect concept has a significant influence on your life
2. Move away from the ideas that keep you down
3. Stop pleasing other people
The cause-effect concept has a significant influence on your life
Beware that if your story is a mere reflection of defeat and depression, you are digging your own grave.
The human mind’s natural state is calmness; your situation only reflects the ideology you’ve acquired, mentality, inspiration, and ideas. In other words, it “worships” the cause-effect logic.
Move away from the ideas that keep you down
Do everything in your power to sidestep these unbeneficial, emotional influences and create a new story of life.
Nevertheless, in a matter of minutes, the internal reality of each mind can shift, there are no restrictions.
Stop pleasing other people
Your life story is not someone’s success measurement. Sooner or later, everyone realizes that the other voices inside your head, are biased, and they don’t create value.
Arm yourself with self-knowledge and don’t let anyone manipulate you because your personal narrations are not suitable for any role.
They are specially designed to please you.
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“The Power of Story” Quotes
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Jim Loehr, the author of “The Power of Story” motivates people to search for answers, before it’s too late.
We strongly believe in the author’s tips and recommend this guidebook to all people eager for reaching a new – more peaceful- state.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.