The Sun is Also a Star Summary
5 min read ⌚
Today we serve you a summary of a book about teenage love and the power of fate.
If you are into the young-adult genre, this is the place where you should be.
Who Should Read “The Sun is Also a Star”? And Why?
“The Sun is Also a Star” is a novel that belongs to the very famous young-adult genre, which has topped the bestselling lists around the US.
It is a story about two young migrants in the US who fall in love but are separated because the female protagonist and her family get deported from the country.
Will they meet again? Is there love really that strong?
We recommend this book to all teenagers loving to read melodramatic love stories.
Nicola Yoon Biography
Nicola Yoon is a Jamaican writer of young-adult novels, currently living in the US.
The time is fall. The place is New York City. The name is Natasha Kingsley.
Natasha is 17, and she is in the turning point of her life as prepares along with her family to leave the US.
She is Jamaican, and they have all been deported back to their homeland because her father was drunk-driving. But, she cannot exactly remember they country they head for since her family left for the US when she was only eight years old.
There is another name that lurks in the picture: David Jae Ho Bae.
He is Korean, and of the same age as Natasha. We meet him while he is at the hairdresser’s, getting a haircut for an interview with Yale, which his family is pressuring him to get into.
But, in reality, he does not want to study there. Nor does he want to be a doctor as everyone expects him to be.
Back to Natasha, she tries to do whatever she can to stop her family from being deported. She visits the Customs and Immigration Services. But nothing seems to be working out since because the security guard takes her time examining her belongings, she misses the appointment.
Thankfully she is able to meet with another agent, who seems to be willing to help, as she gets a phone number from an immigration lawyer who is supposedly good enough to help.
Zig-zagging to David, we see him riding the subway while the conductor talks about the salvation, and looking for God.
David believes in destiny and tries to find a sign of God’s presence around him.
Can you already guess where he finds it?
That is right – Natasha. He sees her walking by wearing a jacket with a writing “Deux ex-machine” on it. He follows her to the record store she goes to, trying to talk to her.
She is not interested, as she is lost in her thoughts, but a few moments later he saves her from being hit by a car, and so she agrees to meet him for coffee.
That is how the romance begins.
Their characters are completely opposite: David is creative, believes in fate and has an artistic soul, while Natasha is logical and rational, and does not want to get attached.
Yet another problem is the beliefs David’s family has, and their racist opinions. He takes the chance to introduce Natasha to them while he is running an errand, but they do not respond positively.
Although the words hurt Natasha, she is glad that he took the courage to take a step and show her to his family.
However, when she tells him that her family is getting deported, he gets mad, and the fight that results from this problem leads to their separation.
Later, he feels like he overreacted, and he goes to look for her since he realizes that his feelings are intense.
In the meantime, Natasha meets with the immigration lawyer, who assures her that he will buy her family time and they will not have to leave immediately.
For the first time, she feels hopeful.
Armed with this feeling of hope, she goes to David’s house and begs his brother for David’s number. She calls him and asks to meet him.
Coincidentally, she wants to meet in the building where she is meeting with the lawyer, which is the same building he has his interview.
David sees this as another sign and starts contemplating getting his life into his own hands instead of just nodding and following his family’s wishes with nothing to say.
So, he decides to miss the interview and go to meet Natasha instead. As they spend more time together, they realize the intensity of their feelings and the love they feel.
However, the lawyer could not help Natasha after all, and her family is forced to board the plane to Jamaica.
And you know what? That same lawyer is the one that David was supposed to have an interview with but didn’t.
So, Natasha and David split, both heartbroken, with the plans about their lives crumbled.
They promise to keep in touch, but the distance does its magic and stops them from keeping this promise.
The Sun is Also a Star Epilogue
In the aftermath of the book, we are taken ten years later, when Natasha is flying the same plane as David. Their eyes meet, and they recognize each other immediately. What
What will happen next?
Will they reignite their love? Or will they separate once again?
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“The Sun is Also a Star PDF Quotes”
There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them… Click To Tweet Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself. Click To Tweet We are capable of big lives. A big history. Why settle? Why choose the practical thing, the mundane thing? We are born to dream and make the things we dream about. Click To Tweet Sometimes your world shakes so hard, it's difficult to imagine that everyone else isn't feeling it too. Click To Tweet I didn't know you this morning, and now I don't remember not knowing you. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
Oh, wow.
No, do not get confused, this is not one of those “oh my god, this is the best book ever” wows.
On the contrary, it is a “wow, I finally finished this” wow.
I mean, the book is not bad at all (the writing is quite good, actually), but it is not my cup of tea. I believe that teenagers and young people would love it, but for lovers of literary fiction and character-driven stories, reading this will be a bit hard.
So, if you are a someone who enjoys reading such lovey-dovey stories and if you do not nitpick at every coincidence and weak plot twist along the way, or if you are looking for a book to kill some time with, you are free to put this book on your reading list.
Otherwise, just read something with fewer coincidences and more believable timeline.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.