Will it Fly? Summary
6 min read ⌚
How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money
Will it Fly? by Pat Flynn aims to teach us how to take our ideas and turn them into a successful business. It has all the tips and tricks you need to turn your newly-hatched idea into a soaring rocket headed for the moon.
Pat Flynn has established himself as one of the greatest authors of his era. He is a remarkable person with a large base of followers. Its popularity is not accidental, it the result of hard work and dedication.
Our book summary nourishes the idea of making money, previously developed by the author of “Will it Fly?”. Entrepreneurs hate being one step behind, considering today’s difficult establishment – companies are forced to grow alongside with new technologies.
Will it Fly? The title itself is a mystery. The 12min team is confident in your ability to sniff out Pat Flynn’s point. Is your business plan ready to fly, or its wings are not strong enough yet?
12min’s book summary job is simple, to help you convert your fear into power. Comprehensive knowledge which covers the company’s ability to flourish in the entrepreneurial world.
Are you motivated? Without a wind in the back, even great ideas are destined to fail. You will just spend countless hours without seeing the light. Don’t waste your time, use Flynn’s helpful guidebook and make your business count.
“Will it Fly? PDF Summary”
It’s common to interrogate children about their dream job when they grew up. The answers are common, too: firefighter, policeman, doctor, and so on. But if we were to ask them later on in their early adulthood, I’m sure their answer would be Richard Branson.
Many of us adults see just the glamorous side of a successful business: private island, private jet, exotic travels. We might not want to deal a business of this size, but are we willing to put in the effort and work for a smaller one? Now we have a very good opportunity to find out.
This book is a guide to help you shape your idea into whatever it needs to be to give you the best chance to succeed with it.
Entrepreneurship is the future of the economy. Books, blogs, podcasts, and presentations all teach how what, and for who to start a business. Patrick Flynn is a successful businessman, with many achievements to his name.
He’s a speaker, a podcaster with famous guests, a website owner, and now the author of Will it Fly?. His expertise is mainly counseling for online businesses.
Good ideas are common, but those who are willing to take action and execute those ideas are far rarer.
And because business is the future, we must learn how to do it.
There is a saying, always take advice from those who succeeded. We need to follow in the right footsteps.
I see and I forget, I hear and I remember, I do and I understand – Confucius.
Will it Fly? teaches us test our next business idea so we don’t waste time and money. Pat Flynn’s book is a technical, meticulous piece on how to construct a successful business from an idea.
Flynn is driven by data; his phrases are short, straightforward, and his book has many resource materials.
It’s easy to say “let’s get rich”. But how we get started?
To thrive in a business, we must work hard. It’s a long road from an idea to the business itself. We must begin with a plan that gives us direction, that shows us what – and who – is important to us: family, job, health?
Things that are important to us can help map that road, our idea, and how to put it into practice. Herein lies the key to success.
If you and the idea aren’t a true match, you probably won’t consider it a success even if it proves financially viable.
But what makes Will it Fly? stand out from its many, many peers?
It’s filled with shared secrets, tips, and valuable information that wasn’t previously revealed to the business-avid public. Flynn’s approach is different, deeper, more human. Until now business was all about marketing, selling the product, and counting the income.
Flynn warns that there are other important aspects to consider if we want to have a functional business. Like having a more human approach towards your customers: knowing very well what they want, and being fair to them if the product doesn’t make them happy.
The values we learn from Will it Fly? will help us be successful. After all, it’s value that sells.
It starts by making a so-called mind map; to how to identify clients; how to put the products on the market or to collect pre-orders. Pat Flynn’s Will it Fly? has the following chapters (and other tricks):
The first chapter, “Mission Design”, is about:
- How we can refine our business idea by talking about it with anyone we meet along the way.
- Finding the courage to make our idea public.
In the second chapter, “Development Lab”, we’re already in the middle of the events.
- There is a big need to pay attention to what the clients want.
- The main importance of focus is to express ourselves correctly.
“The Flight Planning” takes us closer to the sky:
- The business must be personal, expressing the way we are.
- Testing the ideas, without fear of failing, is a great businessman’s quality.
And the last chapter, “Flight Simulator”, is for the brave ones:
- A business doesn’t work without flexible thinking.
- How to identify what the customers really want to buy.
- How to put a pre-order on the market, and collect it (what’s a pre-order? You’ll have to read the book to find out. It’s worth it!)
- Excellent communications with customers is a must.
Flynn describes every detail with accuracy, examples, and photos. We have the opportunity to learn from a specialist in all sorts of different business domains.
These specialists were former guests on Flynn’s podcast. Every effort is made to give the reader incredible tips for success.
We learn from the book, we listen to all the council. But is this enough to reach for the stars?
Knowledge on its own won’t help us communicate and adjust our leadership style when conducting our team.
Pat Flynn’s Will it Fly? explains why we must be prepared for these challenges – after all, we’re going to work with people, not just numbers. Building a close relationship with customers is a high priority for a successful business.
Also, in Flynn’s opinion, a businessman must know:
- How to accurately estimate the business costs.
- Life is not just about business. We must enjoy ourselves too.
- Business is not a money-making machine, it’s a service to customers.
- If we don’t enjoy the whole process, with its failures and successes, it has no meaning.
- Without courage and determination, you can’t captain a plane (and I don’t recommend flying a plane if you don’t know what you’re doing, either).
Bottom line: the future consists of personal development and private businesses. But we must give the clients exactly what they want. And we can’t be selfish. Aiming to get rich fast won’t work in the long run.
Even if we won’t have the result we want, the experience itself is priceless. As psychology states, there are character traits and skills that are developed only through resilience.
Putting ourselves through that process can offer us a wonderful journey and, in the end, we’ll know ourselves much better.
And who knows? Our next attempt might just be our best.
I consider Pat Flynn’s Will it Fly? incredibly useful for any budding entrepreneurs. But even though we might read hundreds of books on the subject, we must still ask ourselves: can I learn how to be a real business owner from a book?
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“Will it Fly? Quotes”
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Or is it our abilities that give us wings? Maybe the “wings” are the key to the problem: do we have them or not? But most of all we must learn how to use them properly, and that’s what this book will teach us.
Enjoy the flight!

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.