Building Trust at the Speed of Change Summary
5 min read ⌚
The Power of the Relationship-Based Corporation
Consider changing your business strategy to fasten up all the operational activities.
It is advisable to replace those transient interactions with trustworthy relationships.
Who Should Read “Building Trust at the Speed of Change”? And Why?
Dozens of successful companies still use a lot of his methods and continue to flourish.We gladly accepted the offer to participate in educating the enterprises about the market’s trickery.
It is a mere reflection of the new era we live in. “Building Trust at the Speed of Change” comes highly recommended for anyone eager to learn the secrets of an ultimate professional success.
About Edward M.Marshall
Edward M. Marshall is a renowned author and the CEO of The Marshall Group, Inc. Among other things, he also helped many businesses to implement high-performance, collaborative organizations.
Edward wrote several books like “Transforming the Way We Work” and “Building Trust at the Speed of Change”. Triangle Business Journal hired him to write the “Workplace” column for them.
“Building Trust at the Speed of Change Summary”
The world always evolves, whether we like it or not – embracing change is often the difference between success and failure. People are aversive to new more advanced technologies, but at the end, we all must adapt to the current living environment.
Businesses quite often just like individuals don’t like to design new systems or redesign the existing ones. However, the digital era compels them to adjust and cope with the uncertainty of it.
Float through life, don’t swim – because you’ll get exhausted. Change management as an essential discipline in today’s market has a pivotal role regarding the fast tempo we live in. Businesses must remain competitive and handle the randomness because each day thousands of new firms are striving to taste a little piece of that cake.
The pressure will push your company to thrive on challenges. Strategies, vision, tactics and every other small or long-term plan are of relative nature – be flexible and prepare for a transformation if needed.
Accordingly, you must adopt brand-new perspectives for doing business. The conventional ways may have worked for you in the past but are they beneficial as they used to be?
Perhaps they don’t work anymore, at all. A sharp businessperson will quickly notice any issue related to the management, and react! It takes guts to enforce those improvements without hesitation, but that is what makes a great leader. If you strive to become one, “Building Trust at the Speed of Change” will definitely do the trick.
Ability to adapt is the key element for survival as a company.
The crazy market speed is forcing enterprises to collaborate with each other, leading to a more reliant global economy which can prove costly. Yet, it is not exactly the same to increase your speed and to go faster.
The question is – How to increase your company’s speed of reacting?
Nurture profitable relationships, communicate with people you can trust, and by creating the best working atmosphere in order to produce the best results. It is that simple – beat any potential threat on your radar by getting the best out of your associates.
Edward M. Marshall the author of “Building Trust at the Speed of Change” has already presented a brief explanation which contains all the necessary features to transform companies from a competitive orientated to relationship-based corporations.
His detailed analysis separate benefits from other obstructions related to the new approach. This method is not for disposable use; the concept is a straightforward and transparent way of demonstrating the author’s expertise on the topic. The book promotes collaboration to answer the demands of today’s unstable and fluctuating economy.
The build-up of a supportive working environment is challenging process for every entrepreneur. The owners of small businesses are often more aversive to change than the ones managing bigger companies.
There are plenty of reasons or parties which contribute to this conclusion. Nevertheless, enterprises should spend more of their time on adaptation and openness, regardless of their size.
If you notice that your company suffers from a lack of mutual trust, you have the biggest problem of all.
Great leaders tend to solve such issues even before they emerge, by building confidence and encouraging employees to speak freely. Move gently in your organization, observe the demands of your customers, 99% of the time they are related to product improvements or complaints.
Key Lessons from “The Speed of Trust”
1. Speed is everything
2. Manage relationships within the company
3. Go for a unity
Speed is everything
Chasing profits also requires speed. Corporations which are ready to implement transformation must replace those old transaction systems with a new IS – based on company’s culture.
Speed reflects success only if use it the right way for the right purpose with surgeon’s precision. Before you start –make sure that everyone is on board. Wait for a response from other associates and start assigning obligations all leading to mutual benefit.
Manage relationships within the company
Transform your business from profit-oriented to a relationship-based and friendly-oriented. The growth will be enormous if you succeed to remove the ego out of your organization.
It is a model that will be used in the future by more advanced corporations. Lead and manage your company in a collaborative manner.
Go for a unity
Is your firm a “we” or an “I” oriented?
The core values of any organization are the difference between success and failure.
Consciously choose to become a “we” and train your co-workers to apply the collaborative attitude. Promote true leadership and place personal gain aside.
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“Building Trust at the Speed of Change” Quotes
Organizations will stop in their growth and maturation at the same point that their leaders stop growing. Click To Tweet To implement the successful evolution to a relationship-based corporation, leadership must be trusted. To be trusted, leadership must have the highest level of integrity possible - character, will and discipline. Click To Tweet The structure of leadership in a relationship-based corporation reflects an emphasis on dialogue, exchange and interaction. Click To Tweet We have no choice but to change, though we resist it daily. Click To Tweet Speed without trust cannot be sustained. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
Trust is not some magical recipe that can improve efficiency and productivity in a blink of an eye.
However, it is a powerful tool that can show you the path for getting there. Before you start implementing those changes, you have to understand the environment your business operates. The author displays the value of forging relationships which can give your company an upper hand when cooperating with others.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.