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Tag: Steven Johnson

How We Got to Now Summary How We Got to Now Summary

How We Got to Now Summary

8 min read ⌚ Six Innovations That Made the Modern World Do you want to learn how Chinese women abort their baby girls today because the Titanic sank in 1912? Or how the bikini trend owes its existence to the Chicago sewer system of the 1860s? Or, say, how mirrors started the Renaissance? Then you will […]

Where Good Ideas Come From Summary

Where Good Ideas Come From Summary

12 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: The pencil, the toilet flush, the battery. Have you stopped to think where all these good ideas come from? In what kind of environment are they born? What sparks these disruptions? Steven Johnson explores this in the book “Where Good Ideas Come From” and identifies seven patterns that drive real innovation. […]

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