The Ask Summary
4 min read ⌚
How to Ask for Support for Your Nonprofit Cause, Creative Project, or Business Venture
The fear of rejection shouldn’t frighten you because it’s not just common but natural too. First and foremost, asking for money, makes people feel like beggars, but above all, your job is to create an atmosphere of support, where people working with you or for you will believe in the project.
We summarize the main findings in “The Ask” and leave you in a state of excitement to the very end.
Who Should Read “The Ask”? And Why?
We welcome constructive criticism, and so should you. “The Ask” takes the questioning to the next level, in an original manner. This informative instruction manual, filled with beneficial fund-raising methods, is worthy of your time, undoubtedly. Once again, Laura Fredricks shows her expertise as a real expert in the field, while going deeper and deeper into revealing the secrets of success.
It’s prescribed especially for people working in local, or international non-profit organizations who struggle to provide financial future for their community.
About Laura Fredricks
Laura Fredricks is not just an author, but also the founder and CEO of “The Ask”. She also works at Pace University as a fundraising executive. “The Ask” is her second fact-filled classic which focuses on clarifying the raising-funds process for nonprofit institutions.
“The Ask Summary”
The typical day starts with you embarking on a new adventure at work. After accepting a certain role in the company or volunteering for a task, changes emerge out of nowhere, or spontaneously.
What is the first thing that raises your eyebrows?
Perhaps, lacking expertise, or having trouble with productiveness? – In fact, you’ll probably be most concerned about a small money-raising problem. However, when there is a will, there is hope, and here we will learn how to “Ask” anyone for a small contribution or donation.
Why should give priority to fund-raising?
Take a moment, because you are struggling to catch a breath with this whole operation. Any business endeavor starts and ends with the same questionable topic – Do we have enough money?
You are now about to test your own medicine!!! Imagine being head of the financial department of a brand new company. So far, you’ve received orders from the management that you must routinely solicit large donations and almost everything of worth to the financial department, mostly from members of the local community and investors. The reaction you give speaks a lot about you.
Here’s why:
Most people are not accustomed to conducting the “Asking for Money” process all by themselves. So, let’s give Laura another turn to explain things further. Fortunately, she comes with a solution to our problem and presents the good news: No one deprives you of the opportunity to grow in this field, and thus become the ultimate fund-raising master. Using several well-proven methodologies can assist you on this journey while in the meantime, you are thinking a way to collect funds for your organization.
What more can a person want, one might wonder?
You can’t ask for much more than that. Otherwise, you are just ignorant. Not even writers are comfortable with exposing all organizational flaws, but it’s a sacrifice one must be willing to make. Then again, it all comes down to whether you have the guts to proceed or enjoy your mediocrity. Indeed, she teaches everyone to adopt an impartial look, besides what have you got to lose?
Stay with us, because we are moving closer and closer to the final destination:
People in the industry can only confirm that asking for money is never easy, not even years of practice. Nevertheless, non-profit organizations are forced to somehow rely on this procedure, because their survival is at stake all the time. Living on the verge of a possible extinction, makes you feel vulnerable and eager to “Ask” for money.
The activities that took place each day as a result of soliciting money are equally valuable for the community. Who asks the following question – Are you willing to cooperate with us, by providing financial support for our societal endeavors? – Make sure you got the right person for the job, or if you are the one – well this book will come as a blessing to you – a real gift from heaven.
Next, to demonstrate the book’s applicability Laura Fredricks emphasizes the value of knowing where to look for an answer. In reality, most people make mistakes at this point. Make up a list of the available askers, which according to your judgments have the capacity to influence the organization including staffers, donors, board members, managers, the CEO, and others.
Key Lessons from “The Ask”
1. The big mystery
2. Respect the donor’s time and effort
3. Build your self-esteem
The big mystery
What are donors most interested in? – Do you have a funding-raising program, by which they can navigate and understand your intentions? It’s crucial that you respect the donor’s goodwill, and offer him an explanation on how you plan to spend the money.
Respect the donor’s time and effort
Indeed, designing a program for receiving a considerable amount as a gift, is an essential technique. For instance, if you plan on accepting a major donation it’s best if you do the interactions and negotiations personally.
Build your self-esteem
Fund-raisers must overcome the fear of feeling stupid and embarrassed, and really pursue those financial gifts for the sake of their community. Although nonprofits don’t have much of a choice, many of them are still unfamiliar with the talked about this process – Ask. It takes time and practice, to master the technique and gain confidence.
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“The Ask” Quotes
Your conversations with your prospects, while remaining professional, should always be on a personal level. Click To Tweet Most of an organization’s major funding will come from 10% or fewer of its major donors. Click To Tweet People are not born fund-raisers, just as they are not born with all the skills to be accountants, doctors, lawyers or artists. Click To Tweet Each and every ask will result in a unique response to the ask. Click To Tweet Saying no to the gift is not saying no to you. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
“The Ask” stretches beyond the boundaries of informative and enters into the field of applicability. As an easy to read book, we believe that you will not regret reading it, especially if you plan on starting a whole new career in the nonprofit sector.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.