The Coldest Winter Ever Summary
5 min read ⌚
Some winters make you shiver in the cold.
Without shelter, you’ll not last long enough.
This book summary helps you grasp the other side of the Winter and all the features that go with it.
Who Should Read “The Coldest Winter Ever”? And Why?
Indeed, the process of making mistakes is unavoidable, but what if we don’t repeat them? Then, these actions become life-lessons, but that’s not a good bargain for everyone.
“The Coldest Winter Ever” is an exciting novel that shares a story about a girl and her encounters. Reports of skirmishing in the ghetto are common and an integral part of the culture.
We believe that this book is best suited for those who live nearby one and are regularly exposed to its influence.
Sister Souljah Biography
Sister Souljah is an American author born in 1964. The 1992 criticism regarding the presidential campaign, is today labeled as the Sister Souljah Moment.
She is renowned for her ability to impartially share reports and information about the racial in/justice and equality.
Winter Santiaga is the daughter of a notorious drug dealer who is mixed in all sorts of criminal activities.
Like a spoiled and short-tempered girl, she is prone to getting into trouble. Her story begins in the Big Apple, while she is constantly in the midst of various snowstorms, where many unlucky accidents befall her.
Ricky Santiaga: is the father of Winter Santiaga. Portrayed as a heartless man, who is the recipient of many material things.
He seeks nothing other than attention, power, influence, and domination. His hunger for worldly pleasures overshadows any ethical and moral norm to a point where Ricky as a drug lord, has none.
Simone: Winter’s nemesis. She is literally Winter’s associate regarding all the illegal activities and jobs they pull.
Winter follows in her father’s footsteps and drags Simone into it. As a conspirator, she is arrested while being pregnant and sentenced to jail.
After being stabbed in the back by Winter and betrayed, she seeks vengeance and the “friendship” and mutual interest they once cherished turns into rivalry and hatred.
Sister Souljah: is the one responsible for the rehabilitation process. As a friend and Winter’s advisor who wants to change her habits, she is forced to take drastic measures to make any progress.
Sister Souljah goes a step further and attempts to assist or refuel all that’s missing in the lives of young African-Americans by exploiting all available assets.
It stands to reason that she is giving her best shot to help these children to start over. It serves as a role model, especially for young black women.
Winter’s mom: This character sets a bad example for everyone that surrounds her. They feel the heat and negativity arousing from such lifestyle.
It’s needless to say that she lives her life on the verge of an emotional and sexual breakdown. Presenting a bill for sexual favors is part of her daily routine.
She lacks devotion and love towards all family members including her daughter.
Rashida: is the one who deserves all the credit for establishing the relationship between Sister Souljah and Winter. The bottom line is, Rashida is persistent and dedicated until the very end.
Bullet: Bullet is Winter’s rich ex-boyfriend, who worries about no one other than himself. The features such as selfish and self-centered best illustrate his practices and daily endeavors.
His only concern is money and protecting all his interests at any cost.
New York is the very center of happenings. During one fierce snowstorm, Winter is born in a not too friendly environment.
From early childhood, she is forced to obey her father and follow his commands.
As she grows older, Winter absorbs the lifestyle of her parents and joins the new-generation of troublemakers.
The year she turned sixteen, Winter has no other choice but to take part in running of the complex network of drug dealers in Brooklyn area.
Her father as the head of this criminal organization is very good at sniffing out disloyalty – a skill that grants him position and influence.
She is firm in her idea to become a pillar of support regarding the drug-trafficking business and perhaps go on her own.
Winter’s family moves to Dix Hills, an area that is renowned for its poverty and illegal activities.
The magnitude of the situation Winter find herself in, is of devastating effect. The consequences are enormous, and soon, Winter becomes an indispensable member of the “drugs, sex, and alcohol” racket.
She still tries to rise above all social boundaries, and conquer the world by beating the system.
After FBI arrests Ricky Santiago in Long Island, Winter tries and succeeds to make a getaway leaving her family behind. She settles in her boyfriend’s house for a while and then moves with her aunt.
It was not long afterward that Winter demands a shelter in the House of Success – practically a rehabilitation center or home for problematic teenage girls.
Even there, she cannot subdue her ghetto instinct and continues to make money using all possible sources and channels.
After deciding not to bail out her long-time criminal associate Simone, Winter once again exposes herself to more danger that she can handle.
Simone assaults Winter and accuses her of betrayal.
To save herself, Winter seeks help and a good hiding place for the time being. Sister Souljah opens her doors to Winter and shares a new way of life, broader than the 24-hour mindset.
The violence-prone behavior strikes again, and Winter utilizes all Souljah’s contacts to spread her agenda over the country.
On the way to Maryland with Bullet, she gets arrested for possession and distribution of drugs.
The voice of reason – Sister Souljah tells the whole story of how Winter wasn’t capable of changing her life from top to bottom.
As a political activist, she gives a critical review of Winter’s struggles with hopes that it will serve as an example for other teenagers.
Souljah believes that this book will help other young black women to realize their potential and avoid the path Winter had chosen.
The Coldest Winter Ever Epilogue
Being sentenced to 15 years in a maximum-security penitentiary is not sufficient for Winter to abandon the only life she has ever known.
Instead of going after a career, something that will bring her stability and peace, Winter willingly opposes the normal life-routine.
Pursuing power, and regularly being exposed to danger is perhaps the drug she is most addicted to.
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Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.