5 Books That Will Change Your Life
4 min read
Every once in a while, we feel stuck in the madness of today. Wars, mainstream media, and hostile groups are trying to impose certain opinions and consequently control our behavior. These forces are proven to be highly effective in the efforts of creating an “obedient” social groups that are driven by fear.
All of these elements contribute to the development of a depressive community that doesn’t have a sense of itself. In pursuit of sanity, one must be willing and qualified to cope with these influences that are striving to dictate our movement.
Nonetheless, many enlightened gurus and experts on human behavior try to persuade the public to oppose these harmful forces by enforcing some basic ground rules that we must follow. In general, this clash between science and belief comes at the expense of ordinary people, who are once again manipulated.
We outline our favorite “Books That Will Change Your Life,” and hopefully bring light into a dark hallway.
5 Life Changing Books
#1. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment – Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle books are not just life-altering but mind-blowing. He absorbed the role of a “crasher,” which metaphorically illustrates an energetic, and dedicated person whose aura destroys anyone’s mental limitations. It’s like inviting a robber into your home, to get you rid of all the unnecessary stuff.
It’s for your own good. However, not many individuals are prepared to take such drastic measures. Nobody wants to abandon the comfort and plunge into dangerous waters.
“The Power of Now” emphasizes the present moment, as the only absolute thing that ever existed. How many of us are misled with various types of meditations and practices that are only dragging us down even further?
In truth, one must embrace the fact that the only thing that is keeping us away from this moment, is our ego. This book will surely open your eyes and expand your horizons.
#2. Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom
“Buddha’s Brain” doesn’t necessarily cover the physical aspect as much as it focuses on the mental state. The dark rule prevails over sanity even today. To oppose these destructive ideas, a new “brain” emerged from the ashes to share wisdom and love among all beings.
Our brains are prone to change; science in conjunction with spirituality tries to resolve this dilemma, and hopefully grant everyone the opportunity to see the world from a new perspective. If you are curious about how thoughts emerge and how they disappear then, you should definitely give this book a try.
By merging modern scientific discoveries and ancient wisdom, you might be able to experience firsthand, the breakthrough in the fight against ignorance. These insights will give you the edge and the grounds to pursue further knowledge and expansion in the field of mindfulness.
#3. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman
At first, many people seemed very confused with this concept, since the only thing that mattered was our sharp thinking. The aftermath of lacking appropriate teachers such as Daniel Goleman contributed to the development of selfishness and egoic behavior.
“Emotional Intelligence” sets in motion a new plan that combines psychological elements and intelligence for the purpose of developing a deadly combination to ease off the climb and enhance personally and professionally. Self-esteem as always is the most critical ingredient for reaching prosperity.
Now, we have to share some great news with you!
Self-awareness and self-help can be stimulated with the right approach, and yet many people remain stubborn and stick to their mindset. In truth, awareness represents our innate nature, and as such, it is witnessing all others phenomena from within, including the emotional outbursts.
So, before you put your trust in the superficial IQ, take a moment and see who is greater.
#4. Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica
How often do you feel the societal chains wrapped around your neck? Do you feel the pressure? – By now, you realized that the community sets a few starting and stopping points, which serve as a rulebook that everyone must follow or risk failure.
Many people have woken up and realized that their whole life was a mere illusion. Instead of pursuing their dreams, they chased someone else’s projections. “Finding Your Element” is a good way to oppose these forces and set your own tempo by which you will control your efforts.
“I have to get married by the time I’m 30”, or “I should obtain my college degree by the time I’m 23” – these are all shallow notions that you must reject. Follow your heart, and hopefully, you will find luck and happiness wherever you might be.
#5. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
Discover what is keeping you away from exploring your full potential by:
- Eradicating all the needless activities
- Reduce the financial stigma attached to your mind
- Improve productive by motivating yourself
- Don’t allow external factors to influence your well-being
- Spend at least one hour each day in peace with yourself
- Focus on what is surrounding you, stop chasing the future
To free yourself from the bondage called “tomorrow” and “yesterday” one must embrace all the essential traits and implement the right solutions. Keep in mind that if there’s one thing on Earth everyone should be grateful for is uniqueness. Nobody out there is like you, so don’t live their lives nor try to fulfill their expectations.
“How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” handles the never-ending thoughts, emotions, and ideas that control our behavior. As an easy-read with a high level of applicability, we recommend it to the broader audience.
The easy-to-digest style will further stimulate acceptance of life as it is and trigger positive thinking.
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Final Notes
Life is a marathon, and surely, we cannot find a good hiding place that will save us from the obstacles along the path.
However, there are some books that will change your life – like the list above; which is worth taking into consideration.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.