Ask, Believe, Receive Summary
6 min read ⌚
7 Days to Increased Wealth, Better Relationships, and a Life You Love (…Even When It Seems Impossible)
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
Jesus said that.
And in “Ask, Believe, Receive” David Hooper has transformed this philosophy into a step-by-step manual for a perfect life.
Who Should Read “Ask, Believe, Receive”? And Why?
If you’ve ever read “The Secret” but are unable to apply its philosophy in a simple, day-to-day manner, this book will come to you very handy.
Especially if you’re interested in changing your life in one of these five spheres: money, relationships, health, employment, and business.
The best part?
You can read this book even if you haven’t read “The Secret” before.
About David Hooper
David Hooper is a musician turned music marketer and author.
He hosts RED: The Marketing Podcast for Experts and has a podcast about marketing via podcasts called Big Podcasts Daily.
Hooper has written several books, of which “Six-Figure Musician” and “The Rich Switch” are the most famous ones.
“Ask, Believe, Receive PDF Summary”
When David Hooper was in high school, a friend of his grandfather gave him a copy of “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen.
A few years later, he came across some old recordings by Earl Nightingale which inspired him to start looking for motivational books similar to “The Strangest Secret.”
Nowadays, he doesn’t believe these two events were mere coincidences.
But that it was the Universe showing him the guideposts on his path toward self-discovery.
Which is why what happened next turned out to be the final piece of the puzzle: in 2006, Hooper had an opportunity to see the film “The Secret,” and he saw it “in the right place, at the right time, with the right material”!
And it all made sense!
In Hooper’s opinion,
‘The Secret’ exposed the world to the Law of Attraction in ways James Allen, Earl Nightingale, and others hadn’t. It reached millions of people, many who would never set foot in a metaphysical bookstore or New Thought church.
“Ask, Believe, Receive” is intended as a practical supplement to Rhonda Byrne’s extremely popular book, one which – in Hooper’s opinion – “The Secret” wouldn’t have even needed if it wasn’t for all the misinformation surrounding the Law of Attraction today.
It’s a “step-by-step formula, actually five of them, to help you achieve what you want in specific areas of your life – money, relationships, health, employment, and business.”
Each of these formulas is divided into seven steps, so the subtitle is not a clickbait: David Hooper actually believes that his book can transform five important aspects of your life for the better – if not for the best – in no more than a week!
And he believes in this so much that he isn’t even interested in earning money from it: just like all of his previous books, he has made “Ask, Believe, Receive” freely available as an audiobook at YouTube.
Here’s, for example, Day 1 of “How to Attract Ideal Relationship”:
We weren’t able to locate a playlist of the book, but you can find all of the chapters on David’s channel here.
And we highly encourage you to listen to them all – or, at least the ones you’re most interested in – and start applying the Law of Attraction to your life as early as today!
For our summary, we’ve decided to summarize the 3 steps of the title, i.e., the 3 steps you need to follow to activate the Law of Attraction in any sphere of your life.
Step #1: ASK
The first step to activate the Law of Attraction: asking.
But not asking as in “I want a lot of money.”
Asking as in “By the end of this year, I want to find a fun and fulfilling job as a _____________ in a company located in _____________, which will earn me about $_____________ a month.”
And even more specific than that!
Let us answer you this question with a question of our own: what are the chances that you are going to get the meal you really like if you tell to the waiter at a restaurant “Give me something good to eat”?
Well, consider the Universe your waiter!
In other words: be specific, be polite, and ask what you want out loud.
You can even write it down or create a vision board.
Anything will do as long as the message is clear and passed on.
Best practice: visualize your goal daily, for one or two sessions of 15 minutes each!
Step #2: BELIEVE
Even though it seems straightforward on paper, this – says David Hooper – is the trickiest and “most challenging” of all three steps.
Because merely asking something from the Universe will amount to nothing if deep down inside your heart, you’re still plagued by these two limiting beliefs.
Limiting belief 1: not believing that you deserve something.
You do – and you have to tell yourself that you do on a daily basis.
It’s as simple as that: unless they hurt someone, we all deserve to see our wishes fulfilled during our lifetimes.
So, do yourself a favor and rebuild your life on the pillars of self-esteem.
You deserve it.
Limiting belief 2: not believing it is possible to have what you want.
This is a common mistake many people make.
How does it work?
Say you want to have a million dollars. The only way you think you can get it is by winning the lottery. So, you focus all your energy on guessing those magic numbers, and, in time, you realize that this is improbable.
So, you start thinking that you’ll never get your million dollars.
However, you’ve forgotten the most important lesson: the universe has unlimited resources.
So, keep an open mind!
The Universe will do the rest.
Step #3: RECEIVE
However, be aware that you’ll only be able to receive your gift after letting go of any emotional attachment to your present or future state.
This could mean being impatient, desperate, angry, sad, mad, frustrated, afraid.
The only state the Universe understands is the state of allowing which, in the words of Hooper, “actually means to be in a state of non-resistance.”
A good way to let everything go and reach the state of allowing is to spend some time lying quietly in meditation.
Key Lessons from “Ask, Believe, Receive”
1. How Does the Law of Attraction Work?
2. Ask, Believe, Receive
3. The Power of Affirmations
How Does the Law of Attraction Work?
But, isn’t this all just some New Age mumbo-jumbo?
Is there some scientific basis for the Law of Attraction?
Well, according to David Hooper, there is:
Here’s how it works: Your thoughts trigger your emotions. Your emotional state emits a specific ‘frequency’ of energy to the universe. In turn, the universe returns events and experiences into your life that correspond with your emotional frequency.
Ask, Believe, Receive
The three steps which activate the Law of Attraction are the following:
#1. Ask: be specific and precise in what you want; write it down or create a visual board; ask the universe politely, as if you’re sending it a letter in the form of a prayer.
#2. Believe: build your self-esteem: you deserve to get what you want, and it is very much possible to get it; dig deep inside your heart and keep an open mind.
#3. Receive: put yourself in a state of allowing and non-resistance by lying still and meditating.
The Power of Affirmations
A good way to reach a higher frequency and allow for some things to happen to you sooner is by telling yourself a couple of daily affirmations.
Mantras of the kind: “I always have more than enough _________________.”
Feel in the blank with anything: “money than I want,” “love in my life,” “of anything I need…”
This will put your mind in a more assertive and allowing state, i.e., it will make the second and the third step of the Law of Attraction much easier.
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“Ask, Believe, Receive Quotes”
The book is about simplifying the Law of Attraction into an easy-to-follow, step-by-step procedure, that anybody can follow. Click To Tweet
Using the Law of Attraction in a deliberate manner is actually very simple to do, but our confused thoughts can often create a great deal of uncertainty, doubt and disbelief. Click To Tweet
The Law of Attraction is activated by your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Click To Tweet
According to the Law of Attraction, you will attract situations and events that match your thoughts and feelings. Click To Tweet
The Law of Attraction won’t enclose you in a cushy cocoon, so you never have to deal with problems again – but it can give you greater control over how many of those problems you experience. Click To Tweet
Our Critical Review
“Ask, Believe, Receive” is “The Secret” retold in the form of five easily applicable 7-day formulas.
Which means: if you like Rhonda Byrne’s classic, you’ll certainly love this one!
It’s as practical as possible and as straightforward as you can only wish for.
It’s a thin volume as well, so you’ll devour it in one bite!

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.