Get Smart! Summary
5 min read ⌚
How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field
The difference between you and the people that have succeeded achieving their dreams is not your IQ, but a simple change in perspective.
Who Should Read “Get Smart!”? And Why?
“Get Smart!” is a book that will open your eyes about what really being smart means, and will show you how you can achieve all of your dreams by just a simple shift in the way you look at things.
We recommend it to everyone who wants to finally stop comparing him or herself with everyone else, and accomplish anything they want.
About Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy is a writer, a speaker and a consultant with vast experience in business, economics, and psychology.
“Get Smart! PDF Summary”
There are times when you meet someone, and you cannot help but feel intellectually inferior.
In such moments, you probably even feel that you cannot do anything about it and that other people are more creative or better fit to do some job than you are.
However, you should not let yourself fall into such a mind trap!
Many of the people you consider brilliant are no smarter than you are – they are just using more of their potential than you do.
Most of us use just 10 percent of our brain’s potential. Just imagine what we could accomplish if we could just activate a few more percents of our brain’s power!
But wait, we have some good news for you: this can all be changed.
The potential is there; you just have to unlock it!
How do you go about it?
Well, the key is changing your perspective.
When you do this, you can see the big picture, and not just the details that can sometimes see limiting.
But, wait, what can you do to change your perspective, if you are used to looking at things a certain way?
The first thing you need to do is get in control of your immediate needs and start engaging yourself in some long-term thinking.
This will allow you to be a step ahead and know the consequences of every possible action you might take. In other words, you can see the situation you will be in if you take a certain step, and then consider what you can do from that situation and so on.
Those people that have “made it” in life, and that you consider smart, are actually taking calculated steps toward their goals. So, in order to be “one of them,” you just need to start thinking in advance.
Determine your end goal and then find out the steps you need to take in order to accomplish it.
Every decision in your life counts, so make sure you make the right ones – those that will take you in the right direction.
Stop rushing things and shaping all information to reach your conclusions. Instead, just take a step back in your thought process, and allow for the information to shape the ultimate fact that you come up with.
Especially when it comes to your future, decisions are important, and it is complicated to calculate all of the possibilities and chose the best one.
So, when you are making such a decision, consider every option and its consequences, and choose the one which you can visualize yourself in.
When it comes to looking at things, there are two ways you can go about it. The first way is when an achievement others have reached makes you feel envious, and the other way is to get inspired or be grateful for what you have.
The first way is a negative one, and will not take you very far. In fact, it will only block your success, since it induces stress and demolishes your self-confidence and motivation.
Many times you will be tempted to fall into such a trap, especially when you are not very satisfied with your current position. But, you have to understand that some things are out of your control, and those that are under your control can be changed.
We are not saying that you should avoid negative emotions – of course, when an adverse occurrence blocks your path, you will feel bad.
But, you have to get out of the “dark” place of negativity as soon as possible by looking at the situation as a lesson that helped you learn something.
The only way to be successful and happy in life is to be positive, flexible, and to think in advance.
Key Lessons from “Get Smart!”
1. Strategizing Is The Key to Success
2. Avoid Confirmation Bias
3. Finding The Reason To Your Problems Will Show You The Solution
Strategizing Is The Key to Success
Most big things in life, if not all of them, ask for long-term planning, and so if you want to accomplish something amazing, you will need to learn to strategize and be patient.
Avoid Confirmation Bias
Your head is filled up with thoughts, and you need to find a way to quiet your mind and stop messy thinking.
Most of the time the easiest way is to look for information that will just confirm the conclusion you already have come in your head, but this is just a way to induce confirmation bias.
Finding The Reason To Your Problems Will Show You The Solution
Whenever you feel in a situation you feel uncomfortable in, find the reason for your unwanted position, visualize a better one, and work on thinking of the right steps that will help you accomplish whatever you want to achieve.
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“Brian Tracy Quotes”
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“Get Smart!” is a book full of useful advice that will guide you to using more of your brain’s potential, to be more successful and live a happier life.
By just a simple change in perspective and how you perceive things, you can turn everything that you used to see as a problem into an opportunity.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.