Same Kind of Different as Me Summary
5 min read ⌚
What keeps us from telling the story?
But what story?
Every life-path has its eureka-moments, the sooner you discover them, the better!
Who Should Read “Same Kind of Different as Me”? And Why?
Truly an inspiring and life-altering memoir that practically left us in tears.
“Same Kind of Different as Me” as an autobiographical book is suitable for all people willing to smell the bitter taste of reality and to change their lives.
Denver Moore, Lynn Vincent, and Ron Hall Biography
Denver Moore was born in Louisiana and since childhood was exposed to all sorts of trouble. He passed away in March 2012, leaving a legacy of good deeds and humanitarian work.
Ron Hall was born in 1950 and had to deal with a sequence of responsibilities from a young age. Over the years, his wife made him understand that the higher purpose of life is giving, not having.
“Same Kind of Different as Me Summary”
Same Kind of Different as Me as a memoir continues to inspire people and provides shelter for those facing hardship and injustice. This book tells the magnificent story of two men Denver Moore and Ron Hall, and their joint endeavor to final salvation.
As we move towards the end you’ll sense the radical change these two had embraced and enforced despite the fact that Moore spent most of their early adult days locked in a prison cell and begging on the streets, while Ron had a wealthy lifestyle.
Deborah as Ron Hall’s wife strived to keep them together and help them battle oppression and the lack of appreciation for human emotions.
The first chapter of the book unveils the Dark Part of the Deep South, and the upbringing of Moore who faced racism since early days. Born to a black sharecroppers’ family, in Louisiana, Moore had little choice but to constantly worry about the land and plantation.
After his grandmother’s house caught fire, he moved over to his uncle’s house. At one point, Denver Moore describes a situation he encountered during his teenage days.
As he was changing a tire for a white woman on the country road, he was attacked by three young boys who dragged him and beat him just because he was black.
This unfortunate turn of events, marked the beginning of a new era, and shaped his personal views. He sensed a pull from within or a desire to find a better place that will help him to fulfill his dreams.
Hall was born in Haltom City of Texas, in 1950 to middle-class parents. Dealing with an alcoholic and unpredictable father is certainly a tough responsibility for a young man. He tried to influence his father’s habits but without much success.
At the time, Ron Hall spent pretty much every summer on the country-side at his grandparents’ house.
Even though the process of slavery was abolished, the presence of racism was spreading, especially in the South and young Ron, didn’t recognize it from the start.
His grandfather employed many black farmhands, and at the time, Ron didn’t actually realize that the entire region is filled with negativity and hatred towards the African-American community. Hall during his college days at Texas Christian University, met his life-companion – Deborah Short who later became his most trusted supporter and admirer.
After deciding to find his luck someplace else, Moore embarks on an unprosperous journey, while spending most of his time on the streets. As an uneducated man, facing segregation on every corner, he moved a lot, from place to place.
At one point, Moore was arrested for an attempt to rob a city bus. He was found guilty and spent the next 10 years in Louisiana Prison. After serving his sentence, he returned to Fort With, with a heated head and anger.
He was homeless at the time; with no job, no hopes and a fierce temper that granted him 10 years in a jail cell. He was forced to rely on the people from the homeless shelter, while he was still being monitored for his passion for criminal activities.
On the other side of the story, Hall after graduating from college got married to Deborah. As a successful and renowned high-end art dealer, Ron Hall traveled around the world while indulging in many luxuries such as sports car, money, nice hotels and other privileges.
His wife was never too impressive of this lifestyle and as a mainstream Christian woman, she was more into charity and helping others.
Several years later, Deborah was among the first who set sail on a new adventure brought by the increasing presence of evangelicalism in American lives.
The family was divided by different viewpoints or mindset that was no longer keeping them together.
Hall’s lifestyle was not on the same wavelength as Deborah’s and he was even on the brink of filing for divorce after an affair he had with an artist in California. Deborah however, insisted that the stability of the marriage can be rebuild again.
After making their marriage work, Deborah took the charity work on to the next level and became even more passionate about it. She volunteered at the Union Gospel Mission and prompted Ron that he should do the same.
One day, Deborah spotted a man who she believed would save the city. An exceptional friendship was born out of a dream, and Moore and Hall started a new expedition that will question their faith and devotion towards one God.
Moore taught Ron about the value of being a good Christian, and the fruits of humility, gratitude, and understanding.
After Deborah was diagnosed with cancer, Ron sensed a greater pull to follow the path of devoted humanitarian and abandoned his previous lifestyle. Debora underwent multiple surgeries and chemotherapies, but nevertheless, her faith grew with each passing moment.
Two years later, she died and was post-humanly honored for her contribution and love. Moore and Hall’s friendship reached a new dimension to a point where Moore sensed an urge to write a book about the women who changed their world.
After traveling to Louisiana, Ron Hall witnessed the inhuman conditions that the people there are exposed to, and finally understood deeply what Deborah intended to do and change.
Same Kind of Different as Me Epilogue
The end of this journey is highly an unusual one. Sitting in the front row of George W. Bush second inauguration in 2005 tells the whole story.
Moore, despite all the racial and educational boundaries, managed to come out victorious because of his unquestionable faith and endless devotion.
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Wow, if this doesn’t make you think twice about your life, we don’t know what will.
Even a movie starring Greg Kinnear, Djimon Hounsou & Renée Zellweger was made to further illustrate the power deriving from such amazing friendship.
We leave you with this, hoping that it will stimulate an inner transformation and awakening to a higher purpose.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.