Shock of Gray Summary
4 min read ⌚
The aging of the world’s population and how it pits young against old, child against parent, worker against boss, company against rival, and nation against nation
We are living in a world that is aging. We know it, yet rarely do we question ourselves what does that mean? What impact will the older workers and citizens have on society, on the economy, on the business environment? How will nations cope with this phenomena?
In the summary of “Shock of Gray,” we tackle these questions that you may have never asked yourself. However, we assure you that you will benefit from knowing their answers.
Who Should Read “Shock of Gray”? and Why?
You have heard the saying that age is only a number, right? Well, journalist Fishman shows us that it is a number that bears substantial worldwide consequences in the following couple of decades.
In his global examination, he focuses on how a maturing population will influence all parts of society, including business, government and family life.
We suggest this compelling take on maturity to everyone interested in the impact of age and current trends on the society.
About Ted C. Fishman
Ted C. Fishman is a speaker and a writer for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Harpers, USA Today, The Sunday Times, GEO and other famous publications.
“Shock of Gray Summary”
As time passes, the world’s population is getting older and older. The medical technology advances stimulate the extent of an average human lifespan in forthcoming years.
At the same time, declining birthrates ensure that senior citizens will claim a more significant portion of the populace. The effect a turning gray planet will have on future organizations and ways of life is already visible.
A few companies are learning how to use the graying of the planet to their advantage.
Other businesses, on the other hand, need to transform to suit evolving socioeconomics.
Progressively, organizations are designing new items and ways to deal with the needs of a maturing society.
Conversations around maturing are a new phenomenon.
All throughout history, death came early, since Illnesses and maladies, high baby mortality and unhygienic living contrived to kill people while they were young.
In sixteenth-century London, 20% of kids did not survive the first years of their lives, and another 20% passed on before age five.
In this century, a considerable number of individuals will have no “familial assets” and will age without relatives to tend to them, moving an incredible weight onto governments.
Changes to corporate practices are not too far off as well.
Just think of how much risk will bank and financial face in managing more mature clients, who can claim feebleness and senility while suing for venture losses?
Entertainment media will pursue the once-disregarded older than-50 customer, who sits more in front of the TV and spends more cash than young people.
The stereotypes about old individuals, which they’re moderate, not as skilled, demanding, will have to disappear.
The more prominent their number in the public eye, the more people should conquer their ageist inclinations and defy their dread of maturing.
Key Lessons from “Shock of Gray”
1. Patterns in a Graying World
2. Reasons Contemporary People Live Longer
3. The Process of Aging
Patterns in a Graying World
- Medical advances and technological innovation enable people to live more.
- More and more elderly individuals will remain occupied and dynamic – taking on working, volunteering or pursuing their interests.
- Also, more elders will require care, hence more young people will have to look after them.
- Women live longer than men. Thus they will progressively turn into their spouses’ guardians.
- Regardless of their numbers, senior citizens will stay powerless against ageism.
- Countries with young, low paid versatile laborers will progressively serve “grayer” countries. People, products, and services will travel more fluidly around the world.
- Fewer kids will have to bolster more relatives.
Reasons Contemporary People Live Longer
- Education and Literacy: The capacity to read and follow up on wellbeing data matters, regardless of whether it is food and medication labels or the Internet.
- Urbanization: Living in the swarmed, filthy urban communities of the past once killed thousands from sickness. Present day urban cities are the best places to live longer lives since urban areas give access to better administrations and data.
- Prenatal and Child Care: Infant death rates in the most dejected countries now are significantly less of what they were in the wealthiest countries hundreds of years ago.
The Process of Aging
Despite where you live, you will just as everybody else does.
Maturing starts when you are born, and happens at the sub-atomic level, when antioxidants or the additional oxygen particles from sustenance and the environment, erode human cells. However, its effects become visible from your 30s forward, as your muscles and ligaments debilitate, your digestion slows, your cerebrum starts to decline, and you wind up powerless to tumor and diabetes.
In your 40s, eye maladies, for example, glaucoma and cataracts begin. Furthermore, weakness sets in, joints debilitate and hurt, you lose stature, your hair turns gray, and you get cellulite and baggy eyes. In your 50s, hypertension, sugar, and cholesterol attack you, weight increases, bones break, teeth decay and you experience memory loss.
By your 60s, coronary illness and cancer are your greatest dangers; your hearing vacillates, the fat under your skin decreases, making your ears and nose more noticeable, you lose mobility and are inclined to falls. What’s more, in your 80s, the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia takes off. On the off chance that you make it to your 90s and age 100, you are nearer to the end, yet amazingly impervious to illness.
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“Shock of Gray” Quotes
The world is going gray. Getting not just older but old. Click To Tweet The world is changing as a result of mankind’s greatest gift to itself, the engineering of longer lives. Click To Tweet The complexities of global aging strain human comprehension. Click To Tweet Education has replaced a big family as the world’s preferred insurance for old age. Click To Tweet Time on earth is the ultimate scarce resource and one prize that, so far, money cannot buy enough of. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
Fishman’s study is based on anecdotes, stories, and conversations, and is backed up by in-depth- statistics and a substantial academic research. His writing is entertaining and cast a light on the realities of life lived in a maturing world.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.