The Creativity Toolkit Summary
4 min read ⌚
Provoking Creativity in Individuals and Organizations
Being creative is not a process nor an accident, it is commitment linked to a clear purpose.
Fortunately, you’ll have the possibility to revive the childish creativity by using several tools.
These tools originate from previously developed techniques which can make you the man of the hour.
Who Should Read “The Creativity Toolkit”? And Why?
Your mind requires activity; avoid performing a routine job and get out of the annoying circle because it kills your creativity. Rest is equally important for spurring ideas, give yourself a break when you are about to conduct a series of processes.
Every person (without exception) has the potential to reveal its mysterious talent, a shortage of courage can become a problem. Our team infiltrates the world of creativeness by prescribing this great guide-book to every person in the world.
“The Creativity Toolkit” is especially useful for managers, decision-makers and newly established entrepreneurs who want to climb up the corporate ladder or make it on their own.
About James Harrington, Glen D. Hoffherr & Robert P. Reid, Jr
One of the authors – Dr. H. James Harrington has worked for four decades designing and managing systems.
Glen D. Hoffherr is a senior consultant who currently works for James Martin Government Consulting, and he has authored or co-authored around fifteen books.
Robert P. Reid, Jr has a fierce reputation when it comes presentations.
“The Creativity Toolkit Summary”
Kids glow with creativity, the difference between adults and them is that they do it spontaneously – it is the nature of things. Kids perceive the world through the eyes of imagination; in the “grown-up” world every moment has its price and pleasure. Every second is a time well-spent if you utilize your inner abilities to invent or innovate.
The business world transforms the childish mindset for the worst, their playful personality is converted into seriousness, and thoughtfulness – which is opposite of creativity. Sometimes people suffer from the overwhelming social and external influence which targets our creative knack.
An original toolkit designs businesses; invented by a “dreamer” who gambled with reality. The industrialists back in the days tried to bury creativity in order to make their businesses more profitable, luckily, their efforts were in vain.
The world is built on novelty and change which makes it even harder for a person to create value. Unleash the “creative beast” from within and profit from it. If someone is backing your ideas since childhood, you’d never waste your talent; imagination is the secret key.
Don’t believe in the theory that creativity reduces over the years, that idea is imposed upon you. Our minds are programmed to produce thoughts that a person needs to become serious in order to survive the difficulties of today.
Don’t lose your creativity by focusing your energy on false theories, which are meant only to confuse you. It cannot be hard to attain freedom if that’s a part of your nature. The childish imagination is hidden deep inside every one of us, all it needs is a little bit of digging and mentorship.
Practice makes perfect, using this quote can boost creativity in all aspects. Blaming the society as a guilty party would do you no good either. Take matters into your hands and confront the parental methods which alongside knowledge cause absence of ingenuity and talent.
Allocate resources properly – referring to your time and energy. The authors of “The Creative Toolkit” H. James Harrington, Glen D. Hoffherr, and Robert P. Reid debate about matters related to creativity.
Does the society deprive people of creativity – topic subjected to discussion among them? Is it a skill anyone can master or is it a privilege only for the luckiest individuals out there?
Living a routine life is conflicting with the fundamental laws of imagination. Mindsets will be affected a lot more if there is room for a change, leading to life-altering experiences. The transformation refers to ingenuity or inventiveness which only a few can attain.
Contribution is anybody’s task in this world, how can you provide services for your community if you lack dedication, devotion, and creativity. Focus on the attacking side which leans heavily forward towards prosperity. Sometimes starting a simple dialog among acquaintances can result in a huge success.
Imagination doesn’t limit anyone to dream about particular things; it grants you the universe on your palm. Organizations improve parallel with their weakest link, as a manager or an executive you have to motivate your associates creatively, explain their worthiness and allow them space to grow.
Key Lessons from “The Creativity Toolkit”
1. Unleash creativity from within
2. Choose the right type of creativity
3. Creativity is a series of tools with a chance for improvement
Unleash creativity from within
Creativity is a sword cutting through logic and reason. Exploit it in different ways and use it to create value for the world.
Creativeness is proportionate to risk. Rationality and education oppose ingenuity by promoting clear logic and facts – as the only reliable source of knowledge.
Choose the right type of creativity
First, decide what style of creativity suits the present situation.
Don’t hold blindly to one method, be open for change and prepare to conduct a series of analyses that will help you to choose the right one. Next, develop a plan of action.
Creativity is a series of tools with a chance for improvement
Even if you take yourself to be an untalented or untalented person, creativity is something you can work on.
Manage your time and eliminate some of the useless activities. Creativity is fun, following the rules and sticking to your routine life will bury every hope for improvement.
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“The Creativity Toolkit” Quotes
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Things you can start doing varies from drinking a cup of tea to inventing a series of new products. It’s always easier to come with a great idea than to carry it out. Your willingness to put some extra time on practicing creativeness can allow you to prosper on every level.
We recommend this book to anyone willing to dive into the waters of creative thinking.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.