The How of Happiness Summary
4 min read ⌚
A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want
We are all overwhelmed by the feeling of depression, which opposes the term happiness. Nowadays, we’ve found the cure for this issue, and you are not bounded to go anywhere in order to get a closer look. It’s all here.
Our book summary offers a glance into Sonja’s “mind,” and how can you use her expertise in your life.
Who Should Read “The How of Happiness”? And Why?
The book is rich with numerous statements which explain precisely how this process works. Instead of relying on examples, you can use in practice whatever you’ve read, the very next day.
No pressure, but it’s highly advisable. Believe Sonja when she says, happiness is just around the corner, adding to commitment some mood-lifting techniques is a ticket to victory.
As such it’s highly recommendable to all people, who believe that their destiny is to be happy.
About Sonja Lyubomirsky
Sonja Lyubomirsky is a psychology professor born in 1967 in Moscow. Currently, she teaches at the University of California, Sonja often receives praise for her work by being quoted in news articles linked to happiness, and contentment.
“The How of Happiness Summary”
Do you remember the monster hit back in the 80s, performed by the singer Bobby McFerrin entitled Don’t Worry, Be Happy? The catchy tune, followed by bouncy rhythm, rose to international popularity and fame because it lifted the spirit of all people. All across the globe, people were signing these verses, magically transforming the bitter, anxious world into a happy place, at least for some time.
The lyrics go like this: “In your life expect some trouble / When you worry you make it double / Don’t worry, be happy / Be happy now.” This is not a rhyme or a sentence, it’s a life motto, that you should start following this instance.
Stay with us to learn why happiness is few blocks away from all of us:
Indeed, happiness is something that stretches far beyond the essential conceptual meaning. In open circles, joy is synonymous with some time phenomena like the adrenalin.
Obviously, hard work consists of maintaining focus and stability over a longer period. The author of “The How of Happiness” Sonja Lyubomirsky promises that this book will live up to your expectations if you follow its tips and guidelines. Nothing mysterious about it, only emphasizing the power of psychology and inner energy.
Here’s the kicker:
Have you ever witnessed a complainer or a whiner who is filled with hope, energy, and dedication to success? The answer is no, regardless of the country you live in, or how your circle of friends influences your well-being! In either case, the point remains the same, you and you alone, are responsible for making things go your way.
Am I the right man for the job?
All the universe cheers for you, all the bliss emerges from the very center of existence. Even if you don’t find this amusing, and you are more on the realistic side, we bet that McFerrin’s catchy song makes you feel a bit special. To sum it up – Don’t worry, be happy, well, it’s one heck of a quote.
It gets better:
Don’t be one of those known for continually being in a bad mood, or playing a victim! Believe Sonja Lyubomirsky, when she clearly implies that whosoever place faith in the idea – I am destined to be unhappy and miserable, will live its life precisely like that.
What is true:
Some people claim that that happiness must become a life-goal, and all other things should follow. For example, don’t wish to be more successful. Instead, it’s better to visualize joy and peace, and if your career is the source of happiness – The Universe will say – Your wish is my command. All joking aside, that’s the truth, without the metaphorical aspect.
Achieving happiness is a straightforward matter for a wise person. It’s an unbearable concept for those people who find mystery in everything they do. In reality, simplicity is always the answer, do things quickly and efficiently to make your life easier and to make yourself happier.
Key Lessons from “The How of Happiness”
1. Religion as a tool for attaining happiness
2. Methodology versus practice
3. Apply the rules of happiness
Religion as a tool for attaining happiness
Becoming spiritual is perhaps one of the greatest assets in the battle of staying happy and peaceful. Research has shown that religious people are much happier than nonreligious individuals.
Scientists have proven that dealing with problems takes courage, faith, and determination, concepts practiced in any monotheistic religion worldwide. Religion and spirituality as one unit are powerful enough to give new meaning to your life.
Methodology versus practice
Some people prefer to eat all sorts of food and yet remain healthy, and in shape. While others even though they’ve spent their entire life on strict diets, they are more prone to gain weight.
This example is a mere reflection that theories and methods are not always practical. In fact, the more you focus on being happy, the more that will manifest in other life segments.
Apply the rules of happiness
Reshape your mindset, and reorganize your thoughts for your sake. You can be all those things that you’ve always dreamed of, but only if you apply certain principles and rules. Wasting your time on useless stuff, without seeing any positive results is like signing your spiritual death-sentence.
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“The How of Happiness” Quotes
People have a remarkable capacity to become inured to any positive changes in their lives Click To Tweet When asked what they want most in life, people put happiness at the top of their lists. Click To Tweet Everyone’s goal should be to turn positive thinking and behavior strategies into habits. Click To Tweet Has happiness today become a fad, like hula hoops, big hairdos, and Fonzie?” “All of us want to be happy, even if we don’t admit it openly or choose to cloak our desire in different words.” Click To Tweet Research suggests that the initial steps to becoming happier can be implemented straight away. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
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Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.