Unfreedom of the Press Summary
8 min read ⌚

The kind of information delivered for daily consumption has always been a hot topic for any state.
The US tried to distinguish itself from the rest of the world by introducing the idea of a government-free press.
Despite all the efforts, it would be inaccurate to claim that they’ve managed to achieve this 100%.
Being at the top is not good enough, and there is more to be done.
Who Should Read “Unfreedom of the Press”? And Why?
Western democracy must meet head-on an increase in censorship and government regulations. The United States of America, a name that echoes liberty and individual responsibility, has been ridiculed by a collective-driven mob.
“Unfreedom of the Press” intends to unravel the reasons behind this surge of bias and ideologically possessed journalism.
With this in mind, I believe that this book is suited for anyone living in Western countries, as it will help them understand what is at stake.
About Mark R. Levin

Apart from being an author, Mark R. Levin is a lawyer, radio personality, and former chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese.
After winning the Republican Nomination, Mark became a pro-Trump supporter and a fierce critic of the alleged Russian Interference in US elections.
“Unfreedom of the Press Summary”
The book title in itself reveals the main topic that troubles many people in the new age of digital monitoring.
The US, having the most influence in today’s politics, is hit by a wave of authoritarianism, often disguised as progressivism.
The pseudo-intellectuals supported by the “progressive” left, sit at the center of this debate, and act as partisans to the Democratic Party.
What is most surprising, not only to Americans but also to people who visit the US is the hostility propelled by the journalists, which is aimed at America’s founding principles of democracy, integrity, and freedom.
It seems like the concept of freedom is slowly fading away, and more authoritative political fractions are coming to light.
Even though it is the media’s job to condemn these acts of tyranny, the so-called “unbiased” journalists, set on a different campaign that has an agenda attached to it.
One might make the argument that the genuine bedrock of democracy is the freedom of the press, and yet it is the government that has the final say.
The media is unable to enact policies that will keep the government out, or perhaps they don’t want to. They blatantly cater to big corporations and advocate for big government that is in direct confrontation with America’s founding principles.
Let’s unpack the focal point of this discussion by asking a couple of questions.
- What is free speech?
- Is it the right to say what you want and then deal with the consequences that the state may deem you need to suffer, or the right not to be offended?
- What do we mean by “free press”?
- Who qualifies as a journalist, do we any have standards? What are the rules that every journalist must abide by?
- What is the goal of journalism?
To understand the overly polarized America, you have to be aware of the fact that only 21% of Republicans trust the media, while 80% of Democrats feel the same way.
Trump’s attacks on big News Networks have increased since he has been in office, because he feels the media portrays his administration as inept and racist, at every opportunity.
Lara Logan (CBS News journalist and war correspondent) called out a handful of journalists who have abandoned the concept of reporting facts and are merely pushing a political agenda.
The world isn’t white and black, she says; the more options you have, the better your prognosis will be.
A prodigious amount of research has been done by the nonpartisan Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media on the issue of news coverage during and after the elections. When it comes to Donald Trump, he received negative criticism by a ratio of 13-1, while Fox is the only news outlet that didn’t chastise him on an occasional basis.
Trump lashes out at mainstream news networks such as CBS, CNN, NBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post for this level of bias against him.
On Fox News, 52% of all stories reported about Trump had a negative mark, while 48% had a clear positive tone.
It might seem shocking to you, but the so-called “unbiased” networks often portray Fox News as incompetent, highly unprofessional, and extremely biased. They even go as far as outright banning certain shows and hosts in an attempt to destroy their reputation.
By comparison, former US President, Barack Obama enjoyed far more positive media coverage in the first 100 days of his presidency than any of its predecessors.
It is estimated that approximately 40% of all news stories related to Barack Obama had a positive tone, compared to 22% for President George W. Bush and 27% for Bill Clinton.
But, let’s go back in history in order to understand how the press has evolved.
In the late 18th century, years following the Declaration of independence, the United States entered a party-press era.
It was a time when newspapers openly aligned with a political party, an organization, or a politician. If you consider that undemocratic, wait until you hear what is going on now.
On January 18th, 2018, Andrew Malcolm summed up political journalism in the United States as anti-Trump – a statement that only further divided the country.
The targeted media outlets deny the existence of bias against the 45th President of the USA by simply referring to their negative reports as being realistic and comprehensive.
Unfortunately, nobody could find the same level of criticism aimed at the presidency of Obama, while he was in office. Literally, no journalist has called out Barack Obama on his infamous statements that Al Qaeda was on the run, that the Russians are not a strategic threat, that his administration hasn’t experienced a major scandal during his time at the White House, etc.
It seems as if any person out there willing to denounce, condemn, or chastise President Trump is immediately given a platform to spread information, often coupled with inaccuracies.
Impeachment is another hot topic in 2018 and 2019. The press took the bait and reacted in the same way Democrat Senators, politicians, and officials did.
You can also see a carefully selected list of guests and people who portray themselves as “experts” in the mattering question.
You don’t even need anything other than to turn on the TV and lay witness to the orchestrated attack on Trump, as he is labeled a racist, Nazi, among other things. The so-called geopolitical pundits, news anchors, and others have openly put him in the same category as Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.
Being associated with the biggest mass murderers in history that wiped out more than 130 million people from the face of this planet, is unspeakably offensive to the families who have been on the receiving end of these executions in the past century.
Even though this kind of revelation will give goosebumps to a normal person, the media outrage and the hysterical outcry on the left increases as the 2020 Presidential Elections loom.
So, it gets pretty clear that the term “Freedom of the Press” has become corrupt to its very core.
When someone is talking about it, the usual reaction revolves around the concept of keeping Government control out of what people consume on a daily basis, and making their own arguments.
But, today’s media asserts that Trump labeling them as “The enemy of the people” or “Fake News” is not only a menace to the Freedom of the Press but also a direct attack on the First Amendment.
The question is? Has Trump advocated for a state-run media?
Does the media support his policies? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the answer is almost always “NO” with capital letters.
If you take for example cable channels, (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC) you’ll find that Obama hovered around 3-5% airtime throughout his presidency, while the number for Trump up to this point varies between 13-17%.
On top of that, you can add that the coverage during the first 100 days of his presidency was overwhelmingly negative. This shows why 51% of Republicans believe that today’s media is rightfully labeled as “The enemy of the people.”
To better illustrate this, Mark R. Levin recounts on the policies implemented and enacted by the 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson, and the 32nd Franklin D. Roosevelt.
During WW1, President Woodrow Wilson revamped the Espionage Act and imprisoned hundreds of Americans who opposed the war. He restricted the Freedom of the Press, and basically threatened one of the main pillars of US democracy.
In the case of Franklin D. Roosevelt, he was able to find common ground with the media and the correspondents. Of course, there were some problems, like threats and pressure, but the media is indebted to Roosevelt and his administration for many things that are related to the idea of freedom of the press.
The same accomplishments can also be attributed to Barrack Obama for being able to maintain this relatively open relationship with the Press.
But many wonder – why Donald Trump is smeared by the media, and whether will that be a reason enough for imposing restrictions on the Freedom of the Press. The answer is, “No.”
There are no orders, executives, or acts signed or enacted by Donald Trump’s administration that will ultimately lead to the Curtailment of the First Amendment.
However, you cannot help but notice that there is all-out warfare between Trump and certain media outlets. Obviously, those leaning on the left.
Mark R. Levin also criticizes the New York Times, because of the way they are handling the process of conveying information and how often they put the journalist’s personal point of view on the pedestal. As a journalist, you should start with a fact, statistic or something that upholds your claim, and move on from there.
Is there an upheaval in sight? Probably not, as this whole hysteria regarding Trump is dividing the country.
Key Lessons from “Unfreedom of the Press”
1. Check your story
2. Ratings are falling, so is TV Consumption
3. Verify first, and report facts
Check your story
From the “Hands up don’t Shoot” narrative to the Covington MAGA Kids, various news outlets simply jump on a story without double-checking the source.
They have an agenda, in which there has to be a perfect villain and a perfect victim.
Their whole game is so obvious that almost no one believes them anymore.
Ratings are falling, so is TV Consumption
Apparently, YouTube has become a fierce competitor that enables various independent video-makers to create content and report on anything without the strings of having ultra-modern equipment in a fancy building.
Although YouTube has recently commenced a purge against conservative voices on its platform, it still poses the biggest threat to traditional TV broadcasting channels.
The bottom line is, if traditional TV Channels don’t stop with the false narratives, people are going to look for a better solution.
Verify first, and report facts
The highest standard of journalism revolves around the idea of being willing to cover a story even if it doesn’t fit your political or personal views.
How many more times do we have to witness bad news coverage, that only further divides the country on the basis of their skin, religion, or ethnicity?
Let’s see if anything changes.
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“Unfreedom of the Press Quotes”
The whole point of American journalism has always been detachment from authority so that critical analysis is possible. Click To Tweet The whole point of American journalism has always been detachment from authority so that critical analysis is possible. Click To Tweet The focus must be on an objective process and standard by which the journalist must gather, digest, and report the news. Click To Tweet There are numerous other examples of the media’s progressive political and ideological bias, including more studies and surveys, illustrating its widespread existence. Click To Tweet Money speaks louder than the public, problems overwhelm it, fatigue sets in, attention falters, cynicism swells. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
In the dire periods before the American Revolution, the press was on tenterhooks, pushing and promoting the idea of a Free State.
The Union was founded on the ideals of liberty, private property, free speech, and transparency. The forefathers built a nation whose roots are embedded into the concept of liberty, and freedom of the press, but it seems that we are losing ground.
The progressive movement of the past century had eyes for accurate and objectivity-driven reporting.
Nonetheless, it is evident that we still struggle to create this Independent News Network, and it seems that ideologically driven journalists have all the power in today’s society.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.