201 Ways to Manage Your Time Better Summary
4 min read ⌚
Time is nothing less than a resource, a subtler element or concept that acts as a manager of our daily schedule.
The secret is to know how to use it more efficiently.
Who Should Read “201 Ways to Manage Your Time Better”? And Why?
This book, answers the mystery of today and promotes the solution of tomorrow. In other words, the readers will finally realize the importance of being right on schedule in any matter.
Nowadays, the skill to manage time efficiently is highly appreciated by everyone. Nevertheless, it’s a rarity to find such person, even though it doesn’t sound like a big deal.
We recommend this book to all people in the world and encourages them to stop complaining about their lives.
This is not some old thing used as a motivational tool from the superiors, look at it, as a tool for reaching your goals, and ultimately enjoying you.
About Alan Axelrod & Jim Holtje
Alan Axelrod is an author who wrote dozens of different books mostly related to business and management. He was born on 1952 in the U.S – currently Alan lives in Atlanta. In 1979 Axelrod received a doctorate from the University of Iowa – in English.
Jim Holtje works at the International Client Services as a director – which is a consulting firm for corporate communications and public relations – located in Washington, D.C.
“201 Ways to Manage Your Time Better Summary”
Before you know it, or dream about it, a person can reach a stage of being one of those admired individuals. There is nothing wrong with that, but in order to become such person, you must understand how to deal with the limited capacity of time.
The time-manner also affects the group or individual performance and consequently improves the operational activities. At the end of the day, the management must deal with all sorts of issues, almost every one of them is related to “minutes”.
Furthermore, the company strives to improve the productiveness on all levels, one of the vital elements included in this endeavor is time.
Generally speaking, time=money, decrease in productivity only confirms that theory. Each day, brings a new opportunity, as a goal-oriented person, one must defy all odds, and learn how to manage the limited resources.
After all, what more can you expect from yourself, if your environment and the people around you give you a headache? You are late in every aspect of your life; there is no real push towards the ultimate goal and other things.
If you feel the same way, perhaps you should make up your daily to-do-list. Right next to it, write (in general) how you plan on handling it. As yourself – Am I that kind of person whose mentality (unconsciously), is accustomed to postponing the crucial tasks?
Creating this a list, as it’s mentioned earlier- is an efficient way to evaluate your time-managing abilities. Not even experienced senior executives, are not as active as one may assume.
The human nature, often plays a huge role in this process, probably sometimes it’s okay to be lazy, or unproductive but that mustn’t become a habit in a long-run. Continually analyzing your accomplishments, and your daily activities will give you a clue of what you can do better.
This is not a tip; it’s more like a recipe that works for everyone.
This playful and catchy “story” reveals dozens of first-class suggestions that you can use to maintain healthy and productive daily habits. The authors emphasize the value of time and especially outline the importance of management.
Once a person gets habituated to apply humor, playfulness, entertainment, and discipline in every task, gradually the real fun will begin. Their advice doesn’t carry the burden of discrimination because it applies to all people in various industries or sectors.
You as an independent reader will benefit on a personal and professional level. Out there, there are numerous time-planning tips but are they as useful as they seem? The answer lies in your determination and wisdom to separate practical from theoretical.
As a matter of fact, the organizations rely on preparation and well-designed systems. However, not all functions can be automated or digitalized; the human factor plays a huge role even in the digital era.
On the hand, time is not much relevant to businesses as it is in everyday occurrences. If you love to become that caring person, who remembers everyone’s birthday and doesn’t miss a deadline, probably you should adopt a new approach – explained in this book.
In reality, leaders take their “leadership abilities” to another level, by trying to handle the lack of efficiency problem, that any institution sooner or later experiences.
Key Lessons from “201 Ways to Manage Your Time Better”
1. Time-management as a tool for making profits
2. Tips have no value, absent determination
3. Inspiring change in others
Time-management as a tool for making profits
Organizations hope that their managers will put “planning” and “time-management” up front, and give a slightly more importance to these rather than to other daily concerns.
Without planning, the company is destined to collapse.
Tips have no value, absent determination
In spite of Alan Axelrod and Jim Holtje useful advice, the assessment depends on person’s willingness to undergo a series of internal reforms.
Don’t forget to put both “start” and “stop” options for your tasks, so that you can measure the time spent on each one effortlessly.
Inspiring change in others
If you are running a company, and your main concern lies in creating value for your customers, then you should reconsider your motivational speeches.
In this case, a good leader or manager must give specific instructions, and await feedback from its associates.
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“201 Ways to Manage Your Time Better” Quotes
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“201 Ways to Manage Your Time Better” is a book, that targets people’s constant need for “more time”.
Unfortunately, all we have, are 24 hours, we cannot bargain, but there is something we can do.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.