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As A Man Thinketh Summary

5 min read ⌚ 

As A Man Thinketh PDFThe classic text that proves the power of positive thinking

Do you want to take a sneak peek at the “As a Man Thinketh Summary”? Well, you are in the right place!

When optimism becomes secondary, and realism takes first place, we need an instant transformation.

We encapsulate the essence of this book and briefly explain its methods.

Who Should Read “As A Man Thinketh”? And Why?

Perhaps, in times of rapid change, we’ve lost the sense of pure joy. In order to revive that reality, we must reject the egoic suggestions, and turn to a more open approach.

To stimulate such an attitude James Allen wrote: “As a Man Thinketh” which is suitable and applicable to the wider audience.

About James Allen

James AllenJames Allen (1864–1912) was a British motivational writer and according to some the leading force in the self-help movement.

He is lauded as a great philosopher and author anywhere in the civilized world, for his work on positive thinking that launched a new era and inspired millions.  

“As A Man Thinketh Summary”

Who doesn’t want to become powerful and influential? The strange thing about life is that only a handful of people have defined goals. Most of us are looking forward to crossing swords with the world.

With a harmful, self-centered attitude, you cannot push and reach your final destination. This straightforward piece of advice is still subjected to lots of discussions and many refuse to follow it.

Evidently, the society continues to promote “chase your dreams” mentality, but that doesn’t serve as a guide. If you can’t make heads or tails of it, the chances to climb up the ladder of happiness are slimming.

Fortunately, with some hard work, you’ll be able to reach the sky and tackle your harmful tendencies. When it comes to finding the right balance, James Allen believes that every person shares the same responsibility to improve the well-being of everyone.

Take concrete actions, and listen to those people whose plans are indicating prosperity. Typically, each person will share and give you a piece of advice based on its viewpoints and current situation. So, beware whose experience you embrace.

From top to bottom, it’s just a matter of time before you realize that help is inevitable. Evidently, you can’t dodge every stone thrown at you, but this is a numbers game – the more you try, the better you become.

For instance, a manager will probably suggest that you “clean up” your to-do-list and organize your activities. An artist will advocate for something profound and meaningful rather than superficial.

Well, most of the things we do are complementary with our mental state. So, if you know someone who is always complaining about the deadlines, play dirty tricks at work, you have some idea of how that person actually feels.

Giving up, backing down, withdrawing from an agreement; all of these are inherent for underachievers. They transfer their attitude in their relationship and go up in smoke if there’s even the slightest change of pace.

This phrase means that as rigid, and stubborn individuals they fail to earn respect from the group.

By what we’ve acquired up to now, it’s advisable to outline two things that make a difference – attitude and action.

As two separate but highly related units, you should admire people who adopt the right approach and take proper measures.

Underachievers tend to blame the organization for their sinking ship. Feeling downhearted is merely a temporary thing, but they reject this notion and continue with their intentions.

If you lack the self-esteem and you need a motivational boost, make sure you’re in the right company for such endeavor.

Ask any millionaire to describe the key assets for success. We guarantee you that unanimously you’ll get your answer, which will be self-respect and attitude. However, not everyone is aware of this.

People that are superstitious incline to accuse other people and even environmental factors and signs for their predicaments. Perhaps, you’ve also been in such a situation, when you felt miserable about something that has happened earlier that day.

Passing the blame on external influences can make you go through that period of life, but it’s not a long-term solution.

Don’t allow momentary setbacks dash your hopes of becoming a real winner. In fact, we rarely find the strength to pull ourselves up from a tight spot. It’s never easy to do just that, but you mustn’t allow excuses to become an integral part of your life.

For instance, let’s assume you are living in the States and you obviously speak English, as you can see external factors like dwelling in the U.S. “force” you to use a specific language. Nonetheless, that’s not the case with life.

Influences that are not controlled by you are not in fact, powerful enough to shape who you are. In reality, we are the lords of all creation and the leaders of life as it is.

Let’s go into another quick example:

How come we all show different signs of aging? Same as the theories we just discussed, it’s all about the habits and whether you have access to the right medical tools for proper healthcare.

However, never forget that even if you own a private hospital but lack the attitude to take care of yourself, you’ll still end up sick and vulnerable.

You know the old classic – think positive and joy will follow? We bet you are already pretty familiar with this anecdote. You are as young as you feel – is another saying that yet again proves and endorses this idea.

To reach such heights, you must trust in your potential and ultimately convert your ideas into something of worth, by focusing on the end result.

Key Lessons from “As A Man Thinketh”

1.      New times require new measures
2.      Happiness and success as one
3.      Make your dreams come true

New times require new measures

When it comes to goals, you might want to try the power of fixation. By concentrating on the ultimate mission, you’ll become the master of your thoughts and not vice versa.

At the peak of economic fluctuations, the market now more than ever, requires ingenuity. Creativity is at the core of all happenings, don’t forget that.

Happiness and success as one

Rather than being at the mercy of other entities; your strongest tool for reaching real delight is the mindset that requires redevelopment.

If you want it simple, your actions and reactions represent the foundation of the situation you’ll end up in.

Make your dreams come true

Regardless of the circumstances – the only thing that really has an impact on your well-being is you. How many times have you heard this? – It’s only because it’s true and useful when appropriately understood.

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“As A Man Thinketh Quotes”

Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves. Click To Tweet You cannot travel within and stand still without. Click To Tweet The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of its cherished aspirations. It falls to the level of its unchastened desires – and circumstances are the means by… Click To Tweet A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. Click To Tweet The human Will, that force unseen. The offspring of a deathless Soul, can hew a way to any goal though walls of granite intervene. Be not impatient in delay, but wait as one who understands; When spirit rises and commands, the Gods are… Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

This book (written in the early 20th century) sure provoked some discussion and heated debates.

From today’s standpoint, we can entirely embrace James’s views and admire his vision that was ahead of its time.

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