iWoz Summary
5 min read ⌚
Computer Geek to Cult Icon
Learn how Steve Wozniak (technophile by profession) founded Apple alongside Steve Jobs, created the first personal computer; joking along the way.
“iWoz” is an unconventional, exclusive and sincere book capable of motivating individuals.
It follows Wozniak’s challenges before and after Apple, and it consists his failures and accomplishments through life. It is not a biography, as you would seemingly assume, it is more like a guidebook.
Who Should Read “iWoz”? And Why?
Steve Wozniak and Gina Smith as the authors of this book don’t want to inspire you or anything; the goal is to make you aware of your inner potential – whatever that may be.
All kidding aside, Wozniak’s visionary approach set the basis for technological ingenuity and spontaneously created a profession.
The book is predetermined for all those individuals who believe that they can accomplish something exceptional.
About Steve Wozniak & Gina Smith
Steve Wozniak was born in San Jose, California on August 11, 1950. Despite being a technophile, he is also a philanthropist, programmer, writer and an electronics engineer.
In 1976, Steve single-handedly managed to develop Apple I, and one year later he also designed Apple II – first ever microcomputer.
In 2000 the co-founder of Apple Computers deservedly entered into the Inventors Hall of Fame.
Gina Smith is an American born writer, entrepreneur and an award-winning journalist, who co-authored Wozniak’s astonishing biography.
She has written many books including The Genomics Age; 101 Computer Answers You Need to Know, etc.
In 2001, Upside Magazine placed her among the 100 most influential individuals in technology.
“iWoz Summary”
Even though the book is separated – before and after Apple, it indicates the same point. Steve didn’t change his viewpoints; he remained faithful to its principles and ethics long after the successful launch of Apple INC.
Steve Wozniak declared that all of the merits go to his father, Jerry. He was an engineer who efficiently performed his duty at Lockheed’s missile program.
Wozniak’s dad is responsible for his love and eagerness towards electronics.
When he was as only four years old Steve had an unusual playing time; young Steve used to play with his dad’s electronic parts during the weekends.
He enjoyed visiting him; loved to attend and watch him build certain things and make them function properly.
Amazed by the advanced technology and electronics from a young age, it was somehow destined that Wozniak would become the next Alan Turing.
From time to time, his father was working home as well, so he frequently came across thousands of mind-blowing questions by his curious son.
Sometimes, Jerry even had no answer for these matters about resistors and other components.
Keen to learn, and enthusiastic about the future his father immediately saw the potential his son possessed.
There was no other way except to dedicate some time and to teach him more about atom mass and elements (protons, neutrons, and electrons).
When he was only six years old, Steve tried to build his first ever crystal radio without any guidance.
Strange, isn’t it?
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out so well. This immature boy was not discouraged by this failure, on the contrary, Wozniak learned to work and create on his own.
The second important lesson was the significance of honesty and ethics.
Jerry used to say – being a good engineer or developer is secondary while being a good person must be a priority. It all comes down to helping others by ingenuity and innovation.
He like his father, give credence to – electronic devices that are useful and can improve our lives. His mother Margaret granted him a sense of freedom while encouraging him to never forget about having a fun time.
These memoirs come from reliable sources. One of Apple innovators Steve Wozniak pledged his allegiance (like in the medieval era) to technology. He started creating from a very young age.
You would probably think that Steve Wozniak didn’t even experience a period of carelessness since he spent most of his time discovering and analyzing how things work.
His father’s “prophecy” came true when Jobs, Wozniak, and Wayne built the first ever affordable personal computer with a keyboard and monitor.
He just like any other individual, had his heroes and role models which motivated him.
The book is divided into two equally impressive parts.
The first part is filled with stories of Wozniak’s personal life before Apple, and the second one is 100% dedicated to Apple – its birth as a company, early difficulties, and early success.
Key Lessons from “iWoz”
1. Name that indicates something
2. Ask for opinion and then decide
3. Improve your skills
Name that indicates something
Back in the days, Jobs asked Wozniak to pick him at the airport; Jobs arrived from one Oregon commune, a location, called by some “apple orchard.”
Jobs immediately came to an idea, that the company should be called “Apple, ” the co-founders Wozniak and Wayne couldn’t come with a better solution.
Ask for opinion and then decide
According to Wozniak beliefs, the technological revolution began at the first gathering of Homebrew Computer Club.
Around thirty people tried to make a plan and build the first advanced computer affordable to the ordinary people, not just for the companies.
After the meeting, Wozniak discussed the subject with other members of the group and decided to build a personal computer.
Improve your skills
In the early 70s, Hewlett-Packard (HP) offered Wozniak a job.
They have hired him for his expertise to design computer machines, Allen Baum sent a letter of recommendation to HP based on Wozniak incredible technological abilities.
He was brought there to focus on electronic engineering rather than marketing.
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“iWoz” Quotes
I hope you're as lucky as I am. The world needs inventors--great ones. You can be one. If you love what you do and are willing to do what it really takes, it's within your reach. And it'll be worth every minute you spend alone at night,… Click To Tweet when you don't have the hardware resources, you have to take advantage of what you have inside the chip. Click To Tweet this early learning of how to do things one tiny little step at a time. I learned to not worry so much about the outcome, but to concentrate on the step I was on and to try to do it as perfectly as I could when I was doing it. Click To Tweet And thanks to all those science projects, I acquired a central ability that was to help me through my entire career: patience. Click To Tweet Well, even if we lose our money, we’ll have a company. For once in our lives, we’ll have a company. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
Critics refer to iWoz‘s unconventional and first-person style, which sounds almost naive and childish.
There are plenty of stories which explain Woz’s playful character and the jokes he used to say. If you are also technophile in the making, this book will speak to you in a non-inherent manner.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.