Increase Your Influence at Work Summary
4 min read ⌚
A person should know how to deal with the tricky politics which exist in every workplace.
Use every bit of “magic” to your advantage.
We briefly summarize the essential elements that illustrate how “slippery” can human interactions be.
Who Should Read “Increase Your Influence at Work”? And Why?
“Increase Your Influence at Work” has tons of first-class solutions for business problems especially, since the world is still financially vulnerable due to the economic crisis that endangered the society not so long ago.
If you are not an ethical man, sooner or later people would notice your lack of morality, and you will lose all the authority that you enjoyed until that day. Because of that, this book is recommended for every individual in the world, keen to cope with the challenges of today.
About Perry McIntosh & Richard A. Luecke
Perry McIntosh is a notable Canadian-born business writer and an entrepreneur. In the 90s, he established a consulting company in Ontario, which helped and shaper other communities in the region. Company’s dedication provided its employees with financial stability, well-earned respect by government agencies and a clear vision.
Richard A. Luecke is an American-born editor and the co-author of several books including The Busy Manager’s Guide to Delegation; Entrepreneur’s Toolkit; and Increase Your Influence at work. Born in 1943, and obtained his BA degree from Shimer College two decades later.
“Increase Your Influence at Work Summary”
Anointed power doesn’t support the work environment. A title cannot stand-alone, however impressive it may seem. People never followed nor obeyed a titleholder. All individuals have one thing in common – we all pursue power, status, and influence, but we don’t want to deal with the consequences of our demands.
Here’s the thing:
Employees or associates may follow your orders, but remember that attitude will not make them perform better. You must spark something in them, make them believe in their worthiness. It is not advisable either to express your authority too often. Power is drawn from various sources. One of two ways to get power is to be an Influential person; the other one is throughout persuasion.
By having an Influence on different outcomes, you’ll always have the ability to achieve your goals without depending on anyone or anything. Persuasion, however, is seen as a tool, which derives its strength from the influence – to serve its purpose. Persuasion “enlists coherent and passionate requests… It somehow affects people’s beliefs and how they treat one another.”
What do we really want?
Intelligent individuals want to be effective leaders; they are “power junkies” always seeking more. For example, essential technical knowledge can grant far more real power to a manual worker than to the company’s manager, but it is wise not to explain this theory to your manager straight away.
It is nothing less than a simple prose. The authors of “Increase Your Influence at Work” Perry McIntosh and Richard A. Luecke illustrate a general, easily implemented standard for maintaining and gaining not just respect but power at work.
With easy-to-understand paragraphs and section, this book has its secure place in Work Smart series. Its methods and techniques are catchy and not too complicated for any individual to implement them into practice. To easily maintain the practice’s pace, the authors want to reduce the personal examples and stories to a minimum and increase those, which include job experiences and life strategies.
Their methods are available to anyone since even a child can comprehend their point. At the same time, it provides an ethics model to educate the vulnerable readers – those, who might go astray as soon as they get in touch with real power and influence.
As a reader, you’ll come by examples where the authors treat you as a friend – with a sense of responsibility and care. Their goals prove their attunement with life and grant them credibility to talk about – How to increase your influence at your current workplace.
The closest thing to victory is knowing what you desperately need and give all you got to accomplish it. It is never easy to make a good first impression, but that is the first critical step that will aid you to increase your influence at work.
Every fact-filled book must contain high-quality examples to guide the reader while addressing his/her thoughts. Shortage of examples compels readers to look elsewhere. In fact, if the book lack theories which do not provide sufficient amount of guidance, the reader would question the book’s trustworthiness.
Key Lessons from “Increase Your Influence at Work”
1. Influence your boss at the right moment
2. Make an impact on everybody
3. Draw a map
Influence your boss at the right moment
For bosses, it is not natural to be second-in-command. Bill Gates, for instance, had Paul Allen; Charlie Munger accompanied Warren Buffett.
Think again, if you place yourself in a position to influence your boss (or bosses) and ask yourself are you capable of coping with the pressure?
Your boss must trust you infinitely, to make things turn out well for you.
Make an impact on everybody
Modern workplaces specialize balance and tolerance.
The vast majority of firms seek feedback from the workers on every organization level.
So, to gain influence, you would have to make an impact not just on your boss, but also to all other peers in the organization.
Draw a map
It is not easy being a “thought leader.” First of all, you’ll have to realize which member of the group has the strongest influence on others.
Second, you need to know whom to trust. The best way to determine the influential structure of the company is to draw an “influence map.”
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“Increase Your Influence at Work” Quotes
Power in the workplace isn’t what it used to be. Click To Tweet Even when our ends are ethical, there are plenty of temptations to achieve them through unethical means. Click To Tweet You will exercise little influence if you allow others to push you around. Click To Tweet Organizational life doesn’t always provide a level playing field for competing ideas. Click To Tweet Power, influence, and persuasion have one thing in common: each is something we use to get what we want from others. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
Some critics refer to repetitive chapters and ideas which on numerous occasions appear in different form carrying a similar message.
Regardless of all minor irregularities, “Increase Your Influence at Work” comes highly recommended by renowned entrepreneurs, journalists, musicians, sportsmen, etc. It will help you to gain respect and power at work that you craved for.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.