Legendary Service Summary
2 min read ⌚
All companies want to be known for having a good relationship with their customer base. Still, many of them offer mediocre services and don’t seem to be showing any interest in improving that. On the contrary, successful companies understand that doing anything that could potentially jeopardize their relationships with the customers is a strategy leading to disaster.
By exploring Legendary Service you will learn how to increase your profits, win more customers and keep them loyal! Using a method called ‘ICARE,’ the author explains that the secret of success is to stay focused on your customers. Come with us to know more about this method!
Making Your Customer Feel Important
Customer service does not just mean giving the customer what he wants. You need to create a very good experience, with very happy consumers, to the point of leaving your competitors behind. But this strategy only works when your customer service is excellent.
It may seem very simple, but the secret to providing great service is to show your customers that you care about them. Despite the ease and low costs of services, most businesses fail to offer them. Poorly informed companies rely on the efforts of expensive marketing teams to attract new customers. In fact, it is much cheaper and less complicated to keep your existing customers happy.
Worry About Your External and Internal Customers
We all value good customer service. Even so, teaching your employees to be friendly to your customers is not enough.

The truth is that you need to care about the needs of your customers to get them back – for this, you need to have a good service strategy. In other words, you need an unforgettable experience, that is, to build relationships that promote the success of your business.
There are two types of relationships involved in an unforgettable experience: First, it is the relationship you have with your employees – your internal customers. If your employees feel important, they will enjoy going to work and sharing that positive attitude with their consumers. Therefore, managers need to create a motivating environment.
[blur]Building a culture of good service begins with your business. Well-managed business leaders understand that their most important customers are their employees. These, in turn, need to learn that for the job to be more rewarding, they need to show their customers that they care. Teach your employees that to show concern, they should always call the customer by name. Be friendly and talk to them about other matters besides the transaction. Talk about things that are unrelated to the sale, show that you are interested in people. In a personal involvement, look at your client in the eyes and smile. If your business is on the phone, be optimistic and polite. When your staff begins to focus more on the client, their morale improves, and their work experience becomes more positive. The second relationship is with your external client. And that is where the unforgettable experience will be crucial. You want to deliver the kind of service that is so consistent and regular that your consumers will come back instead of looking for a competitor.[/blur]
Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.