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Play a Bigger Game Summary

6 min read ⌚ 

Play a Bigger Game PDFHow to Achieve More, Be More, Do More, Have More

Are you the man/woman of the hour?

Do you want to be? – Well, if that’s the case, perhaps you should avoid spending time on complaints and take action.

In the book summary below, we encapsulate all the key takeaways from this magnificent and informative book.

Who Should Read “Play a Bigger Game”? And Why?

Roughly, almost 90% of the people are not satisfied with their achievements. They all think that this life could have turned out a lot better.

Instead of doing something about it, we refuse to take responsibility and pass the blame on the environment, society, family, and so forth. Play a Bigger Game teaches you to become fully aware of your capacities by stimulating mental changes.

About Rowdy McLean

Rowdy McLeanRowdy McLean is a renowned entrepreneur, author and a consultant whose tips helped many people and companies to get success within reach.  

Currently, he is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Management where he shares his agendas.

“Play a Bigger Game PDF Summary”

How do you define success?

Today’s world emphasizes “success” as a concept, which puts a measure on person’s achievements. It’s fair to say that each individual defines it uniquely, and there’s not an absolute measuring unit that you can use.  

Unfortunately, the majority of the planet suffers from a money complex, and it’s estimated that 85% of the people are not pleased with their financial situation.

Being the right-hand man, the employee of the month, a successful athlete, a happy person, are just a few of the perspective one can embrace to interpret prosperity.

Limitations are set in motion

Restrictions can be found on every corner; our inner creativeness is suppressed, and the society tries to suck us into the collective mindset.

What we didn’t notice is that everyone is different. You can find different characters even among alligators and dogs – one of them is more aggressive and the other friendly.

It’s not adequate to put a label on everything. We don’t have to be destroyers of creativity and imagination.

Rowdy is forced to labor the point once more and clarify that playing a bigger game indicates to test your boundaries and push yourself over the self-imposed limits. Nowadays, the “positive thinking mindset” is prevalent, but in truth, not entirely effective.

You cannot order yourself to be open-minded and full of passion. To be negative is not that bad, the situation you are facing something requires judgment and mature behavior.

Everything is possible

Okay, let’s be clear on one thing – Whatever you’re doing, you can become much better in it. If you test your capabilities on a regular basis, you can fully exploit your potential and perhaps find a new hidden talent you never knew.

In the 20th century, people used their innovative nature to create airplanes, computers, copy machines, skyscrapers, cell phones, etc. You have the same opportunity as everyone else!

The “Five Great Lies”

Brian Tracy, one of the greatest motivators in the world, indicates that making excuses, is the worst adversary you’ll ever have.

Getting the ball rolling requires to become aware of the lies you are telling yourself and other people:  

You don’t have “enough time” – Who has your voodoo doll to control your moves? – Or, we don’t want to acknowledge the fact that we’ve been spending our time carelessly and ineffectively. Mozart, Alexander the Great, Tchaikovsky, Thomas Edison, all of them had only 24 hours a day, same as you.

What is your excuse? – Manage your time wisely, and you’ll find yourself on top of the world – that’s it. Experts advise that you should not underestimate your children’s imagination; learn from it and see how there are no boundaries in their minds.

You’re “too old or too young” – I am too young to make money, or too old to climb the Everest. Some celebrities discovered their craft for music or sports at the age of 5, and Colonel Sanders founded KFC at the age of 62.

Casting the numbers to the side acts as a motivational boost that will help you to speed up everything.

You’re “too busy” – Wow, you don’t need us telling you how often do we say this? – This is some sort of an annoying habit that haunts us and prevents us from doing all the necessary activities.

Don’t neglect your family, nor your “new invention.” Go for a walk with your partner, take your kids to the park, spend time on your latest discovery – you are never too busy to do those things.

You don’t have “enough money” – Well, it comes down to money, doesn’t it? – No! Financial experts argue that a person’s intelligence to spend and manage money wisely can make all the difference in defying the odds and living the dream.

If you don’t know how to cut some of the monthly expenses, and reduce your debt, ask assistance from a consultant.

You don’t have “enough knowledge” – In the age of progress and digital enhancement if there’s no scarcity of something – that would be information.

You are one click away from finding the all the necessary facts and data. There are almost endless of opportunities for you to explore. You can also take a course on the thing you want to learn, and absorb all the relevant information related to the topic.

Question the comfort zone

I want to get my college degree by the age of 23, get married in the next five years, have a few kids, get a job and establish a schedule from 9-to-5. Unfortunately, such dull routine doesn’t seem alluring for the brave ones.

Our comfort zone is the zone where nothing happens. It’s the place where we grow fat and old, the place where goals, dreams, ideas and ambitions fade into oblivion

Observe and criticize your decision-making, be realistic about your capabilities and find your breaking point. Once that balance breezes in, you’ll see how professionalism pops up whenever you execute a task, and you’ll no longer be forced to pursue success.

In the end, it’s vital to make trade-offs between risks, rewards, and opportunities.

Key Lessons from “Play a Bigger Game”

1.      Find the perfect balance
2.      You don’t have to adapt to the collective mindset
3.      Become the linchpin in your area of expertise

Find the perfect balance

Russian Roulette is a game invented in the Tsardom of Russia.

In this game, the potential risk and reward ratio is not well matched, but in life, without the ability to shot in the dark, from time to time, you’ll remain a mediocrity.

You don’t have to adapt to the collective mindset

You don’t have to settle down if you know all your qualities. This conventional path hinders your growth and delays your dreams.

Whenever for instance, you postpone your traveling plans, you are missing out on life, and all the challenges up ahead.

Become the linchpin in your area of expertise

If you want to wake up every morning with the biggest smile on your face, you have to become the person who can stand its own reflection.

Make changes; start saying the word “Yes” more often to become the “Doer,” not the “Whiner.”

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“Play a Bigger Game Quotes”

Surround yourself with people who are playing a bigger game. Find people who want the same things out of life as you do. Click To Tweet It’s great to come up with a vision, but dreams without action will always remain dreams. Click To Tweet It’s time to get rid of some of the rubbish you have been carrying around for years that is no longer useful. Click To Tweet If you share this time frame or deadline with others, they will keep you accountable. Click To Tweet The cotton wool society holds us back, putting us in boxes and applying labels that define us by our actions. Click To Tweet

Our Critical Review

It’s pretty evident that this book is highly practical and easy to follow. We believe that every person deserves to be a part of a bigger game, and allow spontaneity to burst in.

Embark on a mission to challenge your ideas, beliefs, and restrictions. You’ll find out that, it’s a bunch of foolish concepts that are keeping you down.

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